I thought the song is sung by the other glee club, why is it named Kurt’s Teenage Dream?
That’s probably the most boy-bandish song on Glee ever
I think my favorites remains to be Only Exception, Taking Chances and Dream On… those were pretty awesome. But I can’t get Emma’s version of toucha toucha toucha touch me and Mercedes’ sweet transvestite out of my head for a month.
no wonder I enjoyed her performance of toucha toucha toucha touch me so much, Janet was her first role in LA, and she auditioned with the song for Glee.
man, i wish those two busted out singing Damn it, Janet…
saw the new episode. that is the most fun and touching wedding i’ve seen on TV. i am glad to see Finn out of his self-invovled period. the ending though was shocking… especially if it means we won’t see Kurt often.
I thought Carol Burnett was amazing as Sue’s mom. I grew up watching her show, which was some of the best comedy ever on TV in any era.
What struck me about this episode was how we got deeper into Sue, but she’s still Sue. I’m not sure how they manage that. She’s as layered as ever and I love watching everything she says and does.
The wedding was beautiful and joyous. Overall, a great episode. I agree with Solai, that the show is in a tight spot right now in terms of raising the plot stakes. Working toward competitions isn’t enough anymore, which is forcing them to do more character work, and I like that.
Mr. Shue in the RHS homage episode FREAKED me out. And I don’t know if the writers necessarily know how to write Will as a character - he just seems so inconsistent from episode to episode.
I liked the songs in that episode and appreciated them using RHS for the episode, but I don’t know if the covers were particularly good covers. Did like the Lips at the beginning though. That was cute.
loved the way Singin’ in the Rain looked (despite the budget issue, but that can be said for a lot of the song sequences in any given episode, so you know, whatever), but I hated the sound of that mashup. Kind of ruined both songs for me.
the last episode was all right, and I tend to have a soft spot for anything Kurt related, but FURT? Oh, Finn. Or really, Oh, writers.
I don’t know what to make of the Biest episode. It had a really odd conclusion.
For the Furt thing, when my account wasn’t banned on Kryptonsite for informing them that their widget is causing firefox issues back in season 1.0 of Glee, K-site glee fans had a special shipper name thread. And even back in season 1.0 they throw in Puckleberry in there. the writers of the show loves breaking the forth wall. Every single one of the shipper names mentioned in this episode was already made up by fans back then, including Furt.
It’s kind of like when Smallville threw in a “Lexana” head line, or when Supernatural dropped the “Wincest”. It just writers recognizing the fans in small funny ways.
I’m pleased with this week’s episode, a lot of growing pains. I am curious to see how Kurt fares in an environment that accepts differences, but as long as everyone wears the uniform. I agree with some of the comments that Will’s character is adrift right now. I hope they can fix that. Why is Puck getting so little air time? Is there an issue with the actor?
i am glad that we got to see Kurt, but are they going to keep going to that school and focus on kurt?
that private school accepts people’s personal preferences, but does not accept stepping freely expressing one’s opinions. it is a lot more structured and rigid.
Back at McKinley, Glee club was the island for free expression surrounded by the stormy sea. At the new school, glee club is no more creative than the uniforms they all have to wear. But I think the bird at the end is metaphor for Kurt growing into his new environment.
I enjoyed last week’s episode a lot better. I am glad to see Finn and Rachel worked things out. And the kicking of Will Shuester just will not end this season. Brittany is cuter in this episode than she’s ever been.
Asian kisses? wth is that?
it’s a good episode, but i just kept thinking back to last year’s sectionals and how wonderful that was…
i just rewatched the wedding episode. it still touched me on second viewing. that was an wonderful episode. it reminded me of how i felt about the pilot episode, beautiful, funny, and moving. and after watching that i just had to watch the next episode.
i’ve heard on gleeful podcast that the first season of glee was about “being yourself”, and the second season is about “being in a family”. I think at least for the last two episode it was very true. and i really enjoyed that aspect of it. rewatching with that in mind also made those moment very poignant.
I feel like I could fast forward through most of this season nowhere as good as last year. Puck wasn’t in alot of episodes and that whole thing with him and rachel seemed sloopy and forced just conflict for conflicts sake
Puck and Rachel got it on the first season too. It was after Finn and Rachel made out but Finn decided that he should stay with Quinn. Rachel is a very selfish person. Finn is the person that made her more considerate of others. adding those two up together, i am not at all amazed she chose to do what she did.
i’ve also been shocked sometimes by how mean people close me can be, for the smallest things too… it’s the thought of getting back at you, that seems really petty and scary. so i guess to totally get how Finn felt.
but the first 13 episodes of season 1 was more cohesive. there are great moments in this season (like the wedding). oh well, i still liked it.
I feel the same way. I mean I understand the constraints they are under, but it feels to me that they are focusing less on the story and more on the musical numbers. They should have a nice balance of both.
But I really loved the two episodes post Superbowl, especially the Valentines day one. Mostly because it had pretty great songs.
They are reusing the Finn, Rachel, Quinn triangles thing again, but so far it doesn’t feel too repetitive. I like how hard Puck is working to get Lauren. I really enjoy how happy Tina, Mike and Arthie and Brittany are. Wobblers are just freaking awesome.
I gues it’s only about time that they bring back the whole Will Emma thing. Hopefully we will get more Stamos.