GWC 1st Annual Nat'l Meetup: March 20-22, 2009 (Frisco, TX)

I am totally in. Puttin in the PTO request today. and for a name…
Towelcon '09

Heh, now looking at it, it may be cheaper for me to get the boat over to seattle and fly from there… this might be doable…

Question 1: What airlines are good down there (or what ones should I avoid?)
Question 2: What hotels are good down there (or what ones should I avoid?)

All Nat’l Meetup Attendees! I need your advice:

We’re pretty certain that BSG will return Friday January 16th, 2009 (at 10/9C!), but I’m beginning to wonder if we’re going to have any idea when the finale will come until a month or less before hand. That could put a really big kink in our meetup planning.

What would those you think about just setting a date, say, the number of episodes after the launch plus a few spare weeks? I’m thinking if we could get the date for the massive meetup on the calendar, that’d let me go ahead and start doing a LOT more planning – like sussing out hotel space and deals for everyone, planning events, and so on. Plus everyone could start nabbing tix and space whenever the cash is available.

Personally, I think it’d be awesome if it aligned with the finale, but I’m more interested in meeting and hanging out with all of you than just seeing the finale. So given the option of maybe picking the wrong day, but giving more of you a chance to make it to the event, I’d go for it. But I’d like to know what you think. If you get a sec, would you let me know?

Personally I think leaving it for the March 20th date would be O.K. If the finale is that weekend great, if not then we’ll have a lot of discussions speculating about what will happen when it does air. I can’t think of anything that would bump the schedule but then I don’t know when the ratings weeks hit either.

Maybe Raemani or Solai or someone else on the Sci-Fi forums can try to hit Mrs. Ron up for more information on the schedule? :slight_smile:

Agreed. If it will be easier on everyone, just set a date now. It’s more important to get more people there than to synchronize with the finale. We can always do an in-person group rewatch of whatever episodes we want while we’re down there, right? Even the finale.

OK. After discussing this with a number of possible attendees on Emily’s after frak party yesterday – and reading the responses above – I’m going to go ahead and call the date:

GWC’s First Annual National Meetup (Cooler name TBD)
Location: Frisco, TX (Dallas)
Dates: March 20-22, 2009

I’ll now start working on finding hotel options, though a quick search today showed dozens of options for under $100, some of which are freakin’ brand new. I’m thinking we’ll center around the Frisco area because a) we’re here and can work everything out, b) as a suburb we’re seeing literally four or five new hotels completing now or between now and the meetup which means great, cheap hotels, c) because. :slight_smile:

In the meantime, everyone can start booking their tickets. You’ll want to fly into Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (DFW), and you’ll probably want to rent a car there. Texas is a right-to-drive state (kidding), but kidding aside, you’ll probably want to be able to get around on your own.

I’m going to start looking into options for activities, though obviously these activities will vary a bit based on attendance. As you book your tickets, please let me know so I can update my activities planning to accommodate the current numbers.

At bare minimum we’ll do a group watch of some sort – hopefully the finale on Friday, but something else if SciFi donks out – followed by some partying. We’ll throw in some side trips on Saturday and a group dinner Saturdy night. I figure we’ll finish with some kind of group lunch Sunday, so you might want to plan your flights out sometime after, say, 3:00 p.m. Sunday.

Anyway, that’s my current thinking. But one thing’s certain: the date’s set. See you then!

I wholeheartedly approve of this name for the national meetup.

Happy Dance! Happy Dance!

I’m planning to come. I’ll need some roomies, so ladies…who’s coming? I’m trying to convince Badger to travel with me because it would be fun, you should all meet him and my hubby really doesn’t want me to travel alone (more on that later). I’ve got my first $100 saved up toward the trip (birthday money). I have to be diligent in not overspending these next few months and I might have to ebay a few possessions I was going to get rid of anyway to raise the funds, but I’m coming whether hell or high water tries to prevent me!

Man. I think I’m gonna go, but I’m 20 so I don’t want to stomp on any bar going ideas. =/

No worries, mate. I can’t drink. We can be sober together. :smiley:

Oh, and did I mention I just booked my airline tickets???

I’m leaving Philly at the buttcrack of dawn on Friday the 20th & then I have to leave DFW at 8:25am on Sunday, unfortunately, but that’s what I had to do to use my hub’s freq. flyer miles.

Edit: Here are my flight details FYI. They’re a bit ugly, but that’s the best I could do, as I said, using the uber-restrictive frequent flyer miles through Delta to save money.

Fri 3/20 Northwest Airlines Flight 2043 Depart Philadelphia 6:25am then Arrive Minneapolis/St. Paul 8:26am
Northwest Airlines Flight 3665 Depart Minneapolis/St. Paul 9:10am then Arrive Dallas/Ft. Worth 11:51am

Sun 3/22 Delta Airlines Flight 6758 Depart Dallas/Ft. Worth 8:25am then Arrive NYC/Kennedy 12:43pm
Delta Airlines Flight 6289 Depart NYC/ Kennedy 3:00pm then Arrive Philadelphia 4:15pm

As a public service, please be advised that DawnAZ in no way approved this message. Thank You.:smiley:

Oh, and count me in as a definite attendee! The XO will almost positively be attending too!!

WOW!! I am stoked that so many GWCers are making plans to come meet up!

Like Chuck said, Dallas isn’t a big tourist destination, but there are something like 2 million people in the area, which means there’s still plenty to do. Plus, the weather here in March is pretty nice - low to mid-70s in the day, 50s at night. You know, like Canada in July! :wink:

I’m getting really excited about this. There are a lot of great restaurants around town, too (though New Yorkers may find the selection pales to their hometown!) and we’ll make sure there’s plenty of fun stuff to do that weekend. Yeah baby!!

My attendance is still up in the air - pending some other plans with the Bunnies for that weekend.

But once we nail down that date (for the other plans), I will have a better idea if I can make it. Now if I could just find airfare for less then $300 - yes I looked already.

You guys are hilarious. Now if you could get Jamie there the attendance would sky rocket (I would be bringing lots of Bunnies with me)


heh it looks like with connecting flights or boats, i’m looking at about 9 hours travel time… guess i’d better load up on gwc episodes.

still a question of money, but if i can make it work, i’ll be there.

I can’t remember! Has CoolerCon been floated, yet?

lol! I can’t wait! This is frak-tastic!

We gotta do t-shirts or something!

I’m getting ready to flood ebay with past comicon trophies!


I am poor so money will be the only thing to stop me from coming. I will have to check on flight cost. If I can come I would like to share a car and room. I may just be getting my hopes up but I will look into the costs.

You could always have one in Florida. :rolleyes:

Basically, I am in the same boat as Leah. If I can get the funds together, I will be there.

I’m definately going. Maybe a seperate thread needs to be started to help those who will need to share a room/car can hook up? It might help coordinate preferences i.e. price, smoking/non-smoking, etc.

I don’t tend to be particularly involved with the forums but I love the show and think everyone is great. I noticed that the people who are going are really active on the forum and just wondered if those who tend to lurk are welcome too?

I promise I talk more than I write. :slight_smile: