GWC Community V2 Team Discussion

Well, here’s a non-primary team that has a couple people I wish I had now that we’re a few weeks in.

Pilot - Jaina Solo or Tom Paris
Tech - Rodney McKay
Recon - Miranda Lawson
Martial Arts - Chuck Bartowski

Beyond the humor of Chuck’s probable reaction to Miranda, I see lots of potential for humor with Rodney not being entirely convinced of Chuck’s competence at first (especially if it’s SG-1 era McKay). I’d lose access to either the Wars or Trek tech base, but I think the comedy potential would be worth it.

“Thank you for stating the obvious, Chuck. Now how about you go back to your Buy More and tell old ladies that their CD-ROM drive isn’t a cup holder?”

Dude…you have Rodney on your primary team! :eek: And Cackleberry has Chuck on her’s. Tom Paris is also in play.

Yeah, this is more of an “I wish I could have” team, not an in play team. Chuck got picked up by someone else, and I didn’t realize how tough it would be to work Sarah into solutions until a couple weeks in.

Tom’s on my team too (and Jaina was instead until Sean made the eras call).

Ok, I thought you were trying to give away your team members!

Nope, can’t change them mid-draft and even if I could, Sean already did my cards twice. He gave me a version with Jaina as my pilot at the same time as he made the eras ruling.

Since everyone else is taken (I was joking about Carlisle Cullen).

Pilot: Ellen Ripley (Aliens)

Tech: Starr Saxon “Machinesmith” (Marvel)

Gotcha. Your team is updated in the Bracket now.

This team is too awesome for me, so I throw it out there for anyone to write for:

To fill the vacant tech spot for my team I choose:

Null ARC Trooper Captain N-11 ORDO

I’d like to offer up Team Pratchett:

Pilot: Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson - A sheer natural at just about anything (to the consternation of his superiors)
Tech: Leonard of Quirm - The brightest and most dangerous mind in Ankh-Morpork
Recon: Rob Anybody Feegle - Head Man of the Chalk Hills Clan of the Nac Mac Feegle. If you know what a Feegle is, you know why he’s perfect for the job.
Martial Artist: The Librarian - Ook.

Oh, nicely done.