GWC Podcast #113

The GWC gutter has captured more of us.

Have you been hanging out with GalaxyRanger again?

Makes you wonder. I often talk to GR since I am up so early. Has he currupted me and I have not noticed? Has he changed my Matrix so to speek so I do not see the change? :eek:

Humphrey Bogart looked great in a trench coat even when not in a movie. Then again he was Bogie and we’re not.

I think the key to looking great is to get the original trench coat, developed by Burberry for British officers in WW I, and use the hand grenade rings for, well, hand grenades. That sends a pretty strong message.

Captain Jack does look good in a trench coat.





No not Doctor Who Capt. Jack.

Still it helps to have a cigarette - although I hear they are bad for one’s health.

Cigarettes are not cool anymore. I wish the teenagers new that.

Hey, what a coincidence! It so happens I watch Torchwood for the first time last night–the episode “Meat” (I assume it’s the pilot?).
So far so good. It doesn’t rank up there with Dr. Who, BSG, Firefly and the like, but not bad.

So do I. Actually, we could just go with fog and mist instead of cigarettes. Fog and mist are great for trench coats.

Now that kind of weather makes having a trench coat look more natural. Then they just happen to look cool. :cool:

All this talk of trench coats brings me back to my high school days in the '80 when it seemed everyone had one due to the New Wave influence. I had mine briefly back in the day… Never could get into The Cure though, ended up more of a Classic Rock through back and ditched the coat…

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to mention this. Sort of brings a whole new spin to “Kneel before Zod”, doesn’t it? :slight_smile:

Also in PQotD was Guy Pearce, from Memento (he’s not in that picture, though).

Maybe a runner-up “arc” after the Matrix?

Also, one of my all-time favourite movie is Dark City. When I mention that movie in public, and I’m usually surprised to find that I’m met with a look of shock, disgust and derision. Why am I the only one who likes this movie?

Sweet! It’s official, Beave. You are totally not from Germany anymore.
About 5 minutes from the end of the podcast:

(referring to the “Sorry Barb” phrase.
Audra: “…she’s [Barb] become like an international Celebrity now.”
Chuck: “I wouldn’t exactly call New Jersey international, but…just kidding.”
Audra: “Well that’s where Galaxy Ranger is from.”
Chuck: “New Jersey?”
Audra: “Yeah”…<laughter and giggles>

Oh great. I was actually listening to the podcast earlier and had to stop to play soccer with my little brother.

I guess I’ll have to call in to refute those claims. I was gonna call in a Matrix-related book tip anyway.

Tell them you have a leather trench coat. That may be somewhat persuasive.