FSL 3.0 challenge 1: Tribbles on the Water

Good afternoon and thank you to everyone for coming. As you know it’s completely voluntary to attend Hero/Nemesis group therapy so its really a statement about your continued commitment to understanding that you are all even here. As we have made some excellent progress these last few weeks I feel that you’ve come to the next step in Hero/Nemesis relations. It’s time for a group activity!

This is the Royal Party Time cruise liner Orgy of the Seas - and it has been invaded!!!

More specifically, it has pulled into dock and an invasion of the somewhat rare flesh-eating Tribbles has come ashore from the ship onto this rather peaceful looking island paradise. Luckily the meat ripping Tribbles have gone for all the geriatrics first as they are slower with a higher Quaalude to blood ratio. As the Tribbles ingested the blue-hairs it did slow them down some, thus we come to your window of opportunity.

Go to the Caribbean island in question and stop the Tribbles by working together!

Remember this is the spicy top note in an otherwise bland existence of muted misery and mediocrity for most of the poor souls who traverse the fathomless oceans astride a floating depravity barge - so the cruisers need to have a good time on their island visit! Mostly because Royal Party Time cruises doesn’t particularly want to stand behind it’s “fun time or your money back!” guarantee.

I hope all of you will embrace this exercise with the open minds each of has shown recently, sharing IS caring after all. Also you’ll want to arrange a water approach as Tribbles are natural air scenters and the smell of fresh meat will surely whip them into a frenzy.

Oh, and one more teeny thing before I forget, with love, I have one final request for you - no Klingons. After that whole Solai kidnapping thing a while back, Earth really can’t afford the bad galactic press.

Have fun kids!

Deadline: June 10th, 5pm Central, 6pm EST

Team Angels & Attitudes

Heroine: Lt.Commander Lisa Hayes (Robotech)
Nemesis: Minmei (Robotech)
Heroine: Sara Walker (Chuck)
Nemesis: Heather Chandler (Chuck)

Minmei: whining “What is Quaalude? Do I have any in my blood? I don’t want to die!”

Lisa: “Oh, Minmei. I thought after this time dealing with Protoculture you would have learned a thing or two. But you are just as dumb and annoying as ever.”

Minmei: “I wish Rick was here. He’d take care of this for me!” sniffle

Sara: “Is she serious?”

Lisa: “I’m afraid so. Minmei has never had any brains, common sense, or any ability to deal with life at all.”

Heather: “And you call that a Nemesis?”

Minmei: “Hey! I can take care of myself! Riiiiiiiiiiick!”

Heather: “Maybe we should feed Minmei to the Tribbles. That would be a show everyone would want to see.”

Minmei: cries hysterically

Sara: “And I thought dealing with my mother-in-law was difficult.”

Heather: “Just because you weren’t captain of the cheerleading squad….”

Sara: “Oh shut up Heather. I don’t hear you offering any productive suggestions.”

Lisa: “Ladies! We need to focus here. We have a major flesh eating Tribble invasion to contain, and an island full of Cruisers to entertain. We don’t have time to squabble! Now, does anyone have any suggestions?”

Sara: “We could call in a precision drone air strike and call it a major fireworks display. I can call Casey and Chuck back at Castle to arrange it.”

Heather. “There you go again, not able to do anything on your own. Always having to depend on your nerdy boyfriend…er HUSBAND and partner to save your big ass. I say we hack into the secret satellite defense system and destroy the entire island, all the Tribbles, the ship and the Cruisers with a strike from space. That would be entertaining for me!”

Minmei: continued hysterical sobbing “Riiiiiiiiiick! Come save me.”

Lisa: “That’s enough ladies! Minmei, I don’t have any idea what Rick sees in you, but you need to pull yourself together. Heather, you are just one cold fish. We are NOT going to destroy an entire island with civilians on it like the Zentraedi did. Sara, Heather is right, you need to take care of some things on your own. I mean, you WERE a top agent before you met Chuck, right? Start acting like it. Now here’s what we’re going to do:

Sara and Heather, you will take these protoculture powered motorized Synchron Canons, approach the island from the sea and set them up on the Tribbles flanks, reverse the discharge magnetism on their firing sequence and use them as force pushers to heard the Tribbles into the center of the island.

Minmei, once the Tribbles are in place, I need you to get up on a stage and SING TO THE TRIBBLES. The power of your voice will lull the Tribbles to sleep. And for whatever reason will also entertain the crowd and they will have the best time of their lives. Make sure you sing ‘This Is My Time To Be A Star’ and ‘We Will Win’ over and over and over again.

I’ll then come in with the SDF-3, have Veritechs load them into the cargo hold, and take them off the planet.”

Minmei: “Ooooooohhhhh! I get to sing? Yaaaaaaaaayyyyy! clapping and jumping up and down

Sara: “Sounds like a plan!”

Heather: “Seriously, Minmei is your Nemesis?”

Lisa: “Honey, I don’t make the rules, I just play the hand I’m dealt.”


Sara and Heather were able to heard the Tribbles into the center of the island without incident using the Synchron Cannons and Minmei sang her concert, both entertaining the Cuisers and lulling the Tribbles to sleep. Although Sara did have to stop Heather from sneaking off with the Synchron Cannons, the Veritechs, and the SDF-3 to try to sell on the black weapons market. The two are reportedly hugging and making up for now. Lisa and the SDF-3 transported the Tribbles off the planet and dropped them off on Kronos at the direction of Solai. Something about revenge for an earlier kidnapping and rape event. What will the Klingons do with the flesh eating Tribbles?….Well that is a story for a different time.


Team Muscle & Bone

Hero: Captain America
Nemesis: Red Skull
Hero: He-Man
Nemesis: Skeletor

Captain America looked unsettled. “They’re just innocent animals. We should try not to harm them,” he said.

The Red Skull spat, “Bah! Typical American soft-headedness! While they are contained, we should destroy them all at once with some poison gas.”

“Poison gas? That’s something you’d know all about, you Naz…”

“Enough you two,” He-Man said. “We have to work together or…”

Skeletor interrupted, “Right! Be ready, you muscle-bound oaf!”

“Ready?” He-Man asked. “Ready for what?”

Without explanation, Skeletor raised his Havoc Staff and muttered quietly in some arcane tongue. The staff glowed with eldritch power, and suddenly the sedate tribbles sprung to life, growling ravenously and moving abnormally fast.

“My God!” Cap exclaimed. “How is this better?”

Without warning, the hungry tribbles began turning on each other, devouring their furry brethren in a gluttonous orgy of mayhem. The sound of the feasting was so disquieting that even the Red Skull began to look queasy, while Captain America and He-Man merely looked on in abject horror. Soon, the ship was awash with blood, surrounding a single, huge, bloated tribble, which started lumbering slowly toward the survivors.

“Now!” Skeletor howled. “Do it now, you thick-necked fool!”

He-Man threw a powerful punch, knocking the fluffy monstrosity into space.

Scheiße! How did you know what he would do?” The Red Skull asked incredulously.

“What? The knocking it into space thing?” Skeletor replied, “He always does that. He’s kind of a one-trick pony.”


Team Hi-larious
Cartman [COLOR=navy]• Kyle / Dr. Evil Austin Powers[/COLOR]

in : “Adventures that can’t be read on the cast!”

Dr. Evil sat observing the scene before him stroking the hairless pussycat in his lap. He was already lamenting the decision to participate in this preposterous group therapy. Last time he did this sort of thing he had the entire group killed. What was wrong with being evil? Evil was cool. Chicks dig evil…and Culottes, chicks dig Culottes. “Number 2! Take a memo! Corner the Culotte industry!”

“Yes sir” Number 2 replied while assessing the Evil boardroom. “Should we call this meeting to order?”

“Gentleboys,” began Dr. Evil, “Austin, welcome to my underwater lair, you will find…”

“KYLE, THAT IS MY SEAT!” Cartman shrieked adding a shrill, “MEHMMM!”
“Shutup Fatboy!” Kyle replied. “I was here first!”
“Nuh-uh!” Cartman shoved
“Uh-huh!” Kyle retorted

Austin looked at the two struggling and was as perplexed as he was inexplicably aroused, “Woah lads. There are enough seats for all us cats. Even the shaved ones” Dr. Evil winced. “Mr. Bigglesworth isn’t a shaved pussy! he is hairless due to an…” “BORING” Cartman spat between punching and shoving Kyle.

“Stop it! You are making Mr. Bigglesworth upset! And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset, people DIE!” and with a swing of his arm Dr. Evil slammed down on an oversized red button. Everyone froze waiting for the other shoe to drop, but nothing happened.

Dr. Evil sighed. “Number 2, I thought we had the big red button fixed”
“We did sir”
“It’s not working”
“I see that sir”
“I will deal with your incompetence later. Now, here is my plan:” he leaned forward for effect said ominously “We nuke the island from space. It is the only way to be sure.”

“Woah, woah, woah, woah Dr. Evil” Kyle chimed in, “What about the tourists? What about those innocent people?” “Screw those hippies, who cares about them?” Cartman replied taking Kyle’s distraction as an opportunity to kick him off the chair. “Right. Now you listen here!” Austin said calmly, “the point isn’t to kill everything and everyone. The point is to work together. Compadres. Sympatico. On the same team. Let’s have a little mojo in our dojo.”

Dr. Evil stared at him blankly. “Really? Mo-jo.” Deadpan. “Mo-jo. Mo-jo in the do-jo? That’s your plan?”

“No, that isn’t my plan” Austin smiled, “but I have an idea mates and if we work together this just might work.”

“Yes, yes, gather around!” Austin yelled through the megaphone. “First, drink it in loves” and holding his hands over his head slowly turned around wearing only a flesh colored speedo in front of the crowd of tourists. “It chafes a bit but keeps my kibble in place.” Five-thousand people stared at him blankly. Somewhere a dog barked. “Right,” he breathed in, “moving on. The reason I’ve asked you here has nothing to do with an infestation of carnivorous beasties that may or may not have already devoured anyone over 65”

A gasp rippled through the crowd. A child asked, “Where’s Grandma?” Panic began to spread.

“DUDE! WEAK!” Cartman said kicking Austin in the shin.
“Woah, what?” Kyle reached out and touched Cartman’s arm. “Dude, I actually agree with you” he said in a shocked tone. They looked at each and for a moment and for that second they didn’t hate each other. This passed quickly. Cartman grabbed the megaphone from Austin and said at the crowd,

“Attention! People! Attention!” when no one responded he growled to himself and screamed, “RESPECT MY AUTHOR-i-TY!” and shockingly everyone froze. “NOW LISTEN! WE. HAVE. PUNCH. AND. PAAAH. ON. THE. SHIP! GET ON THE SHIP, NOW!”

Austin furrowed his brow, “Em. Cartman. Mate. Hi, how you doing? Right. Isn’t part of the therapy not just to save these blokes but that they need to have a good time?”

Cartman nodded sagely and yelled through the megaphone, “…AND HAVE FUN YOU HIPPIES OR YOU CAN ALL SUCK MY BALLS!”

“O-kay then” Austin said shaking his head as he watched the last of the tourists cross the gangplank onto the ship. Beneath his feet the ground began to rumble. “What the bloody hell?” was all he could get out when Kyle and Cartman both pointed toward the shoreline and screamed. A massive rolling wave of blood thirty tribbles rolled towards them at an unbelievable speed squeaking and chirping the entire way. Austin held his two-way wrist communicator to his mouth and yelled, “NOW!”

“Now, really?” Dr. Evil smirked to himself sitting quite safe in his underwater lair. “What incentive do I have to save you and those stupid tourists?”

“C’MON MAN!” Austin panicked as the tribble wave approached closer, “IF YOU DO THIS WE GET A GOLD STAR IN GROUP THERAPY!”

“We get it? We?” Dr. Evil feigned a yawn.


“All right then, if you insist I get it” and with a flick of his wrist pressed the giant red button. The lights dimmed in the lair as a massive amount of energy was instantly funneled from capacitors stored under the sea floor. A thousand beams of pure light shot up through the ocean, blasting through the atmosphere and straight towards the moon. Everyone on the ship looked straight up at the symphony of beam dancing across the horizon. Even the tribbles seemed to slow down a bit in awe of the spectacle in front of them. “Full steam ahead!” Kyle yelled at the boat’s captain.

As the boat pulled away from the dock the energy beams reached the moon and were instantly absorbed by a parabolic dish imbedded in the surface. After a moment the beams combined into a high-power “laser” and at the speed of light returned to the island obliterating it instantly.

“Holy shit dude” was Kyle’s only response as the island went from a lush paradise to an instant wasteland.

“HAVE FUN DAMMIT!” Cartman yelled at the tourists on deck, “WE ARE GETTING GRADED ON THIS CRAP!”

“Well done baby” Austin afforded himself a smile while speaking into the communicator, “well done.”

“Nuke 'em from space I said.” Dr. Evil a little smugly, “Looks like I am right. Again.”

“Gold star for you old boy, gold star for you” he said smiling as the ship set off to sea. As he turned he gasped as he saw the name of the cruise liner emblazoned across deck: The Orgy of the Seas. “Yeah, baby! YEAH!”

Team Lobster
Sherlock - Moriarty - Goliath - Xanatos

The cruise ship Orgy of the Seas was certainly living up to its name. It was well past 0200, ship’s time, and the drinking, gambling, and carousing was still going strong in the ship’s main casino. Liquor, dice, and clothing flew about with equal abandon. In the corner of the room, a thin, pale gentleman sat, oblivious to his surroundings. The debauchery held little interest for Sherlock Holmes. He was reviewing the facts of the case.

The first death had occurred two nights prior. He used the term “death” because murder implied human involvement, which he had not found any evidence of so far. A gentleman had been killed in his stateroom and devoured by an unknown animal. No claw marks had been found that would suggest a bear or jungle cat had been involved. The teeth marks he had found where the flesh was stripped from the bone were so tiny, they couldn’t have been made by any animal larger than a guinea pig. Holmes knew of no guinea pig that could consume a 280 pound man in a matter of hours. Some hair had been found, be he had been unable to identify its source.

The other crime scene was similar to the first, except a family of four had been dispatched, devoured, and, Holmes presumed, digested. Identical hair was found in that stateroom, but there were no signs that an animal large enough to be capable of the had been inside.

In both instances, the guests staying nearby had heard and seen nothing, and an examination of the ship’s security footage had been fruitless. The ship had been searched bow to stern, but the crew had only turned up a few rats.

Sherlock had explored the cargo area himself a hour earlier, using a pass-card that he had “borrowed” from his stateroom steward, and had made a rather startling discovery. There was a large, unmarked vault deep in the ship’s hold. It was made of titanium and featured an very sophisticated locking mechanism involving retinal identification. And there was something alive inside. Though muffled, he could sounds: heavy feet on gravel, pounding, and the occasional roar. Even more alarming, he could swear he heard a human voice inside, though he couldn’t make out the words.

A detailed inspection of the vault and the lock left no doubt in his mind who it belonged to. The lock was made by only one company in the world, and that company was owned by the same man who owned Orgy of the Seas, Royal Party Time Cruise Lines, Ltd., and who happened to be on board the ship this very night. The man he had come to the casino to meet.

Sherlock looked up just in time to see David Xanatos, the billionaire industrialist, slide into the booth across from him.

“I’m told you wanted to see me?” Xanatos said curtly. He was well-dressed in an Armani tuxedo, but Sherlock could tell he wasn’t here for the party. “Mr… Holmes, is it? Captain Backus wasn’t very happy that you woke him out of a sound sleep.”

“I apologized to the Captain,” Sherlock said, “But I wasn’t able to find a way into your quarters. In fact, I wasn’t able to find your quarters, on any blueprint of the ship.”

“When I travel, I prefer not to be disturbed. When I commissioned this ship, I included several… modifications, tailored to my personal needs.” Sherlock was familiar with Xanatos and his unique tastes, such as the Scottish castle he’d relocated to the top of his skyscraper in Manhattan. Sherlock was also aware of the billionaire’s criminal history, including receiving stolen property, for which he’d recently done time in prison. Xanatos had also been tangentially related to a number of suspicious events, including the death of a prominent geneticist and reports of several missing persons.

“I supposed those modifications include the vault that I found in the cargo hold. Tell me Mr. Xanatos, what’s inside?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Xanatos said flatly.

“Oh, come, come, Mr. Xanatos,” Sherlock clucked, “I know you own the vault. I know you know what’s inside the vault. And I know you opened the vault as little as ten minutes ago.”

Xanatos stared at him, but his face was as expressionless as the pros at the poker tables across the room. “And just how do you figure that?”

“The lock on the vault can only be opened by retinal scan. In order to scan a retina, a bright light must be shone through the pupil, to take a complete image of the retina itself, which takes several seconds at the least. During this process, the iris reacts to the bright light and begins to constrict. It’s an autonomic response, and a consensual one: both eyes react the same, even if only one eye was being stimulated. The lighting in this room is quite dim, so your irises should dilate to take in more light. Yet your pupils are quite constricted, indicating that at least one of your eyes was exposed to a bright light. And you’ve kept the left side of your face turned towards me throughout our conversation, indicating that you are using your left eye more than your right. After the captain told you I wanted to see you, you had to make sure that the contents of your vault were still secure before you met me. You don’t like to be taken by surprise. I imagine you’re still seeing a few spots in the right eye, am I correct?”

“Bravo, Mr. Holmes,” Xanatos smiled. “That was very impressive. Yes, those retinal scanners are a pain, but they really are the most secure.”

Sherlock nodded. “So, Mr. Xanatos, that begs the question: how did the contents of that vault escape to kill five people?”

“What makes you think I not the one who let it out?” Xanatos asked.

“Because you’re sitting here in front of me. If you really thought I was on to you, you would have sent that thing to kill me in my sleep. I take it you know exactly who I am: the world’s best, and only, consulting detective. So either you don’t think I’m much of a threat to you, or you not behind the killings at all and you want my help to find out who is really eating your customers.”

Xanatos smiled again. “Mr. Holmes, I believe I’m starting to like you. It’s not often I meet someone who is almost as intelligent as I am. Why don’t you come downstairs with me? There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

Goliath had almost lost count of how many nights he’d been trapped inside the vault. It must have been nearly a week since Xanatos had captured him and locked him away in this windowless cell. Try as might, he could not break through the metal walls, nor roar loudly enough to bring help. The steady pitch and roll of the floor told him he was on a ship, yet he had no idea where in the world he was. A slot in the wall dispensed food and water during the night, another slot served to deal with waste. There were lights in the ceiling that he knew mimicked sunlight somehow, because he was not weak when he awoke.

Xanatos had appeared once early in the journey, to gloat over Goliath’s defeat. Xanatos had ambushed him wearing his robotic armor, and used some sort of lightning gun to stun him unconscious. The rest of clan had stayed at the clock tower above the police station, while Goliath had gone to visit Elisa on her night off. Xanatos had been waiting for him.

Now, just an hour earlier, Xanatos had come to him again to tell him that the plan had changed. What the plan had been before, Goliath did not know. The ship was in danger, Xanatos said, and innocent peoples’ lives were at stake. That was all Goliath needed to hear. Xanatos promised that he would return shortly to free him. He said that he was going to bring a detective. Goliath wondered if Xanatos was bringing Elisa, but somehow he doubted it.

When the door of the vault began to open for the third time in Goliath’s imprisonment, he was ready. He braced himself against the back wall, and prepared to burst out the opening at Xanatos. He had agreed to help the people on the ship, but that didn’t mean he would be content to let Xanatos keep him prisoner any longer. But when the door swung open, it was not Xanatos who stood there.

“Hi-i,” said a small, mild-looking man with a soft, lilting voice.

“You are not Xanatos!” Goliath roared in confusion.

“My, but aren’t you the clever one. The name’s Moriarty. Jim Moriarty. I have a proposition for you.”


Team Bacon
Challenge One
Col. Jack o’Neill (Stargate SG-1)
Col. Harry Mayborne (Stargate SG-1)
Lone Starr (Spaceballs)
Lord Dark Helmet (Spaceballs)

Therapist: So I have the after action report on your first exercise with the flesh eating Tribbles. Let’s go around the room and everyone share your experiences with the group.

O’Neill: What is there to say? We got the job done. Nobody died.

Mayborne: Some old people died.

O’Neill: Yes but WE didn’t die.

Dark Helmet: I nearly died. Lone Starr tried to kill me. He will pay for what he’s done.

Lone Starr: It wasn’t intentional. We needed your helmet as a floatation device to get onto the island.

Dark Helmet: I was still in the helmet. Unlucky for you! I had a can of Perri-Air with me!

Lone Starr: Don’t be such a baby, you ….big baby!

Dark Helmet: Clever. How will I ever recover from the burn of your keen intellect?

[Two Schwartz rings hum to life and twist together at the first clash.]

O’Neill: Awkward…Anyway, once we got onto the island and found that most of the passengers had a few Tribble nibbles here and there. The Tribbles themselves were nowhere to be found out in the open, but we located most of them in the local bar.

Mayborne: It was Happy Hour.

Dark Helmet: It was an orgy.

Lone Starr: It was horrifying. There was fur everywhere! Baby Tribbles flying out at people from all directions!

Therapist: Wait, aren’t Tribbles asexual? They shouldn’t be having an orgy.

Mayborne: They shouldn’t have been tearing strips off the soft Corinthian leather hides of the senior set either, but they were.

Therapist: So what did you do?

O’Neill: We barred the doors blew it up.

Therapist: You blew it UP?!

Mayborne: You should have seen the BBQ afterwards. It was epic!

Therapist: But, you blew up the bar!

Mayborne: Shooting would have taken too long. Besides, these two (pointing at Lone Star and Dark Helmet) couldn’t hit a stationary target at point blank range let alone at furry psychopaths.

O’Neill: They were good bait thought. The high pitched screaming from these two really got the Tribbles all frisky.

Therapist: So you killed all the Tribbles, the locals were happy, and you managed not to kill each other. I would say congratulations, but I am rather disturbed by your methods.

O’Neill: It’s what we do.

Dark Helmet: I will be picking fur out of my helmet for months.

Lone Starr: Among other places.

Dark Helmet: You promised not to say anything about that.

Team Fringe -

Hero A- Walter Bishop
Nemesis A- Walternate Bishop
Hero B - Olivia Dunham
Nemesis B - Fauxlivia Dunham

“Fascinating” Walter said. “A seemingly harmless creature…yet it devours the victim within seconds.”
“Mmm” Walternate mused. “Not too unlike the rabid dodo bird found in Eastern Zimbabwe, a few years ago>”
“Your universe has a Dodo bird?!?!” Walter said excitedly. “D-did they….did they taste like chicken?”
Olivia rolled her eyes, “Walter…can we stay on topic?”
“Yeah,” Fauxlivia said, pulling out her two Glock 26’s. The redhead smiled wickedly. “Can we shoot ‘em?”
Walternate smiled. “Of course you may, my dear.”
“Wait!” Walter shouted. “We should study…”
Fauxlivia fired into the oncoming tribbles.
Olivia was shocked. “You’re shooting the tribbles?!?!?”
Fauxlivia turned to Olivia “let’s see…hordes of furry little creatures that can eat people and are coming right at us….ummm…YEAH!”
“I know, but,” Olivia pined. “They’re so furry and cute.”
“And hungry!” Fauxlivia shouted, firing more rounds.
Walter snapped his fingers. “Of course! This is a tropical port of call! Every good port of call has something memorable about it. More than just the little trinkets and suven…”
“What is you’re trying to say, Walter?” Olivia asked.
“Use the Tribbles as part of the vacation motif. Make the Tribbles a part of the island!” Walter smiled.
“And how do we do that?” Fauxlivia asked, still firing.
Walternate smiled darkly. “Encase the Tribbles in ember. They’ll still be alive, quarantined and can be viewed harmlessly by the visiting populace.”
Walter was taken aback. “Well…I thought we could train them to do a show, perhaps. But…”
“No Walter,” Walternate said. “This is the only way. I am not a violent man…”
“Heeeere we go,” Olivia sighed.
“But I only want to defend my world,” Walternate said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small remote.
“Wait,” Fauxlivia said. “You had that all along?”
“And didn’t say anything??”
“At the time I saw no need,” Walternate said, pressing the button and throwing the device into the oncoming horde of tribbles. There was an almost imperceptible “pop” and the amber exploded outwards and encased the tribbles.

Team “The Time Graduate”
The Doctor, David Tennant (Doctor Who)
The Master, John Simm (Doctor Who)
Captain Jack Harkness (Torchwood)
Captain John Hart (Torchwood)

You can find the audio Version here :

Tribble on the Water

The Doctor : According to the TARDIS database tribbles are native to the planet Iota Geminorum IV. They are essentially small bundles of fur with no visible external features. Their only two purposes in life appear to be to eat and to reproduce, and they perform both of these functions exceptionally well. Aren’t they magnificent!

The Master: First of all this is not helping us. Second, this was so boring the 2 captain are making out again!

The Doctor: HHuuugg! Jack! We agreed, none of that in my TARDIS!

Captain John: I did not agree to that. The only raison I’m not killing him now is because I wanna f…
The Doctor: lalalalalalala

The Master: Children. Simple solution: we gather some useless old fart and poison their blood. tribbles eat, tribbles die.
Captain John: That’s actually not bad.

Captain Jack: I’m not choosing who live and who dies again. I did that once and it bit me in the ass 40 years later.
Captain John: It bit you in the ass? Where was I?

The Master (turning to face The Doctor): Archenemies? Really?

The Doctor: “You know that when I hate you, it is because I love you to a point of passion that unhinges my soul.” Julie de Lespinasse 1775, OOUUhhh she knew what was “l’amour”! Anyway, I say we find the right modulation of ultrasound that will attract them in one place. Capture and go release them on their native planet. Hey Voilà! NOBODY has to die!

The Master: Not bad but we will need time to calibrate our screwdriver to the right sound and it’s going to be dangerous out there. I don’t want to regenerate yet. I love this body!

Captain Jack: It’s not bad. (John looking at Jack with hate in his eyes) But I’ve seen better. I will go out there. Even if they chew me a little I’ll survive.

Captain John: Always bragging mister I can’t die. Good plan but what do I do?

The Doctor: We could modify your Vortex manipulator to transport them to Iota Geminorum IV!

The Master: Kind of simple but, hey why not. Seems we could be more creative.

Captain Jack: I can show you creative :wink:
The Doctor: Allons’y!

Our unlikely team Jump into the TARDIS. The Doctor and The Master start modifying Screwdrivers and Vortex Manipulator while the 2 captains… use the Iphone in some creative ways. Once on the Island Jack start running on the beach while holding the 2 Sonic Screwdrivers and herds of tribbles start arriving from everywhere. John hide until he sees no more tribble coming and activate his Vortex manipulator. All the tribbles are instantly transported to their home planet leaving pieces of Jack to regenerate.

The Doctor: Whoouou!! It’s a success!!

Captain Jack (still in pain but mostly complete): Promise me the next time I won’t have to get kill!

Captain John: Why? That was entertaining! Where does that music come from? It sounds like drums.

The Doctor: where is The Master?

They found The Master playing the drums in an enormous Beach Party. The Doctor started to dance and sing. John and Jack… well let’s just say the ship is called the Orgy of the Seas and they are both Captain with enormous amout of pheromone.

Our heroes have begun their group assignment from Magnus’ Sanctuary.

HELEN: Well, it looks like the guests have barricaded themselves in the island resort basement, so they’ll be safe for now. Any ideas?

ANGELUS: So, that’s it? Cannibalistic tribbles, really? All we’ve got to do is drop me on that island and BAM, dead tribbles. Mission accomplished.

DRUITT: Exactly. I’ll pop us over there, and we’ll be home by midnight.

HELEN: Seriously, that’s the best you can do? Are you two even trying to not be evil anymore? (Deep breath). Alright, before we let you two indulge your murder fantasies, let’s try a new approach. John, take Angel -

ANGELUS: It’s ANGELUS! I hate when people do that!

FAITH: So does your better half.

HELEN: Anyway, please take ANGELUS to the island and bring me back one of the tribbles, alive if possible. With his dead flesh and you’re source-tainted blood, they shouldn’t attack you…right away.

DRUITT: Shouldn’t?

HELEN: Shouldn’t.

ANGELUS: Hey Johnny boy, do you always do what she tells you?

DRUITT: We agreed that if you did not bring up my tragic romance, I would leave your ridiculous hair style alone. Agreed?

ANGELUS: (hand through his hair) Fine.

In a flash, ANGELUS AND DRUITT disappear, only to reappear in the Sanctuary a few minutes later with a vengeful tribble and a few scratches.

ANGELUS: Goddamn, I have not had a fight like that in years!

With the tribble in a cage and left to munching on some rare hamburger, Helen extracts a blood sample, and begins her science montage…which includes vials, microscopes, CGI, you get the idea.

HELEN: I’ve got it! (She hands Angelus the cage with a now docile tribble, calmly sleeping in it). We can reverse their lust for flesh and return them to their normal, peaceful tribble selves. I can even stem their breeding, so they won’t overrun their ecosystem. I performed something similar on a Trylaxation Tabor, so it should work for them too.

FAITH: I swear you make up half the shit you say.

With a smirk, Helen begins mass producing the gas that will save the tribbles from themselves.

ANGELUS: So wait a minute? I went through all this trouble, brought you back a ravenous vermin just for kicks, and now I don’t even get to kill anything? This is bullshit!

DRUITT: Don’t leave too quickly Angelus…you’ll miss all the bloodshed to come. …
After a short strategical meeting, the team is ready for action.

HELEN: Everybody clear? Let’s go.

DRUITT grabs hold on ANGELUS and FAITH and teleports them to the island. He sets them down on a corner of the island, and while ANGELUS and FAITH fight and kill any tribble stupid enough to attack them, DRUITT setups up the gas bomb that will free the tribbles of their violent pinnings.

ANGELUS: Why is it that you get all the attention for your crimes, Druitt? I was killing and pillaging when your granddad was in diapers.

DRUITT: Because my friend, I had the brains not to get caught.

FAITH: Oh shut up already. I will stake you both if this pissing match doesn’t end now.

With three more jumps and three more bombs released, the tribbles were as docile and soothing as kittens. FAITH led her reluctant companions to the resort basement. Faith led the frightened vacationers to a boat MAGNUS had her contacts send to the island once they received an all-clear from Faith. From there, the vacationers were whisked away to Bora-Bora on a luxury liner for a real trip to paradise.

As for HELEN, she and Henry (Biggie was out of reach for some reason) cleared out a room in the Sanctuary for the tribbles.

HELEN: Even ex-monsters need homes.

The end

Solution, Team Talks-a-lot
Hero/Nemesis A: Buffy Summers / Spike
Hero/Nemesis B: Benjamin Sisko / Dukat

Team Talks-a-lot decides to wait until nightfall in order to time their tribble offensive. Though the Royal Party Time customers are, in Buffy’s words, “skanky,” she decides that she’s the natural choice to lead them to distraction. Dukat disagrees, as he has experience running authoritarian operations and feels that his approach would work best, despite the fact that his Cardassian-ness would probably send the cruise attendees rushing back into the grasp of the carnivorous tribbles. Spike wants to stay near Buffy, but recognizes that as the only non-living person among the group, he stands the best chance of getting near the tribbles without dying. Sisko, drawing on an experience he once had, comes up with a plan.

“When James T. Kirk was almost assass… um, this one time, on the Enterprise, I had a tribble experience. A Klingon spy had set a bomb inside a tribble, and Dax and I had to disable to the bomb to maintain the course of history. I suggest we create a bomb inside several fake tribbles so that we may dispose of the dangerous ones safely.”

“But who of us knows anything about engineering and bomb-making?” Buffy asks, “my general approach just involves kicking their asses.”

Dukat steps forward. “During my varied surveillance activities, I have observed the construction of many different kinds of bombs. I will put the cruise-goers to work building them.”

“But we shouldn’t hurt the tribbles too much… it’s not like I have fluffy bunny feelings for them or anything but they’re kinda cute,” objects Buffy.

Spike grins to himself. “I’ve got a better idea than blowing them up…” Sisko nods as Spike explains his plan, and offers suggestions to improve it.

The team deploys. Buffy takes over as the cruise social director, offering several different evening entertainments – virtual shopping! A viewing of a baseball game! Spike had pushed for a poetry slam, but the rest of the team insensitively shut down that idea. She particularly pushes the fun times that will be had by those participating in a special arts and crafts workshop! “We have a real, um, artist, who will seriously revolutionize the way you think about, um, art.” As she herds the group into a cave, they’re faced with Dukat, who creepily tries to grin at them while coaxing everyone to make bomb parts out of palm trees and smuggled duridium. Buffy stands watch outside while Dukat keeps the assembly line going. Sisko, hiding his disgust at Dukat’s methods in order to achieve their common goal, maintains quality control. As each bomb is completed and inserted into a fake tribble overnighted from ThinkGeek, Spike, under the cover of darkness, places them strategically along the tribble’s line of attack – and the tribbles seem uninterested in his undead flesh.

The moment of truth has come. As the tribbles broach the bomb line, they stop moving. “It’s more humane to paralyze them before we do this,” Sisko ruminates as he and Buffy stake the tribbles kebab-style. As it becomes clear that our Team has successfully stopped the tribble offensive, Dukat leads the cruise-attendees out to the line to assist in the kebabification of the prior threat.

“Roast tribble in the morning. Delicious with a beer, love.” Spike gleefully chats to an overenthusiastic cruiser. “Of course, Spike, Tribble-defense is such thirsty work,” Dukat agrees as the team builds a bonfire over which to roast the staked tribbles.

“There’s no problem that can’t be solved by teamwork. And chocolate!” Buffy grins.

“And beer!” Spike adds.

“And baseball.” Sisko’s been distracted by the cruise activity poster.

Dukat observes in silence as the cruise people devour that which wanted to devour them.

Team Seriously?
Hero: C-3PO
Nemesis: Jar Jar Binks
Hero: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Nemesis: General Grievous

Grievous: Ah, General Kenobi, I see you have brought you Republic morons with you to this little exercise. I am sure they will be so valuable in taking care of this threat.

Obi-Wan: My dear General Grievous, these are the best distractions credits can buy.

C-3PO: Distractions? What do you mean by distractions?

Obi-Wan: Since the Tribbles are flesh eating, You 3PO have little to worry about.

C-3PO: But what about you know who?

Jar Jar: Whosa Yousa talking about?

Obi-Wan: Jar Jar, I need you to find a boat to get us to the island so that we can prevent a wider conflict with these creatures.

Grievous: Yeah, that worked so well the last time the Jedi got involved in a conflict. “cough cough, wees wees”

A short time later, Jar Jar returned with a local fisherman who had a boat that would fit their needs nicely. The only trouble was that it had no engine and the fisherman is a little reluctant to give up his boat. Obi-Wan waves his hand in the man’s face to influence him a little, but it has no effect. General Grievous decides to get the boat the old-fashioned way. He pulls back his robe and lights his four lightsabers. The poor fisherman turns tail and runs for his life.

Obi-Wan: Was that really necessary?

Since to boat had no engine, Grievous reluctantly used one of his hands as a prop. The boat glided along the open sea at an incredible rate. On the horizon, the silhouette of a woman could be seen on the water. As the boat got closer to this sight, The Orgy of the Sea glistened in the morning sun. Closing in on the ship, one section of the ship appeared a bit too hairy.

Obi-Wan: So, that dark fur pile is where the Tribbles have congregated on the ship, interesting location. Is it just me or is there a humming sounds coming from that red mound of fuzz?

C-3PO: That, Master Kenobi, sounds like Tribbish. You know I am fluent in over six million forms of communication.

Jar Jar: Hey Boyyos, Mesia wanna go lookie at thesa wet reda fuzzies.

Grievous: Go for it, I am sure you will have a wonderful time looking at them.

Obi-Wan: Now I might agree with you this time around Grievous, I have a bad feeling about this so Jar Jar, you need to stay here this time. I want 3PO to go and talk to these creatures.

C-3PO: Yes Master Kenobi, I shall talk with the Tribbles.

As 3PO approached the fuzzy mound, the humming became so intense that Obi-Wan had to restrain Jar Jar with the power of the force. Grievous activated one of his sabers to end this little exercise for Jar Jar. After only 5 minutes of hand gesturing and communicating with the Tribbles, 3PO returned to his companions.

C-3PO: Well, I have talked with the Master Tribble and this whole situation is just a big misunderstanding.

Grievous: Misunderstanding, they have eaten humans, how is that a misunderstanding.

C-3PO: The Master was a personal companion to one of the young woman on the cruise. She had misplaced the Master at the Buffet table and some Blue-hair picked up the tiny fuzz ball and stole it to her room. The only way the Master could get away for to attack and bite at the Blue-hair. Unfortunately, the encounter caused the Master to replicate and its offspring had a taste for human blood. The Master tried to stop its offspring from going after people, but it needs our help getting them back for relocation. The Master says that if the Tribbles could be relocated to a planet without humans, they should be able to return to eating their normal diets.

Obi-Wan: And how are we suppose to get all the Tribbles rounded up to be transported?

C-3PO: The Master Tribble told me the all tribbles enjoy a good laser light show. It will draw them back here.

Grievous: Well General Kenobi, it looks like I get to finally throw off this cloak of caring and battle with you once again.

Obi-Wan: So for the God of the Earth, I will battle with you to get these blood thirsty creatures off this planet.

As Obi-Wan and Grievous dueled throughout the streets of the island, the Tribbles followed them in awe. The lightsabers’ hum and glow excited them more than the taste of human blood ever could. The moving carpet of fur was an awesome sight to behold as the two warriors put on a show of saber fighting not seen be the humans. It was far better than anything seen in a movie.

Obi-Wan and Grievous battled into an awaiting Republic freighter that would take the Tribbles to part unknown to our champions. As the last of the Tribbles entered the freighter, the Master’s beautiful co-ed companion arrived back at the ship. She had been searching for her friend all over the island.

Jar Jar holding the Master Tribble: Here you go missa, I givee your friend backa. He meesad you, toosa.

The beautiful co-ed: I missed you so much, Thank you all for finding my little guy, I don’t know what I would have done with out him in my life.

The Master Tribble hummed back, which only 3PO could understand.

Obi-Wan: What did he just say?

C-3PO: Oh, you really don’t want to know Master Kenobi.

Team Starsaber
Jaina Solo
Darth Caedus
Chloe Sullivan (early Season 8)
Lionel Luthor

“The way I see it, our top priority is getting rid of the killer ‘tribbles’ that made it onto the ship,” Jaina said from the pilot’s seat of the Jade Shadow. “Caedus, are you still able to communicate with animals, or did you lose that ability when you murdered Aunt Mara.”

“Yes, I can. I will board the cruise liner and draw them together so they can be disposed of more easily,” her twin brother responded.

“Then get off my ship and take care of them,” Jaina ordered, lowering the star yacht into a hover 10 feet off the cruise ship’s hull.

The Sith Lord jumped to the liner, his black cape billowing behind him.

“The animals on the ship are an immediate threat, but we cannot allow those on the island to breed unchecked,” Lionel Luthor said. “LuthorCorp scientists have observed that exposure to highly refined meteor rocks can sterilize small animals.”

“Irradiate the mutant tribbles with Kryptonite you mean?” Chloe asked. “Yeah, that won’t backfire.”

“I doubt you have a better idea, Miss Sullivan,” Luthor retorted.

Chloe tapped into the alien presence hovering in the back of her mind. “I can formulate an aerosol mixture that should kill 82.63% of the tribbles within 5 hours and neuter another 17.21%.”

“What about side effects?” Jaina asked.

“There is no other animal life on the island and the chemicals will not be persistent,” Chloe answered.

“With how quickly they breed, they will be a threat again within a matter of days,” Luthor commented as Caedus started slicing Tribbles and frying them with force lightning to the applause of onlookers on the ship.

“LuthorCorp has a crystal they stole from a friend of mine that can open a portal to another dimension. I can’t activate it myself, but Jaina should be able to,” Chloe answered.

“How do you know about that, Miss Sullivan?” Lionel asked.

“I know a lot of things, Lionel,” she quickly retorted.

“So once most of them are dead, Caedus can repeat his pied piper act. When the remaining Tribbles are trapped, I activate theis crystal and we use the Force to push them into the portal.”

Caedus boards the cruise ship and summons the few Tribbles that made it aboard to him and kills them with his lightsaber and force lightning.
Chloe creates a chemical mixture that is dispersed over the island, killing or sterilizing almost all the Tribbles.
Jaina and Caedus go to the island and draw the remaining Tribbles to them.
Jaina opens a portal to the Phantom Zone using a crystal "found" by LuthorCorp and they Force push the remaining Tribbles into it.

Damn, I didn’t think there’d be a challenge so soon. Here goes nothing!

Team (Home of the) Human Beings

Varys/Littlefinger (Game of Thrones)
Jemaine/Mel (Flight of the Conchords)

Challenge 1: Invasion: Tribbles

Varys marvels at Mel’s cellphone, which Mel used earlier to find out what these little balls of flesh eating creatures were. “Might I borrow this phone device for a moment, my lady?” He asked nonchalantly. He’d ask Jemaine, but his cameraphone would not suffice for his intentions. Mel hesitates for a moment, but Varys was not finished.

“Would you be also so kind as to check up on Littlefinger? One can never quite tell what he could be up to…Of course, Jemaine would escort our lady to make sure no harm will come to her."It took Varys but a few seconds upon meeting them to see that Lady Mel…well, has the hots for the man in spectacles and a very strange accent…but then again, so could a blind man. " I will remain here at this door to check up on the progress with those creatures in the hall, just in case.” He adds.

Before Jemaine could answer, Mel happily hands her phone to Varys and grabs Jemaine in one swift move, leaving a trail of dust and a deep “noooo…” and a high pitched, “thank you!” echoing in the hall.

Poison is a women’s weapon. Thankfully, eunuchs fall under that category, thinks Varys. Earlier, Varys concocted a simple plan. Poison their food source, and the tribbles would no longer be a threat. Littlefinger was quick to befriend the captain, and easily convinced him the sacrifice was inevitable for the well being of the rest of the ship. A round of free (poisoned) dinner buffet at 4pm rounded up the elderly into one hall, and it wasn’t too difficult channeling the tribbles into the hall – they go where their food is. He peers into the cabin where the majority of the tribbles were at, gnawing at the old flesh of the elderly and multiplying at an alarming degree. Now, incomplete bodies of wrinkly old men and women and bundles of motionless balls of fur laid on the floor. No signs of movement anywhere. It worked.

Now that’s all settled, time to get down to the real business. What is a master of whispers without his little birds? Varys sat down and begins exploring Mel’s phone. Littlefinger has probably got himself a whole new band of whores and obtained all kinds of coin by now at the gambling rooms, he thought. Best to let him think he has mastered this ship, while I master this world with this magical device. Wikipedia is a must. And this “twitter” application seems right up my alley…


“This is the most romantic date I’ve ever been on.” Mel sighed happily as they walk towards the captain’s quarters.

“We’re not on a date. We are trying escape from little furballs who will eat us alive.”

“And you saved me from them!You are like this powerful hot sexy beast of a man…” Jemaine changes the subject quickly.

“ Yis. I mean, no. But also yis. Um…have you seen Bret? Why am I the one stuck here on this deathtrap?”

“Who is this Bret you speak of, Sir Jemaine of New Hampshire?” Littlefinger interjects.

“New Zealand.” Jemaine corrects him.

“Littlefinger, there you are.” Mel exclaimed, as she held onto Jemaine for dear life. Jemaine tried to squirm his hand out of hers, but Mel is strong.

Littlefinger sighed. Forget Lort Baelish, no one will even call him Petyr after they heard Varys call him by his nickname. “Why, young lady, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” Mel giggles. “So, how goes those furry creatures?”

“Varys is keeping watch, but it seems to be working. What have you been up to?”

Littlefinger smiles, while he wonders what Varys is hatching. No matter, Varys had no clue what he’s been up to either, and he’s got the captain’s ear should Varys cross him. “Why, the entertainment for tonight of course! The captain thinks a distraction from all the flesh eating nonsense is most excellent, and I hear from Lady Mel here that you are quite the musician.”

“Oh, he is. Flight of the Conchords is the greatest band ever! You must have heard of them.”

“Bret isn’t here. It’s not a band if there’s only one person.” Jemaine interjects curtly.

“I’ve got Bret’s tape with me. Or I could dress up as Bret and sing wi – ” Mel reveals.

“Definitely the tape.” He says without hesitation.“…and I suppose a gig’s a gig.”


“So, this is music in this realm. Intriguing.” Littlefinger observes.

Who likes to rock the party?
I like to rock the party!

“And that is dance in this realm.” Varys notes, as the two watch Mel’s frantic dancing and squealing. A few joined her, but most of the audience remained in their seats, looking mystified as ever at the stage where Jemaine plays, with a tape player standing in for Bret next to him.

Tribbles…cute little balls of flesh eating fur
Intergalactic cats who purr

“Come on you two.” Mel pulls Varys and Littlefinger up to join the dancing.

Who likes to rock the party?
Tribbles like to rock the party!

the end

(dang, it’s hard to be concise.)


On Tribbled WatersPart One

Spike leisurely leaned on the railing and watched the milling mass of tourists on the deck below; they meandered like zombies and spent their money on exotic snacks, fruity drinks and overpriced clothing and memorabilia. The massive arcade looked like a colorful mixture of a mad dictator’s palace and a high end shopping mall, a polite cough behind him drew his attention away from the scene below. A striking woman wearing a nicely tailored sailor’s uniform offered a toothy smile so bright an oncoming driver would flash their high beams in annoyance, “I am sorry sir but there is no smoking in the ship, if you wish to smoke you must go onto one of the exterior decks.” Spike turned around to face her, no cigarette in his hands or between his lips. She started in surprise and offered in an apologetic tone, “I am sorry, I could have sworn I smelled cigarette smoke,” she hurriedly walked away. Once she was a safe distance away Spike blew smoke from his nostrils in triumph and opened his mouth wide, his tongue uncurled revealing a tightly clutched and still lit cigarette, he plucked it from its perch and placed it back on his lips. Vicious snickered and shook his head, “That never grows old.”

“There they are.” They turned to face the two approaching women. They were dressed in swimsuits that accentuated their bodies, one of them held a small furry animal in her arms; it looked like a cross between a rabbit and a cat. The one with long elegant dark hair scowled, “You could at least try to blend in.” The darkly dressed man with a large black bird on one shoulder shrugged, “Hey, it’s our look.” Spike pointed behind her, “Well at least we don’t have two large floating logs drawing attention to us.” Ayeka’s eyes narrowed and her mouth drew into a hard line, “They are not logs! They are my guardians. And, and, well; they insisted on coming along.” Ryoko’s face split into a grin and she chortled, “Yeah, and great job on disguising them princess.” Ayeka’s knuckles turned white as she made little fists and she spoke through clenched teeth, “I did the best I could with what was available.”

The two wooden guardians had atop their cylindrical forms large straw sun hats with floral patterned headbands. Below the hats were sunglasses, taped to the smooth wood surface, both on the front, and on the back. Wrapped about the middle of each guardian’s girth were two gaudy Hawaiian style shirts which were tied together at the sleeves to hold them in place. Each shirt had an adhesive name badge emblazoned with ‘Hello my name is’ one had Azaka written in black marker, and the other had Kamidake written on it. And below the shirts were a pair of aprons probably stolen from the crews linen supply, these were tied to each other much the same as the shirts above. They looked the same coming or going, like totem poles on vacation. Spike tried not to smile and infuriate the volatile princess, his cigarette bounced up and down on worried lips as he observed the floating Juraian guardians. He’d seen more convincing scarecrows, “I don’t think…”

A man with a cane stepped beside the guardian with blue writing on it, he peered at it with glasses which bore lens that appeared thick enough to view nearby planets with. He waved a liver spotted hand at it and weakly smiled, “Excuse me sir,” he said in a scratchy voice, “which way to the shuffleboard court?” The floating cylinder tilted to one side indicating which direction to go, the elderly man’s smile widened proudly showing off his three remaining teeth, “Thank you.” Everyone watched in disbelief as he slowly shuffled away on orthopedic shoes an aroma of Aspercreme wafting behind him. Spike blew out a puff of smoke and rolled his reddish brown eyes, “Oh, never mind.”

Spike and Vicious stepped off the dock and onto the small corporate owned pleasure island, the bounty hunter’s eyes watching for unusual movement while Vicious intently viewed the holographic data hovering in front of him projected by the personal data manager given to them by the cruise ship’s Captain. “I don’t understand this; they are not following normal predatory behavior.”

“Tribbles are not natural predators.” Spike said wiping sweat from his brow.

The grey haired enforcer growled and rotated the map, zooming in on different locations of attacks indicated by red flashing dots, “There is no rhyme or reason to these attacks.” Spike ignored him and stopped at a kiosk to purchase a beer. Vicious kept walking and reading the accounts of Tribble attacks while mumbling to himself, “Why do they attack some people and ignore others? What is the commonality?” A slurring female voice snapped him out of his studying, “Well hello there sexy.”

The dark clad man looked down from his display to a woman, a large woman. A woman that looked like the love child of Jabba the Hutt and a Shar pei, giant rolls of glistening skin lay exposed under the noonday sun nauseatingly displayed atop a giant ‘Backstreet Boys’ beach towel. It took a while for him to take it all in, did I mention that she is large? He blinked his searing eyes trying to erase the image from his mind, he failed. The best his screaming and flailing brain could offer was,“Uh hello.” He is such a lady’s man…

She smiled and ran a long nailed hand through hair that looked like a cotton candy stand had fallen on her head, “What brings you here?” He tried to keep his eyes on her face; after all it was her least offensive feature, “I am looking for a dangerous organism.” Her lips puckered like a bulldog’s asshole and then her eyes twinkled as she purred, “What a coincidence, I am looking for an organism myself.”

“Really?” He could not hide the disbelief in his voice; she looked more like she would be looking for a buffet rather than a rare creature.

She wiggled playfully on her expansive blanket, “My Husband hasn’t been able to give me an organism for years.” “I, I think you misunderstand me,” he stammered. Just then Spike sauntered up next to him with a half empty beer bottle in one hand, “Yo, any leads yet?” Vicious smiled wickedly, “Why yes, I believe this lady here has some information for you,” he leaned close and whispered to him, “but you may need to sweet talk her a bit.”

Spike walked over and kneeled close to her a wry smile on his pleasant face, “Uh, hello there.” Her eyes widened with delight, “Mmmmmm, another hunky man morsel.” His smile faltered. She reached back to fidget with her swim suits top, it strained like a Louisiana levee and when she unclasped it, it popped loudly like a champagne cork sending a steel button rocketing skyward like an interceptor missile; it struck an unfortunate seagull riding a nearby thermal it squawked in pain and began a slow downward spiral. And as the top flopped aside like a tent flap he was subjected to the retina torturing sight of even more sweaty tumbling flesh, she looked up at him batting eyelashes that would make Tammy Faye Baker envious, “Would you be a dear and rub some lotion on my back?” Spike shot Vicious a frosty stare. Vicious just smiled back and whispered gleefully, “Remember we are supposed to keep these tourists happy.”

Spike groaned inwardly and looked back at the wide expanse of rolling bronzed leathery epidermis, it was skin that looked like it belonged wrapped around a copy of the Necronomicon, (OK, perhaps 50 copies); rather than around a drunken and amorous tourista. Vicious poked him in the back with his sheathed katana in a ‘go on go on’ manner. The bounty hunter was about to give in when the sand around her erupted and a few dozen Tribbles flew out of the litter strewn beach and pounced on her making feral little high pitched squeaks. It was as if some unseen person were hurling fuzzy throw pillows at her, only these throw pillows took small bites out of her each time they struck. She shrieked and flailed, and then rolled around trying to get them off of her. In rolling a few of them were crushed under her, making a sound reminiscent of fart cushions when they were squished. Before Spike could even react more Tribbles came and descended upon her muffling her screams, she looked like she was covered in a fur blanket. By the time Spike had backed up to where Vicious stood her struggling had stopped. Within mere moments the Tribbles rolled away from her doubled in size and burrowed back into the sand. All that was left on the blanket were two steel and silicone knee replacements and an artificial heart. Vicious spoke in an impressed tone, “Now that is efficiency.” Spike rubbed his chin and wondered aloud, “Why did they not attack me? I was right next to her.”

A small boat carrying out heroes, and villians, approaches the island.

River: Evil. They’re all evil. They have to be stopped.

Wolverine: Hmph. I didn’t know little fuzzballs could be evil.

River: Fuzzballs are problematic, but not evil. I can hear them too.

Blue Hands: You’ve been in contact with everything on the island?

River: Do you hear the music?

Wolverine: Just stay outta my head bub.

Sabertooth: You’d have to have a mind for her to stay outta first, HAHAHA!

The boat pulls up to a small dock on the island and our team disembarks.

Sabertooth: I work better alone. I’ll meet up with everyone again later.

River: The music is this way.

River begins to wonder off. Oblivious to the task at hand, or, seemingly anything.

Blue Hands pulls a small tube from his pocket. Two smaller tubes extend from it’s ends as he begins to walk towards the village centre.

Wolverine: I’ll go make sure the local bar is safe, and maybe get a drink.

The team falls apart with Sabertooth stalking alone in the forest, Wolverine more concerned with the local beer supply than the erradication of tribbles, and River chasing voices in her head. However, Blue Hands, without discrimination, begins to use his small device to kill every living thing on the island, save the team itself; his perogative being to kill anything that has been in contact with River. Although he’s managed to, in a round about way, succeed in killing all the tribbles, he’s also eliminated all of the Royal Party Time’s customers. After much discussion with their lawyers, the mission is deemed a success as no one is elegible for a money back gaurantee.

Team Delusions of Adequacy

Hero: Papa Smurf
Nemesis: Gargamel
Hero: Dr. Byron Orpheus
Nemesis: Dr. Henry Killenger

on a boat skimming across the Caribbean

Papa Smurf: singing absently mindedly “la – la- la, la, la – la. La – la, la – la.” (Smurfs theme)

Gargamel: “Will you stop that accursed singing!”

Papa Smurf: “Sorry, I sing when I’m nervous.”

Dr. Orpheus: “Our companion is most astute. We must focus at the task at hand least we fall victim to the unholy ministrations of these depraved loathsome creatures!” (Escalating dramatic music)

Gargamel: “What is he talking about?”

Papa Smurf: “I have no smurfing idea.”

Dr. Killenger: “I believe he means we must willingly act unilaterally for the common good of the people as a whole. We are approaching the pleasure craft and time remains a commodity of lack resource. The verminous creatures have strained the civil liberties of the septuagenarians who provide a vital lifeblood influx into our stagnated economy.”

Gargamel and Papa Smurf stare blankly at both of them.

Dr. Orpheus rolls his eyes: “We have to stop the little furry things before they hurt the old people on the boat.”

Papa Smurf: “Why didn’t he smurfing say that to begin with. Smurfhole!”

Dr. Orpheus and Dr. Killenger both roll their eyes as their boat docks with the cruise ship.

Dr. Orpheus: “We must make contact with the captain of this vessel and determine the advance the creatures have made.”

Dr. Killenger: “I shall proceed to the wheelhouse and speak with Captain Stubing.” He unfurls his black umbrella; Papa Smurf jumps onto his shoulder. They gently lift from the boat and glide towards the wheelhouse.

Gargamel coaxes Azrael out from under the seat. He and Dr. Orpheus climb the gangway and head after the others. As they approach the hatch to the bridge Dr. Killenger emerges.

Dr. Killenger: “They’re all dead, stripped to the bone. The creatures have made it on to the island. How will we stop them now?”

Papa Smurf: “I have an idea. What do old people enjoy more than anything else?”

Dr. Killenger: “Matlock?”

Papa Smurf: “No! A buffet, a free buffet. We set up a buffet drawing all the people to one place. This should drive the tribbles into a feeding frenzy. They’ll come from all over the island to get at the old people buffet. Then Dr. Orpheus and Gargamel can use their magic to send them to another dimension.”

Dr. Orpheus: “A buffet within a buffet, how Meta. It just might work.”

on the beach near the cruise ship.

Dr. Killenger starts pulling tables, tablecloths, candelabras, centerpieces, and chafing dishes out of his magical murder bag. This is like a siren call to the elderly. A stampede of canes, walkers, and electric scooters thunder towards the beach. A tidal wave of carnivorous tribbles on their heels.

Gargamel starts to chant from his ancient spell book. “Pie Iesu domine, dona eis requiem.”

Dr. Orpheus begins an incantation. “Spirits of the Earthly realms, allow us to open a gateway to the nether dimension and banish these demonic creatures back to the hell from whence they spawned.”

A shimmering rip tears through the fabric of reality between the senior citizens and the hoard of tribbles. The tribble’s bloodlust and momentum carry them through the rift. The tear seals itself behind them.

Papa Smurf: “let’s get the smurf out of here.”

Clay Dragon vs. The Tribbles

As the unlikely team of Batman, Clayface, Morrigan and Flemeth huddled in the Batcave to discuss strategy, Morrigan and Flemeth found themselves enthralled and fiddling with all of Batman’s gadgets and doohickeys. Nothing was getting accomplished, which was annoying the Batman, until Clayface bellowed:

CLAYFACE: The Goddamn Batman’s talking!

Batman shot Clayface a questioning look.

CLAYFACE: Sorry. It’s a nickname we arch-nemeses have for you.

BATMAN: Fitting. Now this island’s having some trouble… trouble with Tribbles.

MORRIGAN: Sounds rather quaint and cute, if you ask me, my dear.

BATMAN: It’s serious. They’re horrible meat-eating beasts ravaging the town.

FLEMETH: Oh, The Maker-damn Batman, it’s simple. We send Morrigan in as bait to lure the creatures to one central location, then I torch them from above. Morrigan would be an unfortunate sacrifice.

MORRIGAN: Oh, Mother, must you attempt to kill me every single day?

FLEMETH: I gave you life, Morrigan. And what Flemeth giveth, Flemeth may taketh away.

BATMAN: Nonsense. No one here will be killed.

CLAYFACE: Aww, shucks.

BATMAN: But that gives me an idea.

And so after hashing out the details, the crew headed over to the island – Clayface rode atop Flemeth in dragon form, while Morrigan and Batman took the Batwing (she didn’t trust hitching a ride on Flemeth, afraid her mother would accidentally-on-purpose drop her). As they neared their destination, Clayface rubbed steak all over him, to get a nice juicy smell to entice the Tribbles, then transformed into a giant and was lowered to the island.

CLAYFACE: Come and get it, Tribbles! I has tasty flesh.

Luckily, the Tribbles didn’t get the obvious trap and started to move toward this yummy-smelling giant who would, they thought, provide quite the meal. But luckier still, Tribbles can’t digest clay, so Clayface was never in any real danger. But the Tribbles hung around, trying desperately to get a taste of what they smelled.

Meanwhile, the Goddamn Batman, in full stealth mode and wearing armor Alfred had doused in anchovy perfume, swooped down and saved any vacationers and civilians who had been in immediate danger from a Tribble. With one food source gone, those Tribbles made their way to what they thought was a tasty giant.

Once all the Tribbles were gathered around Clayface in a small-enough area, Morrigan cast cone of cold, freezing them all into a big pile of would-be fatal snowballs. This bought time for Clayface to break out of the ice and move away from the Tribble gathering. It also allowed Batman to usher everyone to safety and prepare to extinguish a fire.

Then, upon getting the signal (though she was very tempted to do it earlier), Flemeth torched all the Tribbles with her fiery dragonbreath. The fire was quickly contained and the crowd cheered. The vacationers called it the best live show they’d ever seen and immediately booked their next outing with Royal Party Time cruise liner.

Later, back at the Batcave, as Morrigan was enjoying an unusual treat, Batman looked at her in disgust.

MORRIGAN: Trust me. Roasted Tribble’s delicious, my dear. Tastes like nug!

Team Lobster
Sherlock - Moriarty - Goliath - Xanatos



“What sort of proposition?” Goliath asked, draping his wings over his shoulders and stepping out into the cargo hold.

“I want you to help me, in exchange for your freedom,” The man who called himself Moriarty said.

Goliath looked left and right. “I am already free.”

“If you think so,” Moriarty said. “You’re thousands of miles from Manhattan, on a ship in the middle of the ocean owned by your worst enemy. Where exactly do you plan on going?”

“You have a point,” Goliath said grudgingly.

“Well, come on then. Our ride’s waiting upstairs.”

Goliath followed Moriarty through a narrow corridor and up several flights of stairs. They did not see anyone else. Goliath surmised that the rest of the crew must be sleeping. Soon they were out on deck, with nothing but inky black sea in every direction.

Moriarty pointed to a small blinking light a hundred yards away. As tall as the ship was, the small boat seemed far below them. “There. Think you can make it?”

Goliath unfurled his massive wings and let the sea air fill them. He held out his hand to his new companion.

“Come on.”

Xanatos examined the scrawny detective standing next to him in the elevator. He knew all about Sherlock Holmes and his unique talents, but the man had impressed him nonetheless. He would have to guard himself closely from this detective to keep his plan intact, but right now he needed Holmes’s skills to find out who or what was killing the passengers on the Orgy of the Seas. Xanatos was even willing to free Goliath - temporarily, of course - to get to the bottom of the murders. If something unfortunate were to happen to the gargoyle in the course of the matter… well, there were worse possible outcomes. Perhaps he could even kill two birds with one stone, if he maneuver the nosy Brit into the fray.

When the lift doors opened, Xanatos saw at once that his plan was shot. The vault was open and empty.

“That’s impossible,” he said. “Only a scan of my retina could open that vault.”

Sherlock shook his head. “There are plenty of ways to trick a retinal scanner. I would have done it myself, if I’d had the tools with me.” He quickly began to examine the scanner, the door, and the interior of vault. “What were you keeping inside? Whatever it was seems to have been quite strong. Look here where there are gouges and dents in the walls and door. And there’s a slot for food and water and a latrine. This is clearly a cell designed for a human being, yet no human or animal could have made those marks in solid steel.” The detective knelt to examine the floor. “There are several different layers of stone here. The top layer is very coarse, and the lower layers have been broken and worn down.” He stared off into space, then snapped his fingers suddenly. “Of course!”

Sherlock leaped up with such quickness that it nearly startled Xanatos. “I thought they were just an urban myth, but it makes sense. There’s been a lot of chatter on the Internet about bat-winged monsters living in Manhattan… some accounts described them as stone during the day, and coming to life at night. And that castle you brought over from Scotland to top your ponderous headquarters… there was something about a legend that it was once protected by living gargoyles. Gargoyles that you brought back from Scotland with the castle. Urban myth is urban reality.”

Xanatos smiled. “Once again, Mr. Holmes, very impressive. Yes, the gargoyles are real. Their leader, who calls himself Goliath, was my, er, guest here for our voyage.”

“Not by choice. I can’t imagine he was doing all that pounding for his health,” Sherlock motioned to the massive dents in the heavy door of the vault.

“True, Goliath and I have not always seen eye-to-eye. I was transporting him somewhere I hoped he would be more comfortable. I located another clan of gargoyles in Guatemala. With Goliath out of the picture, I was hoping the rest of the Manhattan clan would be more… compliant. But when the attacks on the passengers started, that plan went out the window. I came down here an hour ago to enlist Goliath’s aid in dealing with whatever we’re facing. But now he’s gone. I can’t imagine who might have let him out.”

“I have an idea about that,” Sherlock said. “I came on board this because I’m on the trail of a very dangerous criminal, a man named Moriarty.”

Xanatos rubbed his bearded chin thoughtfully. “Never heard of him.”

“I doubt you would have. He calls himself a consulting criminal, but he prefers to work from the shadows, playing the part of chess-master while others do his dirty work,” Sherlock said darkly.

“Hmmm. Sounds like my kind of guy.” Xanatos commented. He motioned for the detective to follow him back to the elevator. “I have a helicopter on standby topside. Follow me.”

Once out on deck, they boarded the small black-and-red helicopter that had appeared near the swimming pool. This late at night, all the passengers were below in the casino or their staterooms. The sliding door of the helicopter was open for them. The pilot, however, was nowhere in sight. As they moved closer, they noticed a pile of bones in the pilot’s seat. The rest of the helicopter was empty. Whatever had killed the pilot was obviously long gone.

“We’d better get moving. We’re sitting ducks out here,” Xanatos slid quickly into the co-pilot’s seat and started flipping switches. The rotors began to turn. The British detective hopped into the cabin behind him and slid the door shut. In moments, they were airborne.

“It doesn’t make sense,” Xanatos could could hear they detective shouting over the noise of the engine. “We’re clearly looking at the work of some kind of animal. All of the meat has been stripped down to the bone, the same way a school pirhanas would consume their meal. The bite marks indicate a smaller animal, but there would have to be dozens of them to consume so much so quickly.”

“So where did they go?” Xanatos asked as he guided the helicopter out over the water.

The detective was still examining the inside of helicopter. “There are a few hairs here, on these back seats. And… They’re still here.” Xanatos turned to look over his shoulder

Slowly, a half-dozen furry creatures emerged from underneath the bench seat in rear of the helicopter. They were limbless, tailless, and apparently eyeless. They were not, however, toothless. As Xanatos watched with growing horror, their mouths opened to reveal row upon row of razor-sharp fangs. With a high-pitched growl, they lunged forward.


[b][b]Team Three Doctors and a Captain

Indiana Jones (Dr Henry Jones Jr) * Dr. Rene Belloq / Dr. Horrible * Captain Hammer

Location: Briefing Room: Orgy of the Seas cruise liner

Captain Hammer’s Totally Cool Personal Blog, Post #37 Am so bored…Typing this blog on phone while in super boring meeting. Tired listening to these egg-head history dudes with cowboy hats drone on and on. Kill. Me. Now…. Also in the room of course is my nemesis Dr. goggle-head boy. Discussing our team plan to rid island of pesky flesh-eating tribbles (ew!). Thot this Hero/Nemesis therapy thing would be more fun. So far seems like a bunch of jibber jabbing. Only reason I’m sticking around: entertainment director—Jenny—on this cruise liner: one sweet looking babe, and I feel like doing her… /backspace-delete-insert/…. doing her a good turn. She’s kinda mousey and nerdy—not my usual type. But I can tell Dr. H has an eye for her, so that aroused my interest. And when the Hammer is aroused, look out, cuz then it’s time for …. (Pause Blog Entry)

Indiana Jones: Ah, Excuse me… Mr. Hammer, I’m sorry, are we boring you?

Capt. Hammer: Uh, no, … well, yes actually. But I’ve been listening. But…ah… could you maybe repeat the middle part again. Oh, and BTW, it’s ‘Captain’ Hammer not Mister, mister.

Indiana Jones: Riiight. As I was saying, this island where the flesh-eating tribbles have been killing people is has a very interesting location. If you take a mirror image of the Bermuda Triangle’s triangle and face it the opposite direction the point of that triangle points precisely to location of this island.

Dr. Horrible: And my GigaFlux Signal Detector detected a strange energy signal emitting from the center of the Bermuda Triangle directed precisely toward this island and within only few days of when these flesh eating tribbles were first sighted on the island.

Indiana Jones: So our theory is that the signal somehow activated some sort of suspended animated chamber of unknown alien technology deep with the caves at the center of the island. The signal unfroze the tribbles—or perhaps just a single tribble—and breeding began immediately.
(gestures to map) Throughout this whole area called the Archipelago of San Andrés, there’s been an ancient legend—some word of mouth, some documented—about strange species of animals emerging inexplicably on some of these island. Some obscure Western culture stories say that Noah’s Ark from the Bible went adrift here and Noah cast overboard creatures that were too dangerous to keep on board with the other animals—if you can believe that sort to thing. But what if it wasn’t the Ark from the Bible, but instead a sort of spaceship ark from another planet?

Rene Belloq: i [/i]Alien animals, two by-two? This is beginning to sound like science fiction, Dr. Jones. Not your usual area.

Indiana Jones: i[/i]. I know, tell me about it.
Of course in this case, tribbles didn’t need to be in pairs because they reproduce asexually.

Rene Belloq: True, but the two-by-two part reminds of something. There were some ancient Mayan texts that were recently uncovered. I was involved in the translating. The scrolls spoke of “Islands on the great sea with strange beasts appearing where none lay before. In twos they came, predator and prey.”

Indiana Jones: Excellent! That means that just maybe there’s a suspended animation capsule on the island with a creature that preys on these vicious tribbles. Doctor Horrible, do you think you can recreate the signal and remotely trigger the reanimation sequence?

Dr. Horrible: Ha! My evil genius mind was way ahead of you. Already tried that. And no response. I suspect the comms receiver on the unit has become damaged somehow. That means someone will have to locate the creature’s capsule do the reanimation manually. I’ve built a detector beam device that will help us locate it. Then we release the predator and it eats all the tribbles. Done.
(wistful expression). And then Jenny, will see, what a Get-it-Done kinda guy I am. She’s so sweet and lovely…(sigh)…. Never thot I’d have feelings for anyone since Penny, but…oh…did I say all that out loud? Ah. Okay. Awkward…

Captain Hammer: Back up a second there, tiny. So there’s these flesh eating fur balls terrorizing the island, and you want to release an even MORE terrible-er critter to eat them?! All cuz of some legend these two cowboy-hat architects are blabbing about?!!

Dr. Horrible. i.[/i] Do you have a nothing but muscle where your brain should be? They’re archeologists! ARCHEOLOGISTS! Not ARCHTIECTS, you idiot. …Also, those aren’t cowboy hats they’re wearing.

Captain Hammer: Who whatis?

Dr. Horrible: Dr. Jones is wearing a fedora and Dr. Belloq’s is a panama hat! (other’s look at him askance). What? i[/i] So I happen to be a hat geek. That’s not weird.

Captain Hammer: (smirks). Okay, Mr. Project Runway. So I don’t know my hats. Whatevs. Besides, people that wear hats–kinda shifty in my book. Anywho, No offense guys.

Indiana Jones: Can we focus please? Okay. I think we have our plan. Belloq, you and I will take a small boat up the stream to the center of the island and locate the capsule that has the creature that eats tribbles. We bring the creature out of suspended animation and release it. Then…might as well take empty capsules and bring them back.

Rene Belloq: (wistful look in his eyes). Those capsules are the most important historical find in the history…. of history. Think of it Indy! First real evidence of extraterrestrial life!! Priceless!!!

Indiana Jones: Priceless yes, which is why we’ll put them where they belong: In a museum. (pointed look at Belloq).

Rene Belloq: Of course, Henry. Of course.

Indiana Jones: Meanwhile, Hammer, you and Horrible will need to find a way to help Jenny the cruise director distract the vacationing passengers while the tribble-eater eradicates the tribbles.

Dr. Horrible: Got it covered. I’ve built an antigravity field generator. We can use it to allow the vacationers to experience the real feeling of flying. Should be pretty sweet. Perfect distraction… Oh. Only one little problem. Power regulator in the field generator isn’t 100%, so gotta keep the setting on ‘5’ maximum. Otherwise … it could be bad.

Indiana Jones: Bad as in…?

Dr. Horrible: i [/i]Bad, as in it could cause the whole island to lose gravity.

Indiana Jones: Okay, well, be careful with that then.

Six Hours Later

Captain Hammer’s Totally Cool Personal Blog, Post #37 (Continued) [i]Well, Captain Hammer fans, turns out this mission didn’t zactly go as planned. No fault of mine, cuz I wasn’t really on the planning side. You see, the Hammer isn’t a planner. The Hammer is a doer. And the Hammer did his thing.

So here’s what happened: Those two hat guys—Jones and Belloq—went off in their boat and did their critter thing. Whatever they did worked apparently, cuz this dog-sized winged dragon-like beast came flying out the center of the Island and killed off each and every tribble one by one. Quite a sight, I’m told. But we made sure none of the vacationers saw it.

Cruise director Jenny was pleased when we told her our plan. Or maybe she was just pleased to be gazing on my dreamy eyes and huge guns. That happens sometimes with chicks.
Where was I….Oh, yeah. So me and Horrible set up the Antigrav system and started giving the tourists turns with it. Groups of 10 or so at time. They loved it! Flying through the air, good times. But some of ‘em waiting in line got a little distracted. So me…Capt Hammer….doer…tried to help that by turning the power dial up to ‘11’. Turns out–not the Hammer’s best move. Everyone and everything on the island flew up into the air.
Horrible pulled the plug before too many tourists drifted over the shark infested ocean. It got pretty ugly, I won’t lie.
Good news: Jenny blamed Horrible for the whole mess. That broke is his little nerd heart, which gave me the giggles. Now Jenny took a shine to me of course—didn’t hurt that I caught her as she fell out of the sky when Horrible cut the power.

Anyway…. it’s night now. In Jenny’s cabin. We just totally had sex. And now I’m catching up on my blogging. But time to take a break. I totally nailed this blog. And now the Hammer is in the mood for some nail. [/i] (End Blog).

(Append Blog Post)
p.s.……. the nail is Jenny’s girly spot. :wink:
(End Blog).

Team Lobster
Sherlock - Moriarty - Goliath - Xanatos



As the furry, fanged creatures lunged at him, Sherlock darted aside and reached for the sliding hatch. One of the creatures chomped down of the long tail of his coat, but he ignored it. Throwing the hatch open, he shouted to Xanatos.

“Bank left, now!” he cried, looping a cargo strap around his arm. The helicopter heaved sharply, and the furry creatures began tumbling through the open hatch. Without legs, they had no way to gain traction on the deck. Sherlock drew his leg back and gave the furball clinging to his coat a swift kick, stunning it. After the last creature fell into the ocean, Sherlock slid the door closed.

“What the hell were those things?” Xanatos asked, leveling out their flight. “I don’t remember Captain Kirk being eaten by the tribbles on the Enterprise.”

“I never watched any Star Trek,” Sherlock said as he began to examine the one he’d kicked unconscious. “But I don’t think these are from the future. They’ve clearly been genetically engineered.” Gingerly, he pried open the tiny creatures jaws. “They’ve got some sort of venom sac here. That must be how they’re able to subdue their prey. Clearly, they have voracious appetites.”

“So, where did they come from?”

Sherlock checked under the creature’s fur. “There’s a GPS tag on this one.” He yanked it off. “If I can reverse the signal, we can follow it back to its origin.”

Xanatos nodded. “Sounds like a plan. Just do me a favor - throw that thing overboard.”

Moriarty’s small boat skimmed the water quickly. Goliath stood near the gunwale, vigilant. Soon, Goliath’s keen night vision spotted an island in the distance. “There,” he pointed.

Moriarty nodded. “That’s where we’re going.” The boat drew close to a cliff face and he gestured to the top. “Up there.”

Goliath jumped from the boat to the sheer rock wall, digging his talons into the stone to gain purchase. Moriarty tossed him a coiled rope. Slowly, Goliath ascended to the top of the cliff and lowered the rope down to Moriarty. When he pulled the human to the top, Goliath saw that the man was carrying a small briefcase.

As they turned to walk towards the center of the island, Goliath heard a helicopter approaching. Moriarty opened his briefcase and pulled out a small grenade launcher. He checked that a round loaded, and then took aim at the helicopter.

“Wait! What are you doing?” Goliath yelled.

“I’m doing you a favor,” Moriarty said calmly. “That’s a Xanatos chopper.”

“No! He may be useful to us!” Goliath said. He spread his wings and roared, ready to knock the weapon out of Moriarty’s hand. Instead, the man lowered the gun.

“If you insist. I suppose there will be plenty of time for that later,” Moriarty said. He put the grenade launcher back in his briefcase.

The helicopter landed on a strip of land near the edge of the cliff. Xanatos and another human climbed out. The second man wore a long, black coat and a scarf, despite the fact that they were in the tropics.

“Goliath, I presume?” the man said. “Sherlock Holmes.”

“You must be the detective,” Goliath said.

“Ah, Sherlock, I see you’ve made another friend,” Moriarty said sarcastically. “David Xanatos? Jim Moriarty. Hi-i.”

“Yes, Mr. Moriarty,” Xanatos said, shaking the man’s hand. “Mr. Holmes told me about you.”

“I’m sure he has,” Moriarty said. “Shall we be off then?”

“And how is you know where we’re going?” Sherlock asked. “Did you pull a GPS tracker off of one of those genetically-engineered creatures, too, or were you just planning on stumbling about in the dark until they found you?”

Moriarty opened his briefcase again. This time he pulled out a cell phone. “Dr. Moreau? Jim Moriarty. Hi-i. Listen, I’ve some friends here who’d like to pop ‘round for tea.” Xanatos and Sherlock stared at him in shock. Moriarty put the phone away. “Oh, come on. You didn’t think I was serious, did you?”

Sherlock glowered at him. “Stop the games, Moriarty. I know you’re behind this.”

“Me? Me-e?” Moriarty said. “Rather obvious, don’t you think? Besides, I’m not the only arch-nemesis here, am I… Goliath?”

The gargoyle crossed his arms over his massive chest. “No. I would not put it past Xanatos to orchestrate something like this.”

Xanatos gestured to the pile of bones in the pilot’s seat of the helicopter. “That’s my own pilot’s bones in that chopper. Those… tribbles nearly ate the two of us, as well.”

“You have shown very little compassion were your employees are concerned, especially helicopter pilots,” Goliath growled. “You have also been known to stage attempts on your own life to set up your schemes.”

“My, that doesn’t sound very trustworthy,” Moriarty said. “How is it that you came to associate yourself with such a despicable character, Sherlock?”

“I needed a lift,” the detective said sharply. “Goliath, we need to go. Dawn is only two hours away. Leave these two here to stroke each others egos while we find out who’s behind these creatures and the attacks. We can deal with them later.”

“You make sense, detective. But I would prefer not to let them out of my sight. Moriarty, give him your case. Xanatos, give me the keys to your helicopter. A gesture of good faith until we solve this mystery.”

Xanatos and Moriarty looked at each other. Xanatos opened his mouth to protest, but the gargoyle’s expression made it clear that he would brook no argument. He tossed Goliath the keys, and Moriarty handed the case to Sherlock. Together, they walked into the jungle.

“So, do really turn to stone during the day? I mean, your physiology must be astounding. And you’ve been alive for over a thousand years? Do you age at all?”

Since they started walking through the jungle, the British detective had not stopped asking Goliath questions. Goliath had answered as many as he could, but there seemed to be no end to the man’s curiosity. He was on the verge of telling the man to be quiet when they came to a clearing with a large building in the center.

Xanatos consulted his GPS device. “This is it. Whatever is receiving the signal from the tracking devices on those tribbles must be inside.”

“Sherlock, this might be a good time to let me have my case back,” Moriarty said.

“Forget it,” Sherlock said gruffly.

“Suit yourself. It’s your funeral,” Moriarty warned.

“Quiet, both of you. There’s something going on inside,” Xanatos whispered.
Through the windows in the sides of the building, they could see an immense shape heaving. It was round and golden-furred, and they could make out dozens of the much smaller creatures crawling all over it.

“Sherlock, if you would be so kind as to reach inside my case, you will find a M320 grenade launcher,” Moriarty said. “I trust you know what one looks like.”

Sherlock opened the case and pulled out the grenade launcher. He checked the safety, and then took aim at the center window. He turned to look at Goliath.

“Wait,” the gargoyle said. “You might destroy any evidence of who created that abomination.”

“You’ve weren’t almost eaten by one of them,” Sherlock said. “That’s a chance I’m willing to take.” He pulled the trigger.

The grenade burst through the front window of the building and struck the creature. The explosion blew the building apart, sending debris and flaming tribbles flying. As the smoke cleared, they saw that the massive creature was still alive, writhing as the fire singed off its golden fur. It shuddered and wailed, its mouth opening wide to reveal teeth the size of broadswords. Suddenly, it began to rise from the wreckage of the building on eight spindly legs.

“It appears that the building was serving to restrain it,” Sherlock observed. “While the offspring may be legless, it appears that the mother is not.” He reached inside the case for another grenade round, but came up empty-handed.

As the mother tribble staggered towards them, Goliath leaped forward. Curling into a ball, he bowled through three of the creature’s legs, knocking it off balance.

Xanatos drew a laser pistol from inside his jacket and began to fire at the creature’s face. He struck two of its eyes, but as its fur burned away, it apparently had four more.

Goliath tried to knock out another of its legs, but the creature regained its footing and lashed out at him. The gargoyle was thrown backwards and struck a large tree.

Sherlock, Moriarty and Xanatos were still on their feet, but the creature was almost on top of them now. Xanatos’s laser pistol had no effect, and Moriarty just stood there, looking bored. With nothing else in his hands, Sherlock threw Moriarty’s case as hard as he could at the creature’s face. It caught the case in its jaws and chomped down.

Moriarty lazily drew a small device from his pocket and pressed a button. The case exploded in the creature’s mouth, blowing its face apart. It slumped to the ground, a smoking, bloody ruin.

“Drat,” Moriarty said, putting the detonator back in his pocket and looking sideways at Sherlock. “I was saving that for you.” He turned on his heel and strolled back into the jungle.

Goliath returned shakily to his feet. “So it’s over?”

“Not quite,” Sherlock said. “What are we going to do about those?”

From the mother’s corpse, hundreds of little tribbles were chewing their way free and spilling onto the grass. Snarling, they moved as one, swarming around Goliath, Sherlock, and Xanatos. Xanatos started firing, but there were too many of them…