GWC Podcast #152: BSG 4.5 Deadlock

I pity the Director & Producer handling such scenes where there are all the different Six’es in one shot. Must’ve been quite a headache!:smiley:

Althought I remember RDM praising the actor playing Cavil for getting all his shots right. I figure all the time playing Quantum Leap must have been put to good use, hey? :wink:

On another note, I hear Adama is not too keen on converting the old bucket into a CYLON hybrid ship. Then Chuck said something to the effect of Not in my backyard.

The first time I heard the phrase “Not-in-my-backyard” (NIMBY) was from playing SIMcity :stuck_out_tongue:

Adama needs a 12 step program…

Tho as a fellow BSG fan told me “If I were trapped in space, next to a mortal enemy that I had hated and fought most of my adult life, and my ship was falling apart…I might want to take a sip or two.”

I seem to remember that Bill’s drinking issue started a ways back, and Laura commented in that episode that “your liking that more than usual” but I can’t remember what the triggering incident was… Was that when Kara “died”? or was it before?

And I wonder if the pills he is taking are uppers to keep him awake so he doen’t dream…(if we ever get closer on his pills that is.)

THX, I’m pretty sure someone said RDM’s podcast identified them as pain pills. I’m sure his age is catching up to him.

Personally, with the final 5 hours of BSG ticking down on us…I figure all theories are going to go out the window anyways. I quit trying to figure stuff out and am just hanging on for the ride now. :smiley: Though I am still afraid that they will pull the “Ship of Lights” out their ass at the last minute.

Yes. Agreed. However RDM did not even know that Saul, Ellen, Sam, Tori and Galen were cylons until he decided it would be better that way…

I’m just sayin…

Oh, don’t I know it. And Tigh becoming a father was a spur of the moment thing as well according to Moore’s last 'cast, which I can’t believe is something you’d just wing. I agree that we should know what kind of pills he’s taking, because a popular theory for a while was that he was taking stims (hence the teeth-brushing and whatnot) before RDM dropped that one on his podcast.

With all our effort to foresee the Ship of Lights coming into play with the analysis of Starbuck’s Poo-Barge mural, I’m becoming more and more convinced that we’ve been seeing the Beings of Light all along in the form of the head characters. Especially now that we know the extend back to the FF cylons when they were on Earth…

Hooray for me!! cha cha cha

I am the super-awesome coolest!! cha cha cha

I’m in Florida, and it’s warm there’s no snow anywhere!! cha cha cha

And I’m sittin’ here listenning to Podcast #152!! cha cha cha

And only a couple minutes in I got mentioned on the podcast!!! cha cha cha

Audra said something like “Thotfullguy on Twitter said the new Mass Effect trailer is awesome!” cha cha cha

I’ve never played Mass Effect and never heard of it other than on the podcast!! cha cha

But I don’t care because I got mentioned on the podcast!! cha cha cha

I am the super-awesome coolest!! (and Audra is cool too)–cha cha cha

Thotfullguy may have got mentioned… but did they cry Wuff? heheh… :p;)

I wanted to add that you guys do bring u parts of the episode that I forget, and when I don’t like an episode especiallymuch (like this one), it’s nice to be reminded of what I did like. Beyond Tigh/Adama drunkenly weeping at each other, I had forgotten about the Cylon Memorial Wall, which was a fantastic moment as well that really struck home the point of the episode, that they’re all in the same <sorrybarb> now.

WOW! I like it!

Yay! I’m right there with ya- well, not on the lanai, but in spirit! lol!

…and uh, while you were gone… :smiley:

Upon re-watching Deadlock, the Head Six white dress is prettier. I like the black details on it. I think my initial very negative reaction is that it looked like it was going to fall off in the first scene. And having worn my share of dresses in that style over the years… it’s a concern. Which can make wearing them uncomfortable.