GWC 3.0: The New Website

Anyone using Firefox and/or Chrome and seeing a scrollbar at the bottom?

Or, using a 'netbook (like me) and seeing the scrollbar?

Maybe I just have a tiny screen :slight_smile:


I use Firefox and I have a scroll bar at the bottom too. I’m sure there’s some kinks to still get worked out now that it’s up and running though.

Looks great and everything is easy to find. Great job.

I use Firefox and have no scroll-bar at the bottom. It’s probably a resolution thing (I hover between 1280 x 1024 and larger, depending on what I’m doing at the moment).

Oh, and as to the new design for the site? Well, I can only give my highest praise…


I’d love to know the answer to this too - as I do buy books and whatnot :slight_smile:

Paging Solai. This is a priority one. Paging Solai.

Looks really good guys! I agree that the iTunes subscription button should have slightly better contrast.

3.0 looks amazing. Props to you guys for putting that together. It’s a nice, streamlined, clean-yet-bustling look. Here is my stamp of approval:

Looks great guys.

The Awesome 3some have finally activated their creative skills~! I always wondered when would Sean show off his artistic, computer graphics chops.

WELCOME TO THE GWCmatrix 3.0. This site rocks! More than it ever has before!

PS I have some suggestions for a GWC shop :

  • an alpaca soft-toy that plays Sean’s dying-sheep noises everytime you pull its’ tail or something… heheh…

  • a t-shirt containing the most quotable qoutes from the podcasts

  • a t-shirt containing the many ways that the name of Sean O’hara is mispronounced.

  • a t-shirt of Chuck at the mall, looking pissed, parting the crowds like Moses, with the tagline, Bite me.

  • a t-shirt of Chuck with a gleaming CLYON(z) red-eye, with the tagline, Who you’re calling a phat ass? <sorryBarb and absolutely no disrepect to the Boss> :wink:

  • a t-shirt containing a collection of everyone’s unique avatars on GWC

  • a collection of Solai’s colonial dogtags, realized. :stuck_out_tongue:

  • a music CD of all of Audra’s tunes… like the Meow Marmalade, et al

… just the top of my head… :cool:

OMG!!!The site looks awesome guys!!!

Two weeks I’ve been here and the site is already better-looking. Very nice re-design.

Put me down for a t-shirt with one of the best quotes of the podcast. I would love it!

New site is some sweet action.

I’ve mentioned this on another thread in the eather of this forum, but it would be great to have an Amazon link on the main page, so that every time I buy, the GWC crew will get a cut.

Jeez, I don’t check for 4 days and look what happens! I think the new look is fantastic. I may try to resolve my issues with PayPal now just so I can send a little something to the Crew.

I embarassed to say I didn’t notice the new website until now. I always directly link to the Forum. Anyway the new site looks fantastic. Great work guys!

Either on the main page or they could now add it to the Support page.

Chuck says yes it still works. YEA! So anyone can still go into the Catalog thread and hit the link (if they haven’t saved it) to go shopping.

I can’t seem to find it. Could someone put a link to the link of where the link is so that I can order something from Amazon? :confused: