GWC Podcast #160: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Even though I’ve already posted a lot in this thread (Oh My! I’m actually the most frequent poster in this thread (perhaps I should get a life?)) , it wasn’t until this afternoon that I finally finished listening to this podcast.
Well done Chuck, Sean and Audra. You were perticullarly hysterically funny (and intersting) this week. “Whale Federation” “Who, you mean Nichelle Nichols?”.

Chuck you mentioned the cool 3D Enterprise images in the Remastered Trek TOS.
With that in mind, check out this cool screen cap from last night’s Trek Tuesday frak of “Tomorrow is Yesterday”

B&F Part 1 is the most recent released one. A complete list of episodes, including upcoming ones, is here. (If you’re new, skip the pilot. It was mostly a proof-of-concept. They get rapidly better after that.)

Is that a phaser in your pocket or are you just happy to see me…?

Yeah, I saw the pilot. Among other problems, they hadn’t yet grasped the concept that you shoudn’ t have background music in EVERY scene.

If you haven’t seen Exeter yet, check it out. (Although, beware the second one. It’s good, but Act IV has been delayed for frakin’ ever.)

Thanks for the tip!
Is Capt Garrovick related to Kirk’s former Captain on the Faragut (one would assume so.)?


Baltar’s profane Dad

Thank you! I knew I had seen that somewhere!

Yeah, good or bad, I am a TOS Trek Tart! I can’t wait till I can afford the entire run on dvd!

I have the pattern and fabric for my own Uhura outfit. Still waiting to be made! (my figure has changed, man!)

I can’t wait for the new movie! geekgasm

Dang! I cannot wait until the remastered TOS Blu-Ray comes out next month! That new time travel shot is sweet.

Ok folks, in another thread …The ST IV Rejected Titles thread
…I ranted a bit about how ST IV wasn’t my fav even though a great movie, and I (stubborn, obstinate bastard that I can be at times) even made a statement like “I think I even liked ST V better in some ways”.
We’ll I had not seen V in a long while, and I watched a little last night just to get into it…and …wow… it really has some problems, and those problems add up to make it a flawed movie…Yes, beloved of course cuz it’s Star Trek and also because it’s got some great Shatner energy running through it, but pretty darn flawed.

Now I’m not hatin’, and I agree totally with Chuck that V has a lot of great moments and lots of goodness about it…But I need to retract my statement about liking V better than IV. IV really worked, entertained and didn’t have any “cringe” moments. V, in contrast, has cringe moments a-plenty.

ThotFull – It is indeed a cringe-worthy film. As bad as V truly is, though, I must say if you watch the extra on the 2-disc collectors’ edition (which, yes, I shelled out good money for because I am a geeky completist) that shows Shatner having his press conference about the movie, you really feel sorry for the guy. He is alone, on the set of the bridge, in full Star Trek costume, looking very uncomfortable, having to pitch this piece of craaaaaaaaaaap that he knows they’ve just made, answering questions like, “How do you think your film will stack up against Tim Burton’s Batman” (released the same year).

I felt sorry for him, anyway. Watch it. Like a train wreck, you want to turn away, but you just can’t.

I was even more disappointed than most in Star Trek V, mainly because I happened to be living in the small town where they shot the “God’s” Planet sequences at the time, so I had a personal connection to it. But I gotta say this for it: It’s got one of the only realistic uses of Morse Code in movie history. Most of the time, you hear a quick pattering of thumps or beeps, and then the characters repeat back a paragraph-long message that couldn’t possibly have been transmitted that quickly. When Kirk, Spock, and McCoy have to slowly spell out, “S-T-A-N-D B-A-C-K”, it’s a nice touch of authenticity that also helps build the drama and humor of the scene. It also gives us a nice Scotty moment.
“Do you not know a jail break when you see one?!”

This talk of STV reminds me of my viewing the theater. I was on a semi-date with a non-scifi friend, but she was willing to indulge me and give the movie a chance. As alien characters started coming on the screen the conversation started to go like this:

Her: “Who are Klingons?”

Me: “They’re bad.”

Her: “Who are Vulcans?”

Me: “They’re good.”

Her: “Who are Romulans?”

Me: “They’re bad.”

When she finally asked, “Who are Terrans?” I knew we were in trouble…

Ha, so what’s the verdict, good or bad? :slight_smile:


Finally finished the cast on Thursday’s drive.

Boy, am I glad this was spring break, and I didn’t have it on in the bus!

Near the punchy-riffic end, y’all let it on out!

I love my GWC!

Nice points! It is true, even the worst episodes and films of Trek usually have some moments worth sticking around for. Though what that migh be in “Spock’s Brain” escapes me at the moment…!

LOL. It is interesting how infrequently the term is used in Trek. I prefer it, because it is more consistent, and more logical – I would assume every planet has a word for “earth” (i.e., the soil on which they stand) that could easily be a synonym for the whole planet (ie. “we stand on the earth.”). But, oh well. I guess they figured most of the audience would be like your friend, and usually decided against it.

I thought that’s what BSG was supposed to determine. :wink:

“Brain and brain! What is brain?!”

The writer claims that it was a joke story intended as a parody of what was happening to Trek at the time (third season.) He was dumbfounded when it was accepted, but he wasn’t about to turn down the check.

LOL! Great story.