In my opinion, the best bit of information gained from this episode is the revelation of a ‘Seven’ model.
From what we know of Kara, I think the likely-hood of her actually being a form of this seventh Cylon is very unlikely. First we know Daniel is a Male. Obviously Kara is Female (Unless Lee, Anders and Zak all share a big secret). The destruction of the Sevens and the manner in which it was done would leave very little time for anyone to manipulate the line in order to hide one of them in a different looking body (If any of the FF knew that Cavil was going to do this, I doubt they would have been tricked into the airlock to die by his hand).
So, if we are shown the Seventh model, I believe it will look exactly like the original Seven Cavil killed off. Also, I doubt that Cavil would have wanted to change one of the Sevens into what Kara is now. He hated the Sevens, so much in fact, he completely eradicated them from existence. He wouldn’t have wanted to teach the sevens a lesson (He only wanted to teach his makers and the humans a lesson).
My Thoughts on the Sevens:
We do know the Daniel series was artistic. I checked episode 202, Valley of Darkness. When Helo and Kara return to her hold Apartment, Helo asks her if she made the paintings decorating the room. She tells him she did. BUT, when she plays the Piano solo on her CD Player (?) he remarks ‘I know that isn’t you’. She replies, ‘No, that is my father’ (The person playing the piano).
I think Daniel is Kara’s Father. Due to the changes made my John Cavil, the Daniel line was destroyed. I don’t think the discussion between Cavil and Ellen about the Daniel’s can conclude that it is impossible that one could have escaped or been unaccounted for before the ‘boxing’. The discussion leads me to believe that a few Daniel’s were created before John Cavil sabotaged the mass production line and he believes he killed them all.
One thing we don’t know about is the biological relationship between Cylon parents and their children. If the children of cylons gain similar talents from their parents, that means that perhaps Kara gained her artistic talent from her father, Daniel.
On a side note: We do know Kara’s mother was in the military during the first Cylon war and had a drinking problem. She was also very critical of Kara. In ‘The Farm’ it is insinuated that Kara was abused as a child and she shouldn’t have children. We don’t know much of anything about Kara’s father.