I’m gonna go with a certain theme for my team
Robot - Golden Bender
Scientist - Rod(ney) McKay
Warrior - Heavy Assault Teal’c
Alien - Blue Zoidberg
Cards to be up soon.
I’m gonna go with a certain theme for my team
Robot - Golden Bender
Scientist - Rod(ney) McKay
Warrior - Heavy Assault Teal’c
Alien - Blue Zoidberg
Cards to be up soon.
haha, i thought team OZ was great
but Tony Stark as a scientist is brilliant. now you get Iron man as well.
Greetings all,
As far as actual play goes we plan to do the first scenerio this or next week (I think) so you can see how to both set up “Team Tests” and how to score the results. I’m really looking forward to this, I hope Team Sean is strong enough to compete!
Sidenote: Also, hats off to those who have requested card templates and a most formal bow to those who’ve used it. It always make an artist happy when [Chuck voice on] he or she [Chuck voice off] can provide a service!
Sean I would love to make my own cards, but I must confess, I haven’t got a clue how to manipulate a graphics editing program. I am versed in the very basics of Paint essentially. I have Gimp, but all those options just confuse me tbh.
Ok, I’ve been explaining on and off how some of the rate scales work for the cards. It’s an excellent question. And this is about the easiest I’ve come up with to help narrow our teams skills down.
Ruling gods out, you are looking at 5 being a normal (average) human for everything except combat and special powers.
If they have some traits that are less than that - it would be under 5. Like Conan is much stronger than a normal human so str might be 7 or 8 but he’s not much in the brains dept. so thats a 2 or 3.
For combat a normal human is 3 and spl powers a normal human is 1. For those two catagories use your head and think where they might fall against a baisc Sci-fi threat and what they might do. Then fill in a spl power or two… funny counts here.
Also, try to be honest. It helps, so people aren’t pointing fingers at your so called “normal human” who is more powerful than a planet sized robot.
Hope that helps any looking to rate the skills of their chars.
Thanks for that. I want to make my own little team, just have to reinstall cs2 now that I have a baseline for abilities.
OK, I have a Hive Mind question that will open up the defintion of Robot a bit.
Do we consider Cylons to be Robots?
I assume you mean the humanoid ones.
We came at this from the other angle a while ago. I figure if they’re biologically compatible, even sometimes, they’re essentially human.
Now, ‘are they cyborgs?’ is another question. (and do cyborgs count as robots here?)
Here’s what my choice would be
Robot - Galen Tyrol (he counts right?)
Scientist - Shannon Foraker
Warrior - Malcolm Reynolds
Alien - G’Kar
So I wonder then, do we say that Larry the Cylon and Scar the Cylon Raider are robots? But Caprica Six, Boomer, Cavil etc are not robots?
You’re free to join our secret meetings…heck, i’m inviting you to our secret Cylon meetings now… it’s under the social groups thread…
Oh. My. Gods! There have been Cylons on board GWC all this time??
Well, here’s my team: When I have a moment, I’ll edit this post with the template Sean sent me.
Robot: Nomad (From Star Trek). Disintegrate beam. Mind wipe beam. A little crazed in the head. Weakness: Kirk can talk it into blowing itself up.
Scientist: Topher Brink from Dollhouse. A little quirky, and maybe a little specialized, but he can come up with some amazing stuff.
Warrior: Duncan Idaho (from Dune): Swordmaster of House Atriedes, Graduate of the Swordmaster School of Ginaz (the known universes most ultimate warriors).
Alien: Sarek of Vulcan. The most skilled and reknown diplomat of his era. His patience and his logic can solve more problems than a fleet of starships ever could. Served in the Vulcan Sciene Academy for many decades before becoming an ambassador.
If anyone has already picked any of the above already, let me know and I’ll change it.
Hmmm my thought would be that Larry is game but Boomer and the gang… not so much. If you can reproduce with a human that’s organic enough for me to say not a robot.
Now something like the borg, also based on human and still half human. Still can’t get there.
T1000, Robot. Cameren, Robot. Data, robot.
Juz my two cents.
Dude, we are so going to make you one of us, Rev. OG!
I wouldn’t call a hylon a robot but I don’t feel opposed to it.
Int - Hylon>Cylon
Str - Hylon<Cylon
Dex - Hylon>Cylon
Chr - Hylon>Cylon
Com - Hylon<Cylon
It is a trade off. Cylons are closer to Conan. Hylons are closer to Anna.
If someone is less familiar with the robot category in general I would say it is fair to allow it.
It seem as though the battles are going to depend greatly of the players knowledge of the characters and how they can use what is known about them in addressing whatever situation arises. Also explaining it well enough to get the votes in their favor. Is this a correct analysis?
I am also a little vague on COM and SPL.
Are we saying Combat is like a combination of speed, agility, stamina and skill?
How will one compare SPL? is it just subjective or do you compare to others with similar abilities? Perhaps a comparison to other characters in the same universe?
I may change my scientist gonna have to think on it!
Alright, changed my mind about my scientist changing the original posting!
that episode scares the crap out of me…
He is playing Fear afterall.
Im down with Team Rickman!