maybe if it was the current pope. You can just tell from the look in his eyes.
(photographic evidence)
maybe if it was the current pope. You can just tell from the look in his eyes.
(photographic evidence)
Old Timer! you found your perfect avatar!!
The new pope does look eerily similar to Palpatine in Ep.3 after his battle with Mace.
To echo Lady D… Your avatar rocks OT. Good choice.
I don’t have an answer to your questions, but why would NPR be a bad option? It’s not like I listen to it all day, every day… :rolleyes:
When I went to college, I even met other people who could hum along with the theme songs… move along, there’s nothing to see here…
I owe it all to RMHPH.
Hey Chuck, just began listening to cast #106.
If you want some more info on the Jedi/Sith, and their history, check this out: <br>
A friend of mine sent me there a while back. I don’t know who updates it.
But, if you have the time, it will surely answer some of your questions about the Jedi/Sith history.
Keep up the good work with the podcasts.
PS. Was I the only person who did not enjoy The Transformers movie ?
Yeah, I can’t remember exactly where I saw this. It was in one of the bonus features, on one of the Star Wars movies. But, Lucas, if I remember correctly, was a huge fan of Akira Kurosawa. And when he was coming up with the idea if the Jedi/Sith, he wanted to pull a little bit of his influence from the Kurosawa films. He also said that he really loved the look of the samurai. This also led to the look/attitude/etc. of the Jedi/Sith.
The whole idea of Lucas being racist really has no ground for me.
Maybe he secretly stereotypes certain races. (Who Knows ?!)
But, I would say the if there are any stereotypes to be found, any racial slurs/etc… in episodes 1-3, it’s completely contemporaneous.
And to agree with the other post about the Gungans living underwater. Yeah. That was totally cool.
And if you had a race of people living in underwater cities, the last thing I would think about them is that they were uneducated.
I love NPR! Sorry if that came across as a diss. I’ve been on a “WAit wait” marathon for the past week or so
Who if not a German would run the Death Star?
Oh my Godz (no offense Mr. Pope), that is hilarious. Is it TMI to say that your made me wet my Jedi shorts?
If the German’s designed it then that would be a problem for Luke.
The German’s would never have left a weakness for Luke to blast the DS to bits.
That said, the Germans would have so over designed it that it never would have been completed on time or on budget
On the other hand, as GR no doubt knows, the battleship Bismarck likely had a design flaw at her stern that allowed her to be crippled by an antiquated torpedo from an antiquated British biplane (sound familiar?).
OMGs! That is frakkin’ great. I love the email from Emperor Palpatine to Nardo.
“You are responsible for designing my Throne Room, yes? …I ask you this: Why is there a chasm in my room?”
Yes, and if my knowledge of history serves me, I believe that the British pilot who fired that torpedo refused to use the targeting scope. His co-pilot Juan Obie told him, “Trust your feelings, Luke. Use the Force”.
That indeed is the legend. And given the accuracy of British targeting scopes in the late 1930’s an excellent move.
Hm. I just thought of something, now hear me out.
A Polish destroyer, the Piorun, spotted the Bismark and relayed it’s position to the British Navy. Thus. Polish = Bothans
Yes I know, I’m a genius. Bow before my deductive reasoning skills
Except it was the Swedish destroyer Gotland. I have no idea why I know this stuff.
Because you’re old, and that’s what old people do: correct the ignorance of kids by using your vast array of useful/useless collection of knowledge.