During the hiatus we’re delving into some other stories, and this week marks the beginning of our Star Wars podcast arc — and our re-watch of Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Highlights: we discuss what the Trade Federation is, why Naboo is remotely important (and why you should care), see midi-chlorians as Star Wars’ glowing cylon backs, question Anakin’s “virgin birth,” note how the Jedi could’ve saved the galaxy for a few creds by buying Anakin’s mother out of slavery, decide it’s OK to say Natalie Portman is hot because she’s over 21 now (and that Anakin’s “are you an angel?” line totally works), hear part one of Sean’s Yoda rant, and compare pod racing to NASCAR (Tusken sugar-water/pot-shots at racers = Talladega beer/boobs).