GWC Podcast #145 (Live!)

Rolling on the Floor Laughing My sorryBarb Off (why the frak do I need abbreviations, what am I’m a tweenie bopper?).

That was awesome. Yeah, I would have been the same talking to RDM.
I’m except even my words would be gibberish “shaduba yibbitmaw vabbabddaba…”

Boy was that funny.

Totally. “You know how you reimagined BSG? Awesome! And the end of Revelations? That was awesome!”

Just reaching the end of the 'cast. When Moore takes the phone, it’s the GWC equivalent of the Battlestar jumping into the atmosphere on New Caprica.

Kat was kool.

“Battlestar Watercool-est.”

ps. if you haven’t seen it yet, Maureen Ryan’s Chicago Tribune big BSG piece is a total must-read.

The feature part with the Ron Moore has some vague spoil-age in it, so skim carefully. But after that, there are a some fascinating short posts from Bradley Thompson and David Weddle, the cats who wrote Revelations and Sometimes a Great Notion. They have backstory about where some of the ideas came from and how the two episodes came together under budget restrictions and the threat of the writers’ strike and hellstorm weather. The quote “Fortunately, 90% of ruins still looks like ruins” struck me as extra-nifty.

pps. The article has a link to a story about Ellen (actress Kate Vernon). Her dad was Dean Wormer in Animal House. And she played one of the bitchy rich girls in Pretty in Pink. I know full well I’m old, but after that last piece of information, I feel extra-older. Don’t get me wrong: She’s still – as the piece says – one helluva “cosmic cougar,” and I’d do well to look half that good when I reach that age.

Great podcast. I missed the whole thing “Live” due to travelling.
Watched the episode the next day.
WHAT A FRAKKING RIDE !! I’m still in shock.

Wow, the guestlist of this episode was astonishing! And not just because I can never get enough RDM.

It’s called Lost.

Sigh. Okay. Everyone else said that also.

I read somewhere that the Larry-esque Cylon head they found was a callback to an earlier attempt to bring back BSG.

FBC, you’ve always ALWAYS been my favorite. So when you say it it’s better.

Been rewatching Great Notion a bit at a time. Wow. Great stuff. The Starbuck sequences are spellbinding.

Gotta say it was great hearing Audra have the chance to thank RDM for being the inspiration behind this great community. Granted it really falls on the hard work and dedication of Chuck, Sean and Audra, but it was nice to hear the Muse get thanked directly.

Also on the topic of Adama being somewhat culpable (okay, maybe too strong a word) in Dee suicide because he took to long to rally the troops as it were. His slow response is actually fitting with his character. He is a very strong leader, but often he needs to be told when a new direction is called for. It was Roslin that told him it was time to cut and run after the initial Cylon invasion, yet he once he came around he was the one to find a way to make it work. I think the same can be said here. Lee and Tigh seemed to have shake him out of his commitment to Earth, yet once he realize it was time to move on he found a new theme for which people could rally around. That is likely one of his combined strengths and weaknesses; he may not be the most flexible but he also can make a decision and stay with it…

…and I just now finished the podcast. I liked Audra’s mentioning about how complex civilizations can last an any moment in time, and that’s even true in Earth history. At the moment we can be quite comfortable in knowing that we currently are the most complex or maybe better to say technologically advanced civilization to have ever existed on Earth. However, that has not always been the case. I’ve always found it fascinating how the knowledge that the Ancients were much more advanced affected the mindset of Medieval Europe…

I will try to live up to that lofty goal…

Agreed dxf. “What am I?” Katee puts so much emotion into those three little words, it’s haunting, and gut-wrenching. And watching Leoben, always so devoted to the idea of Starbuck’s destiny, abandon his beliefs out there in the tall grass, just stunning. Great work by both actors!

I agree. That line could have had a lot less impact were it not delivered with such conviction

This is my first post, though I’ve been a long time listener. What compelled me to write? My need to vent.
They killed off D.

I’m so mad I could scream. AARRRRRRGGGGH!

Thanks, I feel better now. :smiley:

I want to thank all the new and relatively new people to the forum: MizzLaraCroft, LisaSLC, daSnarf, Rig, Kag1, TTL Nodak, Hiker, lls_mutant, Hypatia, Jonesy, WeatherTopFarm, Ethan, Merry K, J*Spawn, Keith Z-G, and tikkachic - and I’m sorry if I didn’t get to everyone or if I welcomed you twice!

I just wanted you all to know we’re glad you’re here, and hope you enjoy the podcasts!

Welcome aboard tikkachic (and anyone I’ve missed!)

Thanks for the welcome! Glad to be aboard!