GWC Podcast #103

So say we all. Or at least a good number of us.

I would have to respectfully disagree. Honestly it was Audra’s occasional forays into the academic that kept me coming back to this podcast. (Not that Chuck & the Reverend aren’t highly diverting in and of themselves, but I’ve always thought Audra brought something special to the mix–even before I met her in person :)) Many of the discussions here on the forum, and before that the blog, have been esoteric in nature, drawing on the diverse expertise and experience of the community. I constantly learn from the 'coolerites, and I don’t think I’m alone in this sentiment.

If you read some of my messages you know that I do not believe in race just ethnic or cultural backgrounds and individuals. If we do not talk about some subjects they become underground and misunderstood. I do not like putting people in little slots because of what they look like. So, bringing up some topics helps everyone reflect on their own feelings and learn from others. Just a point what race are you against (or they say you are against)? Obama is mixed. Maybe those who called you a racist would have learned from this discussion. So please keep listening because all can learn from each other. Yes, I am a teacher too.

Rant off. :cool:

Now what was that about Helo!

And sort of looked like the BSG logo.

Im glad you guys didn’t skewer me, cause I feel like I definately rocked the boat. Instead of people bashing each other it turns into a intelligent debate. That just goes to show how great the Watercooler community is.

Oh and were you asking me about Helo? I happen to be a card carrying member of the anti-Helo club…I think the tables have turned against me on that one.

gosh, I’d never have guessed, reading your sig :wink:

Amen to that. A great big “Ditto” from me.

I was going to call the show but decided not to. So I’ll just post my thoughts here. Remember these are just my thoughts and I’m not here to argue them as fact. Because in the end right or wrong a persons perception of a situation is their reality.

So you can better see where I am coming from, I am of mixed race. My mother is white and father black. I tend not to be overly sensitive to racial issues and I hate when people use race as a cop out ie; Your doing this because I’m______(fill in the blank).

But there are some things as a minority that I do key in on and in movies and T.V. are one of them. To me it always seems blacks are typecast into certain roles in American T.V. and movies. The type of movie or show will generally dictate the archtype. For example in police action movies. It always seems you have the black Captain or Sergeant who enjoys yelling at the heroes for doing xy or z. Other archtypes include:

The Comic relief, the “no nonsense” speak her mind female, wise elder, spiritual figure, Gang member/drug dealer the partner (who dies and needs to be avenged), or the first to bite it in horror movies or action flicks and last but not least the black children who are raised by stable white parent(s).

And it’s not just limited to blacks, it can be the Asian who is the “Master,” or Sensei or tech guy. The “hot” Hispanic female, The Native American Savage the list goes on.

As for race in BSG I think they have handled it well, all though I do feel they fell into that typical Hollywood typecasting a couple of times. The only times I felt they fell into this was, (sorry I forget her name) but the religious representative from Geminon and Elosha. I don’t think it was meant to be that way in the BSG universe. BUT in the REAL world you have writers and casting directors who seem to use the standard Hollywood stereo type mold to round out supporting cast.

I guess my point in all of this is to help you see it from a person of colors point of view. Because like it or not, good or bad, minorities in Hollywood are typecast a lot of the time. People need to understand it’s not the the fault of universe that our heroes/villains play in. Its’ the fault of the casting directors and writers who allow the cycle to continue.

Now here’s my racist view. Is it me or do all those skin jobs look alike :stuck_out_tongue:

They’re all hot. ('cept Cavil and Doral).

Holy Poop!

Wha’ Hoppened?!

#1 Audra can lecture, teach, pop quiz, flay, whutevah da heck she WANTS!

I will listen. I will learn. I will discuss. I will grow.

#2 see #1 :smiley:

All are welcome to take part in the kind, friendly, intelligent, fun, and lively discussions!

All are welcome in the light…

Well, like I said, I didn’t mean to insult Audra at all.

In retrospect I shouldn’t have made that post at all, since I was still in a bad mood after being accused of being racist for not being an Obama supporter.

I wont delve into politics, but some of my close friends are huge Obama supporters (one of them works for the campaign too) and when you get accused of being racist just for saying that you do not support someone, without being given a chance to explain your reasoning, just isn’t fair at all. And I know this isn’t an isolated incident, Ive heard other people get accused of the same thing plus, there are even accounts in the news where newscasters have hinted that the people who aren’t supporting him are only doing so because of his skin color.

I wont deny that there are some people so ignorant that they would let color alone keep them from voting, but I have my own opinions and views to support my claim and if we want people to stop getting angry over race, pointing fingers at people for not jumping on the bandwagon is not a good way to go.



I would respectfully disagree with you AirborneAce. I was taught by someone who I respect to, “always use other people’s brains.” Meaning: when someone is an expert in something it is always best to use that expertise to increase your own knowledge or allow them to perform an activity that you are not able to do.

With Audra, I welcome and enjoy her insights on a topic she is an expert in. I was unaware of the “Mammy” archetype and feel that I have learned something significant. The choice of “Watercooler” in their name is significant…a group of people with different backgrounds and expertise come together to discuss a common topic they all enjoy. You are free to accept what other contribute or reject it, that is your right. What is dangerous is to attempt to limit what people can say, because that creates a slippery slope.

It goes without saying, but an occasional reminder is always a good thing: they do this for the love of doing it. They pay in time, energy, equipment and bandwidth to create this community and the podcast. Your opinion is as important as anyone’s and should be voiced so we can start a conversation about it so we can learn together as a community. You holding back your thoughts and opinions is just as dangerous as Audra, Sean or Chuck holding back their thoughts and insights…it creates a powder-keg instead of adding to our foundation.

I look forward to the continued discussion. Constructive criticism and feedback are powerful tools when used thoughtfully.

Voting for someone because of their race is also racist. I still say ideas are free to exchange.

I am not so sure about your signature about Helo. :smiley: That we may have to discuss.

I always thot that was advice about feeding zombies. :rolleyes:

It is multi-purpose advice. Brains good. Need brains! Oh…tastes of astrophysicist…that will come in handy for discussing the episode!

Are you saying the 5th is a zombi? Is that why the parent must die so that … well you know. :stuck_out_tongue:

What a bunch of BUTT-CHEEKS!

uh, was that my outside rant? lol!

Well you are not alone, AA. I, too, have been guilty of the wounded rant. I usually remember to tell the kids on my bus that I’m cranky, etc., so they have a fighting chance to survive the route- :smiley:

And who do you feel safest ranting to? Well, that was apparently, us.

Oh, you’ll take a hit now and then (remember we are all cocked and locked- insert IYKWIM for GR currently in surgery- and ready to rock!), but embraced, nevertheless!

Fuzzy hug for the bad feelings you had. :o

Big squeeze of welcoming back from the dark side. :slight_smile:

love, me! b!

IYKWIM! (Oooo…that was lame. Help!! I need Galaxy Ranger!!! Get well soon, Beave!!):eek:

Sorry to digress here, but I noticed the “Schools out” in your sig. Is the school year really over already for your kids? We’re screwed here in New Hamspire because of all the snow days. Our school year is bumping up right close to the end of the June.:mad: