FSL 2.0 Challenge 2: Take Out The Trash

This is an assassination mission. A local despot - pictured below - has caused much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Unfortunately the hero who should have taken care of this matter suffered a freak farming accident, tragic, simply tragic – Luke something or other. In order to set things right your team is being sent in.

Mission details: We know of only one sure place in time and space that he will be. It seems that he is micro-managing the completion of a large government-funded defense sphere of some kind. It is almost complete - about 24 hours left. We have opened a window in time/space (The creator of this portal calls it a Hawking Hole) for just long enough to get the job done. The portal will drop you off just out of sensor and patrol range.

Object: The despot must die!

Vehicle Asset: The local authorities searched through the impound lot and found this space delivery van. It’s been stripped of all ID and shag carpeting but is available for you to use as you see fit to accomplish your goals.

Good luck!

Crap, I wanted the Winnebago.

hivemind in effect

And this coming just after I posted the Endor Holocaust Poll. So I have to kill the Emperor and save the Ewoks. And save them from the other GWCers who want to barbecue them. Why couldn’t I have grabbed Corran Horn?

And lightsabers and swords don’t mesh well… hrmm.

Oh, and Sean, do we get all the various little changes here and there in the Planetary Express ship? And do we need to assume the planetary shield etc. is functioning for the DSII, or is this just a generic spherical defense station our scumbag happens to be on?

And I was waiting to do this, but I think I’m going to have to break out the Gundam on this one.

Well, I’d say that Fenatic, Cackleberry, Devastron and I have distinct advantages in this one :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait, is Devestron handicapped over the fact that the local hero has suffered a farming accident and therefore can’t be on their team?

In the tradition of massive body counts I offer Team Ruthless’ solution

Second Death Star to the left and straight on till morning…

The sickly green spaceship flew erratically and unpredictably, driving the TIE fighter pilots crazy. The constant hazing from the drunken robot didn’t exactly help either, or the mooning, or the occasional empty beer can that would ricochet off of their cockpit windows when he threw them at them.

Hit girl watched the display from the shrouded mothership, “Who is that weirdo?” The Professor shrugged, “Some drunk I met in the bar earlier, the mechanical lout said he would gladly provide a distraction for us in exchange for a cargo bay full of liquor.” “Hmmm, well he is doing rather well,” she turned back to view screen just in time to watch a pony keg bounce off of a TIE Interceptors cockpit. The litany of curses that spewed from the Imperial broadcast band caused the two to break into laughter.

The small stealth craft wove its way towards the core of the Death Star, Fox smirked as she piloted the craft, “Gee it is awfully convenient of them to make the maintenance tunnels wide enough for a space craft to enter…” Wesley looked up from the NAV display, “Yeah, I suppose there is some sort of logic for it engineering wise. But in terms of security it is like leaving your back door unlocked, real stupid…” As the dagger shaped ship entered the immense power core they gasped in unison, “What an incredible waste of space!” The Professor spoke over the communications relay, “Attach the mines around the silly looking tower in the center.” As the ship orbited the imposing tower and attached the mines Hitgirl looked over at the Professor, “It looks really cool, but it also doesn’t make much sense.” The Professor scratched his head, “I agree, it looks like a game designer or a production artist designed it…. Oh well. In a few minutes it will only be a memory anyways.”

The small stealth ship sped away as the timers on the mines counted down; Professor Seltzer contacted the inebriated robot and warned him that he had best leave the system as soon as possible. The sleazy automaton belched grotesquely and flew away followed by dozens of curses from the frustrated Imperial pilots. Once they had docked the mothership moved a safe distance away from which to watch the impending destruction of the Death Star.

The gravity mines detonated around the Death Stars core. The mines transmutation field turned all of the matter within its field of influence into neutronium. Metal, plasma, and exotic particles were drawn into the intense gravity field. The artificial satellite began to implode upon itself, all manner of matter; organic or otherwise were drawn into the core. The Death Star was becoming an infant Neutron Star, within an hour Endor and her moons became the Neutron Stars next victims. Eventually the entire star system became a Black Hole, star charts were changed, and no one ever visited that region of space again…

The entire event was blamed on faulty engineering by the Imperial ship yards, the entire DS Mrk II design team and their assistants were executed.

I feel a rush of Endor-phins and my heart is Palpatine-ing

The Imperial shuttle given to them by the rebels passed through the picket barrier without incident, once through and on their decent approach Corran’s X Wing appeared in normal space and raked the shuttle with laser fire. None of the hits were serious of course but the attack gave the infitrators inside an excuse for making an ‘emergency landing’, rather than landing on a heavily guarded landing pad. The attack also allowed Corran to draw fighter cover away from the small moon so they could follow him on a wild goose chase. They landed near the bunker which controlled the massive field generator which protected the Death Star above, as they landed in a controlled crash they radioed for help.

As a rescue team was dispatched from the bunker a cloaked Predator casually walked inside the open hanger doors and once deep inside began dispatching Imperial soldiers with great gusto and relish (everything is better with relish). When the rescue team arrived and entered the damaged shuttle it detonated as planned disposing of any further Imperial threats, when Henry and Raizo arrived at the bunker everyone inside was already dead or dying. Fortunately for Henry’s stomach the Predator was not interested in any trophies, or …hungry. Raizo carried the Global Dynamics equipment over to where Henry was tinkering with the power supply and field emitters.

Bored with watching the two working on the equipment the Predator went outside and began hunting the local wildlife. Once the picket fighters were drawn out of position Corran activated his hyperdrive and left the system, not to return until it was time for him to escort the team as they left the surface of the small moon.

With the modifications in place Henry began the new program, they rushed outside as the power generators began winding up and the huge projection dishes recalibrated for their new and destructive purpose. As they approached the uncloaked Predator designed insertion vessel for their escape the Predator was already there with a sack of newly collected skulls and another satisfied grin.

The powerful field around the Death Star began compressing around the structure, explosions spread across its surface as defense towers were crushed and their power supplies detonated. Soon the very surface of the artificial satellite began to distort and compress, flashes of brilliant light shot out of the gaping maw on its unfinished side as internal explosions cascaded within its interior. Within seconds the Death Star became as bright as a small sun as it erupted, the feedback it caused to the field emitter coming from the surface caused the underground power station to explode.

As the Team flew away from the small moon of Endor they were treated to two small suns and a fireball rising from the moons surface.

“I think George Lucas gonna sue somebody!”
–Chaka Luther King


crumples yellowpad page grumble grumble

Again. Dang. Took both my ideas. Where is that frakkin whiteboard?!?

Good job, Omra. Very entertaining.

Team Sideways
Driver: Wash / Tech: Macgyver / Recon: James Bond (Connery) / Martial Artist: The Operative

The Emperor sat pensively gazing out into the blackness of space. Interspersed between the stars he could see the occasional flare of laser fire. He breathed in deep and closed his eyes nodding to himself, his plan to destroy the Rebels now coming together so perfectly. “Vader!” he called out. “It has come time for us to celebrate our victory. Fetch us some Penne ala Arrabbiata!”

A short time later after a slight misunderstanding in the canteen Vader returned with two steaming dishes of Penne ala Arrabbiata with a side of peas on a wet tray. The Emperor snatched the plate away and started eating hungrily ignoring the tremor in the force. As he continued he noticed something odd underneath the pasta…a blue shirken. He held it up slowly and turned to Vader. “What is the meaning of…” he trailed off as his entire body tensed to the point of near rigor mortis. “This is a good death” Vader began as he took off his helmet and lit the red lightsaber, “there is no shame in this.” The Operative held the lightsaber to the ground and the Emperor powerless to resist fell forward impaling himself. “Mr. Stevens," the Operative said aloud, "the jam trousers have left the building” “Aye laddie,” Bond responded snickering to himself having chosen that code. “Did he see that coming?” “No,” the Operative said while retrieving the shirken and pocketing the lightsaber, “he didn’t see that coming.”

After a brisk walk Bond and Macgyver met up with the Operative and entered the green delivery ship. “So, do I want to know how you overloaded Vader’s life-support suit?” Bond asked nervously. Macgyver smiled, “paper clip, a piece of gauze and lemon juice.” The trio stepped onto the bridge and collectively gasped. “That wasn’t me. it smelled like that before I got here!” Wash said holding his shirt over his face to lessen the rank of sweat, beer and what he hoped was rotting shrimp. “What’s the plan now travelers? Engines are revved up and ready to go”

Macgyver grew quiet for a moment and then a large smile crossed his face. Reaching out he grabbed the com and patched it through to the Death Star network, “ALL HEAR THIS” Macgyver said gruffly. “ABANDON SHIP. THE DEATH STAR HAS BEEN COMPROMISED. IT WILL BLOW UP IN A MANNER OF MINUTES.” He hit a repeat button and his message echoed through the grey halls of the ship as every man scurried to evacuate. “That will never work” Wash scolded him, “their internal sensors will show no damage, no risk, no fire.” The Operative’s eyes went wide and he said to himself, “They will never see this coming.”

A moment later Team Sideways was running off the green delivery ship and through the blast doors. Wash called out, “5, 4, 3” as they slammed on the close button and the doors crashed shut. On the other side of the wall they could hear the green space delivery ship’s engines ignite pushing the ship full throttle about 100 feet before smashing into a wall exploding. “What happens now?” Bond asked looking to the rest of the team as the last of the Empire’s troops boarded the evacuation pods.

Macgyver clapped Wash on the shoulder, “What happens now is we see if our driver can pilot Team Sideway’s new floating fortress somewhere nice, like around a tropical planet populated with women of dubious virtue whose only food source is rum-based drinks.”

They all laughed except for Macgyver. “No, I am serious.”

Team Moldy Oldy in

That’s not my bag.

The team starts off with an A-Team style montage. With Nick Fury welding folding wings on while Jack and Cohen paint the planet express ship black and silver with a new logo on it (a stylized picture of the old Death Star with the Empire’s cog over it). Professor Farnsworth is inside installing his new Hawking Hole projector. They then lift off to start the mission.

First they make a quick test run of the projector by stopping off at Cohen’s home dimension and the Disc. Landing outside of Ankh-Morpork, Jack and Nick head to the wine sellers to buy up their stocks of Reanual Wine(1). Cohen and the Professor head to the Unseen University for something to counter act the Emperor’s force powers. After a couple of hours both teams show up back at the ship with their hauls. Nick and Jack load wine and large ornate box on to the ship while Professor gets ready for lift off and Cohen makes lunch.

They lift off and eat a quick bite then head to take out the Emperor. Upon exiting the second Fry-Hole errr I mean Hawking Hole, they change into their costumes. Nick and Cohen put on large grey coveralls that could easily hide a small arsenal of weapons. The professor climbs into a large astro droid disguise, and Jack puts on a tight little black Tshirt and short shorts with a little black cap. When the ship approaches the DS2, Jack sweet talks the comms officer into letting them in telling him that they are from Empire Express and have a shipment of wine for the Emperor. He promises to give the office a bottle of wine and a date on the next trip.

Jack and the Professor use a hove cart to move the wine to the Emperor’s mess after having it inspected and tasted. Nick and Cohen put the box on another cart and start wheeling it to the personal quarters. They get stopped and asked what they are doing, Nick replies that they are from EWA and are returning the Emperor’s lost bag from his recent vacation to Yavin 4. The troopers open up the trunk and see some neatly folded black robes. Nick ask where do they want it and troopers give him and a gawking Cohen directions to Emperor’s living quarters. A quick elevator ride and couple of rights later, Nick gives the same story to the Emperor’s Elite guards, who look thru the trunk and take it to put in the Emperor’s quarters. The team high tails it out of there and back home.

The Emperor has had a killer head ache all day (literally force choked 3 privates and a lieutenant for making too much noise)(2). Nothing he tried helped until dinner when he started drinking the new and quiet taste wine. The more he drank the better he felt, after too many bottles of wine the Emperor wobbles his way back to his quarters. He quickly glances at the note on his door about a lost bag and goes in. He stumbles around for a few minutes getting ready for bed and hears the shuffling of hundreds of feet. He turns around to see a large wooden trunk with the lid open and large piles of credits in it. He says out loud “Hey, that’s not my b…”

The guards outside the door hear a muffed “grrkkk!”. They rush inside and don’t see the Emperor anywhere. They tare the whole room apart and don’t find him. They open the new luggage and only find neatly folded laundry. They expand the search but never find Emperor or his body. A couple of days later a lone Storm Trooper reports seeing an odd wooden looking droid on hundreds of little feet walk thru an airlock into space.

[i]1 Reannual grapes are an unusual sort of flora native to the Disc. It works like this: when a farmer plants a reannual this year, the plant is harvested last year. There are several challenges involved in doing so: for one, if you forget to sow the seeds after you harvest them, you risk disturbing the entire fabric of casuality . Thus, it takes farmers who are much given to introspection and close examination of the calendar to pull it off correctly.

2 Wine from reannual grapes cause their own problems as you have the hangover the morning before, and have to drink quite a lot to get over it.[/i]


What, no calling in the Great God Om to smite the ungodly while we’re at it? Or hiring of the Assassin’s Guild? Or at least bringing along Rincewind to take care of the Luggage?

Still, I loved this one. I thought about putting together a team in the post sci-fi leage last time with Professor Farnsworth, Yoda, Cohen, and Jetfire as my crew of old men.

Only had 24 hours, my original plan was to setup cout de ta and have Cohen as the new leader of Empire. Gods and assassin’s tell you they can do it in a day but there are aways delays.

Why must my plans be inherently complicated? And this was supposed to be the short version… oi.


  1. Jim creates and employs Bionic Observers Transmitting Hidden Assets Nanobots (BOTHANs), half of which are destroyed in gaining information from the Holonet and hacking into Imperial systems for the schematics of the Death Star II and its defenses.

  2. Jim hacks the holonet, finds out there’s a whole bunch of guys rebelling against the dirtbag they’ve been sent to kill and contacts the Rebel Fleet to make sure they’re going to be on time for the battle. Their leader briefs the fighters, telling them that ‘Many BOTHANs died to bring us this information’

  3. Duo finds Deathscythe is in the hanger of the Planet Express Ship, and gets his Gundam ready for combat.

  1. Jim works with Duo to create a sentient auto-pilot program for the Planet Express ship based on Duo’s piloting data. Jim also engineers the nanobots to be able to create a self-replicating and evolving computer virus that should infect the Death Star’s hypernavigation systems.

  2. Kenshin reads about ‘The Force’ and decides it sounds like his ‘swordsman’s spirit’ He thinks that if he can get inside the Death Star he can get ‘captured’ and taken to the boss to prove his worth. He does not wish, however, to kill the Emperor, or assist directly in his death, as that would break his wanderer’s oath.

The Plan

  1. Batou and Kenshin put on Spacesuits and hide on the inside of the Deathsythe Hell’s wings when they are wrapped around the suit’s chest. Kenshin has found that his reverse-blade sword has been replaced with a near-exact duplicate, this one that was labeled ‘cortorsis ore’. This allows the blade to stand up to lightsabers.

  2. Duo pilots Deathscythe inside the shield, hanging on the back of a Star Destroyer (hanging on the way the Falcon did in Empire Strikes Back) as it delivers more material to the station. He slowly works his way along the dark side of the station until he finds then entrance to the tunnels inside the superstructer. Batou and Kenshin separate themselves from the Gundam and find an interior airlock.

  3. Batou activates his active cloak and takes the nanobots with him until he finds an empty computer terminal. He releases the nanobots, then makes his way to the hangar bay and steals a shuttle, hacking into its computer and locking it down to anyone but himself.

  4. Kenshin reveals himself and begins to attack a succession of stormtroopers (once again not much worrying about their aim, it’s worse than Cobra’s) until he attracts Vader’s attention. Vader feels his swordsman’s aura and takes him before the Emperor.

  5. Kenshin and Vader fight, with Vader quickly gaining the upper hand, forcing Kenshin to release his various special moves. Even though he is faster than Vader, he has a very difficult time fighting a man in metal armor. The Emperor unleashes force lighting on Kenshin, knocking him out. Then the elevator opens once again to an empty elevator car. The cloaked Batou attacks Vader, who rips the gun from his cloaked hands. He then tells the warrior he can sense him through the Force, and his cloak is worthless. Batou grins and says he was just buying time. Suddenly both the Emperor and Vader turn their heads to see Kenshin standing once more, his eyes blazing. He puts everything into his ultimate attack, the Amakakeru Ryu No Hirameki. Vader evades the blow, but the back-slash in the moment Vader cannot move lets Kenshin’s sword destroy the breathing apparatus on the suit’s back. The emperor stands dumbfounded, and Kenshin rushes him with super-human speed, knocking him unconscious. He and Batou hightail it back to the shuttle, where Batou transmits the codeword (Nerfherder) to Jim.

  6. Jim brings in the Rebel fleet, guns blazing to take on the Imperial Fleet he knows is waiting. The rebels are waiting for their commandos to take out the shield generator before they can attack the Death Star.

  7. Duo, in Deathscthe is hidden outside the shuttle bay. When Kenshin and Batou make their escape in the commandeered shuttle, Duo unfurls Deathscythe’s wings and heads to attack TIE Fighters head on, guarding the shuttle as they escape. Jim remotely lowers and then raises the shields via his BOTHANs letting the Deathscythe loose.

One Big Boom

  1. The nanobots have by now achieved two goals. The first is that they have cut communications between the shield generator and the DSII. The second is they have programmed the hyperdrive to overload, along with a cascade reaction of the main reactor, causing a hyperspace bubble to form at the same time as the station explodes, with all the energy and debris contained by the shield.

Batou docks with the Planet Express Ship and he and Kenshin transfer over, letting Jim remote pilot the shuttle towards the Home One. While trying to transfer the prisoner, a rogue pilot strafes the shuttle, causing it to explode. Batou surreptitiously winks to Jim, who gives him a thumbs up. Kenshin remains unaware.

And perhaps a more snappy version to follow with funny lines and such, but that may be whole pages long. Also I spent enough time on this picture to want to take a break.

Team Hot Bitches

Nausicaa - Bulma - Creamy Mami - Hitomi

Solution #2 “Darth Creamy”

Warning: Any fallacies concerning all things SW can be attributed to the fact that I’m one of the few people who doesn’t like SW, and so have only a shallow passerby knowledge of that world. In short, this is not Team Hot Bitches’ week. :smiley:

  1. As there are civilians on Death Stars with shops and amenities and whatnots, the team decides to use Creamy Mami’s superstar status and contruct a “Creamy Mami: One Night Stand at the Death Star Tour!” to celebrate the almost completion of the Death Star. They send out flyers, emails, posters and whatnots, and everyone on the Death Star - including Palpatine, with the best seats, of course - are quite excited to see the concert.

  2. The Hawking Hole spits them just outside of the Death Star in their ship that Nausicaa is flying (after a few trial and errors). Bulma with her millions of dollars had refurbished the Planet Express Ship into a Planet Mami Tour Ship (plus, how easy is that? The PE Ship is kind of like a tour bus anyway), so it is let into the Death Star without complications. After all, even the stormtroopers at the ‘customs’ were excited to see Mami (and her entourage) in person.

  3. The concert begins, and Palpatine finds himself enjoying the music, but also distracted and intrigued by something else. He thinks, “This Mami…can change clothes in a second on stage. She can move flowers and clouds with her wand. She can construe rainbows and unicorns out of thin air. One second she’s on this side of the hall, and the next, she’s in the far left. And look at that light emitting from her wand! Either this crappy old concert hall is more high tech than I remember, or could it be? Could Mami have the force? Could Mami be an even better replacement apprentice than Luke?”

  4. The concert ends, and Mami receives a large bouquet of flowers with a note attached. “The Emperor requests the company of Creamy Mami at breakfast tomorrow.” They are in.

  5. Evening. Nausicaa and Bulma work in their spaceship with fervor. Hitomi does her evening exercises and stretches to prepare, and studies the ventilation shaft blue print they got off ebay. Mami sleeps, for she has a lot to do the next day. Meanwhile, Palpatine researches on Mami and is more convinced that she has the force, perhaps more powerful than he’s ever seen. Strange and stranger things have happened in almost every concert of hers in the past.

  6. During breakfast in the Emperor’s private quarters, Palpatine asks Mami about her ‘force’. She giggles and lies (as young girls do) her ass off. “Oh, my powers? Well, I guess my wand is kinda like a lightsaber. The Jedis did try to recruit me. But they don’t like emotions, and I’m like, too happy all the time. Happiness is like, the source of my powers, I guess! Plus, that little like, green dude creeps me out. And don’t get me started on that whiny kid. He tried to kiss me once! Ugh.” Pleased, Palaptine does his usual “join the dark force” sales pitch. Mami pretends to be intrigued and interested. “That would be, like, soooo useful. I could like, kill all my competition with the force and I’ll be like, the most popular star in all of the universe!” He asks her to show her some of her powers. She moves stuff around the table with her wand. She changes outfits again and again in a split second. Then finally, as a last push, she puts on her robe, turns around, and turns herself back to Yuu. Palpatine is shocked to see a 10 year old girl in place of Mami. Turning around again, Yuu turns back into Mami. Palpatine is speechless. “You know, this will be so easy for you. I can teach you that. You know, to get rid of those wrinkles from your face. There’s a handsome man underneath them, and I don’t have anything to give you, my master!” Palpatine is touched by Mami’s loyalty. They shake hands and sign documents to seal the deal. (It helps that Mami is innately likeable and popular and even Palpatine is not unaffected by her likeability.) Mami will become Palpatine’s apprentice. “I’m like, so excited!”

  7. Later that day, Palpatine calls Vadar in and kills him. “You have been replaced.”

  8. Palpatine calls Mami in for an orientation lesson on Siths and whatnots. Mami comes in with a brown mask on her face. “It’s my new ‘evil’ look!” Before Palpatine could say “here’s your saber”, Hitomi, in a mask and hidden in the vents, drops a massive stink bomb of sorts, releasing huge amounts of lethally toxic air (from Nausicaa’s hometown, of course) into the room. Having no time to react, Palpatine dies* from the toxic gas. Hitomi jumps out of the shaft and high fives Mami.

Bulma and Nausicaa radios in. “Is everything ok? Do we need to fly in and rescue you guys?”

Hitomi checks in, “Well, the apprentice killed the master, so the apprentice is now the master! I don’t believe this, but I think Mami is now the Sith Master and Emperor!** We’re in charge now, huh?”

“Oh, cool!” Mami puts on Palpatine’s robe and does her signature wink.

  1. Some months later. Mami ceded her emperor-ship back to the good side, and the galaxy is at peace - for a little while anyway. The Death Star is now a intergalactic mall planet, and is awaiting like all intergalactic mall planets are - the next concert of former Emperor Darth Creamy featuring her latest single “Stormtroopers are the best lovers”.
  • My impression is that while Siths are powerful, they still breathe and are not infallible to things like being poisoned - if the poison is a fast acting one that kills immediately. (so they can’t use the force to get it out of their systems). This could, of course, be completely wrong.
    ** Is that how it works? :smiley: Since Mami is the only living apprentice to Palpatine, does she get everything?

ETA: No stick figures this time around, but there’s this:


This is Commander Chuck Cage of the Alliance Intelligence Agency calling Team Dyno-Mite into action. This is a most desperate hour, help us, your our only hope. The mission brief has been uploaded to your computer, we only have a small window of opportunity.

Ironhide: So, what is this mission?

[LEFT]T’pol: Its right up your alley, kill an evil public official.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Kaylee: Someone just dropped off this cute little ship, can we keep it?[/LEFT]

[LEFT]T’pol: It may come in handy, if we make it out alive, you can keep it.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Ironhide: Well in the words of a great general, “Let’s Roll”.[/LEFT]

The team got on board the delivery ship and headed for the rendezvous point.

T’pol: You know Han, you look like you belong on this ship for some reaason.

Han: Yeah I get that a lot, so where are we going?

T’pol: The brief says a planet sized battle-station by the forest Moon of Endor.

Han: Ha, why does that sound familiar?

As the ship reaches the exact coordinates and time, there is a flash of light and the ship is catapulted to near the targeted area. After a few moments to compose themselves, the crew begins the planning of the mission.

T’pol: Ok, everyone knows there part in this? Alright thats do it.

Han pilots the ship to the nearest shipping lane so that they can appear to be a normal delivery ship. As the ship approaches the check point, an imperial toll booth operator stops them to so what they are here for.

Imp: What a day, there have been a lot of delivery ships coming through here. A majority of theses crews have been trying to kill the Emperor for some reason. So I need to scan your ship for any assassins.

Han: Go it right ahead. All I have is a truck and “A special delivery from Naboo”. We are pretty harmless.

Imp: You look clean, move along. Head to docking bay 327.

Han: I swear I have been here before, oh well, lets get this done.

As the ship approaches the docking bay, there is a loud thud heard from within. Flying like nothing had happened, Han docks the ship. Han dressed as a stormtrooper once again, escorts T’pol and Kaylee it the Emporer’s private elevator shaft.

T’pol: Do you think you can handle what I am asking of you?

Kaylee: This seems so wrong, I don’t think I can do what you ask.

T’pol: Ok, just think of the nice big engine of delivery ship, and what you can do while looking it over. That will be your motivation. And if you still that won’t help, I can wipe your mind of the next few minutes.

Kaylee: you had me at nice big engine.

As the elevator came to the emperor’s throne room floor. Han told the girls to hold the elevator until the time was right. A shrunken old man, sitting in a black chair, motioned the stormtrooper forward.

Emperor: Aren’t you a little fat for a stormtrooper?

Han: Yes sir I am, since I got assigned here, I just have a hard time with portion control. You eat one Ewok burger, and you just want another one. I really have to get on the company weight loss program.

Emperor: Ok, sounds better. So have you come with my special delivery?

Han: Yes, yes I have.

Emperor: Good, Good.

With a flick of the wrist, the Emperor uses a force push to hit three switches on the nearest wall. The lights lower, a disco ball descends from the ceiling, and music player begins playing in the background.


Han: And I give to you sir, live from Naboo, the FemTroopers!!!

Out of the elevator come T’pol and Kaylee in full femtrooper outfits and start working there way towards the Emperor dancing without any limits. The Emperor sits back on his throne and takes in the beauty of these women. The two women bring the excitement level ever closer to the old man. Using their feminine features to press the advantage, they get right up next the the Emperor, getting within inches of the old pervert.

As the music dies down, we see the Emperor taking a long drag off of a cigar. The girls head back to the elevator as fast as possible without looking too obvious. As the elevator reaches the next available floor, T’pol takes out a communicator and lets Ironhide know that they are back to a safer place.

Back inside the Throne room, the Emperor begins to heard a very small beeping sound. As he looks around, he see a little flashing disk on his robes. At that instance, a loud explosion can be felt within the station. A small man’s body is sucked out of the Throne Room that has just been blow away be an Autobot warrior with some heavy fire power.

Ironhide: The threat has been eliminated, lets get out of here.

Team Morally Ambiguous
Pilot: Tom Paris
Tech: Topher Brink
Recon: Gollum
Martial Artist: Faith the vampire slayer

The Nazgul looked up and felt the one ring’s presence leaving the atmosphere. Their leader mounted his flying steed of evil and urged his fellows to the heavens.

Thoughts of recovering the ring sustained them all the way, until they breached Earth’s atmosphere and began to suffocate. Apparently, even evil needs to breathe.

Faith gathered her team before her; the green ship had taken some getting used to, but here they were, dropped off outside the target’s sensor range, ready to strike.

“Alright team, everybody know their jobs? Look happy – and Gollum, try not to eat anyone. Unless it’s Palpatine – then you can go ahead.”

Tom Paris flew the ship right up to the main dock of the Death Star, where everyone could see. He saw at least one cannon pointed their way before a voice came over the intercom.

“What are you doing at our secret base? Surrender, rebel scum!”

“Hold on there, sweet cheeks,” Faith purred. “We’re from the ESO – the Evil Services Organization. We’re here to entertain you stormtroopers while you’re fighting the battle for galactic dominance. Look at our sign if you don’t believe us.”

The storm trooper peered at their green ship, and sure enough, ESO was painted in violent purple letters on both sides. “Well, a sign like that would never lie. Go ahead and dock and we’ll meet you there.”

Once they were docked, Faith and company crawled out of the ship and met the stormtroopers who came to greet them. “You are just the cutest things I’ve seen in months," she said. "Where’s your staging area – you know, where our lord and emperor can impart his wisdom to the galaxy at large? That will be the perfect place for the show!”

The blushing stormtrooper showed them the way – straight down and to the left of the torture wing.

The show was ready to go an hour later. Topher, as emcee, strolled to center stage.

“Thank you, thank you, for all being here and defending us from the rebel terrorists. This show is our small way of saying thanks. First up, we have Gollum, our disappearing magician! He only knows one trick, but you’ll never guess how he does it!”

Gollum strolled downstage, turned his back to the audience, and disappeared (he had learned his lesson; his precious was now on a steel necklace Faith had helped him construct). He walked down an aisle, climbed onto a stormtrooper’s head, and reappeared.

The crowd gasped and applauded; he repeated his trick, this time by throwing himself into the crowd, mosh-pit style, and reappearing mid-flight. The ending was a bit rough, but he made it through.

“Let’s give Gollum another round of applause!” Gollum left the stage, and after a quick high-five, Faith showed him a map of the corridors and sent him on a special assignment.

Faith took over the microphone, giving Topher time to prepare his act. “Folks, the show is just getting started. After a short break, we’re going to treat you to the comic stylings of Topher Brink, the galaxy’s funniest misanthrope!”

Topher hit the stage, note cards in hand.

“So folks, did you hear this one – the Emperor and the Dalai Lama walk into a bar…”


“How about this one – Darth Vader meets a dolphin, and kills him for being too cute?”


“How do crickets even get on a Death Star?”


“Well folks, that’s enough for the warm up act,” Faith interrupted him. “Let’s hear it for Topher!” The crowd clapped politely.

The lights fell. Faith stepped out on the stage, wearing an overlong trench coat and a coy smile. “Topher,” she whispered. “The lights are all setup?”

“Yes, yes, those guys out there won’t know what hit ‘em.”

“STORMTROOPERS! Here’s what you’ve been waiting for. You’ve read about it in books you’ve burnt, but let me present now, FAITH and the DANCE OF THE SEVEN VEILS!”

The lights, enhanced to connect with the brains of the stormtroopers and make them both sleepy and content (just like at Empire Thanksgiving Day), shined on Faith as she slowly dropped her trenchcoat…to reveal herself covered in only flimsy scarves.

She let one drop during her first handstand…

The Emperor looked around his room; below, he could hear the stormtroopers hooting and hollering at the show, and he wished he could join them.

But with great evil comes great responsibility, he reminded himself. Ultimate power comes with a price, and well, kinship with his fellow evildoers was it.

Ah well, maybe one day he’ll find that special slave wench he could live out his reign with; the evil had proved to be quite the wench magnet.

Behind him, he saw his door open for a few seconds, as if a ghost had wandered through it. Sigh, he thought. I miss my old Death Star; this one has too many bugs in it.

He lay down, thinking about whether or not to accept Vader’s offer for checkers, but he wasn’t quite in the mood; the lad had gotten a bit too involved with the trash talk, and it was all he could do to not Force choke Vader at every other turn.

He never saw Gollum; he just felt a whisp of air as the littlest recon officer slashed his throat.

Faith was almost done (and almost naked) when the Topher radioed her earpiece. “Faith, Gollum and Tom are in the ship. Time to go.”

One veil left, she thought. “Eh, I’ve come this far.” With one dramatic and slow back flip, the last veil fell and the lights went out.

Topher’s voice barely reached the ears of the slack-jawed stormtroopers. “You’ve been great fellows. Keep up the good fight, and we will win this war! See you next year!”

Tom piloted the ship away, quickly (too quickly) flying back to the rendezvous spot.

“Hey guys, check this out.” He pulled out a remote and pressed the glowing red button. They turned just in time to see hangar deck they were just in explode…along with half the Death Star. The other half was slowly collapsing when Faith turned on Tom.

“When did you do that?”

“While you guys were performing, I met a very cute and very lonely stormtrooper gal who showed me around, and kindly looked the other way while I set up some explosives. I, uh, gave her a lift too. Trust me, she’s a rebel at heart.”

“I thought all stormtroopers were men,” Topher said.

“There’s always one, you just got to know where to look,” Tom smirked. “And just think, now we’ll get the bonus for destroying the Death Star too!”

I love your whole plan, just pure ossimness. Great writing Solai!

Nice. This one made me giggle.