GWC Podcast #141 (Bonus)

It’s Monday, so it must be time for BSG 4.5 ’sode #8. Highlights: we recognize Crazy 8’s crazy eight-ness, appreciate Hoshi’s dedication (and will to quit when the time’s right), debate BYBBQ8’s trustworthiness (based on her conflicting statements), discuss the best way to ‘off BYBBQ8, wonder if Racetrak’ll find Racetrackworld (where no one ever loses keys or a sock), and begin the BSG 4.5 windup with a discussion of true waiting — Trek fans holding their breath between TOS Season 3 and ST:TMP.

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What a 'sode…and a good cliff hanger to boot. And Felix has more than one tattoo who knew…

Im a bit confused, but is there any reason for BYBBQ8 to kill all those people?
Or is she just crazy?

The “I chose you let me kill folks for air” thing is not a good excuse.

So anyone who may be a devils advocate please weigh in

She is “Psycho in love” with Gaeta and wants him to have lots of air. The others were just wasting the air. I half expect her to kill herself next.

But i dont completely buy it that she killed them.

I am still kinda hoping for the Gaeta is the final Cylon and is unconsciously offing everyone, ala Boomer planting bombs in season 1.

Y’know, if I’m in an airtight vehicle, and the clock is running, you’re all fair game.

I’m just sayin’.

Are you saying that you’d want to do it one last time before you kick the bucket?

With Crazy Eight? You betcha.

You’d have to go, 'cause I’d need the oxygen.

Got me. Especially when she knew she could jump back. I mean, there were how many hours left on the clock there? Why not just SAY “hey guys, there’s this thing I can do, should I try it?” If I was one of the redshirts, I’d sure be dubious, but I’d take a chance that we might live and a chance we might die over certain death any day of the week.

I’m still trying to figure out how the Cylons couldn’t figure out that Gaeta was working for the Resistance. She obviously knew where his sympathies were lying, and although he didn’t succeed, he was actively trying to get people out from the Cylon detention center. From her perspective, that’s treason. I get that maybe she was getting info from him- and maybe she didn’t realize just how big a threat he was- but didn’t anyone put together that he wasn’t on their side? (Espeically when his doodles in Exodus 2 basically amounted to DIE, CYLON, DIE!!! Which, great undercover work there, buddy.) And Six and Gaius realized there was a security leak. Come on, sweetie. Take a break from murdering people and think a little, okay?

I’m enjoying the webisodes, but if I think too hard about them my brain starts to melt a little.

No, you see, I’m in such good shape, I can do while holding my breath.

The list is not life.
holy sh*t.

Wait, what?

Holy Frak!

My take on the list thing is that the Cylons may have wanted to know which of the Colonials actually served on Galactica or had military training. The list that Gaeta generated obviously had some number with it that could have served as some type of military ID. Also, given Gaeta’s position he would have a greater familiarity with the people on Galactica. I don’t think him providing the list and asking about their whereabouts outs him as the Resistance informant. It is perfectly natural for him to be concerned about the humans. Shoot, even Baltar was more concerned about the well being of the humans over the Cylons, its just that he cared for his own wellbeing most of all.

Anyway, I can’t yet tell if she used him AND actually has a thing for him too. Is that fake or not. If not then why the whole ruse? I guess we’ll see (at least those of us who haven’t already seen what’s been posted on Amazon).

of course, the list is resistance turn-coats.
It’s an Ellen Tigh thing on a huge scale.

Or the list was simply people that Gaeta cared about and had disappeared. So since she “chose him” she started killing everyone that he wanted to find out about on that (and maybe other lists) list. It certainly gets rid of any competition for this attention/affection, eh. He’d better kill her before they get back to the fleet or Hoshi is next!

I have to come to the defense of the eights. The only two eights we’ve seen go completely crazy all out is Boomer, and backyard BBQ Sharon. I think it is a bit unfair to say Athina is going to betray Adama,

The basic proof is in seasont hree. She went out with the thought she was going to kill her own people, and she did not just shoot Roslin or somthing when she found out they stole her baby.

I think for all eights to have a need for a stable relationship, and without it they will go crazy, would just be to easy an answer for thsi show to produce. THey ay have a tendency to need that stable relationship, but an eight has the ability to choose what they want, and the ability to choose what they do

the ability to chose that relationship must be a bit broken. “Crapbaggitude” is not far away for her.

Man, I love this place!

Great cast again, what am I going to do when were backto getting only one cast a week? As for the sode, I think we still have two left and crazy 8 may still have a little surprise for us, maybe Gaeta isn’t as innocent as we all seem to think.

however, the only person going after capbaggitude is Boomer. The whole mess of eights arn’t all diving on top of him…and thank God lol

Poor, poor Gaeta.
I’d forgotten about this (written before I knew he was gay of course).


I love Fun with Helo and Gaeta.