FSL 2.0 Challenge 1: Puppynapped

This is Talat. He is my beloved boy. Friend to many and ambassador of canine kind – and he has been puppynapped!!!

Mission details: The puppynapper known only as “Deville” is holding Talat hostage in a Die-Hard style office building being held by ninjas. 100 ninjas - with uzi’s, swords and body armor - on every floor to be precise. The building features the best in high tech security throughout, except for the roof - which is guarded by a fully grown D&D green mountain dragon – fire and all.

Object: Rescue Tallyman without any harm coming to him.

Vehicle Asset: The local authorities are swamped with other crime and badness at the moment but they did drop off a spare vehicle to assist the retrieval team - Judge Dredd’s hover cycle. Your team may use it however you wish to help accomplish the mission.

Good luck!

What is the cutoff time for entries to get in before you choose for the Podcast. Won’t make a difference to me this week (I’ll be completely out of contact Wednesday-Saturday), but I figure it’d be good to know in general.

The cutoff is Friday @ noon. :slight_smile:

Request for clarification:

Is that 100 ninjas, spread throughout the building to be on every floor, or 100 ninjas per floor?

100 ninjas per floor.

First Hovercat makes a few passes over the building to try and see what is up. Obviously the first thing he notices is the dragon, but looking closely he notices the dragon has a bow on her head. He only spots one ninja, but if you see one, that means there are probably a hundred you didn’t see.

Hovercat reports back and Krosp hatches a plan. They rig the hovercycle up with a holographic projecter to look like another dragon. A boy green dragon.

With Toonces driving the hovercycle, they fly off. Puss in Boots is hanging onto the hovercycle for dear life, knowing how this will end.

Meanwhile, Krosp sneaks into the basement of the building. He can’t deactivate the alarms, so he sets them all off on the ground floor. This makes the ninjas all run down to check out the action.

Back in the hovercycle, Toonces has the hang of flying it now and they fly over to the building. Puss in Boots has a megaphone and starts flirting with the dragon. She sees what looks like a handsome male dragon with a charming voice talking to her. Puss in Boots suggests that she come fly with them, but she explains she can’t leave since she is lawful evil and not chaotic evil and can’t just wander off.

Frustrated, Puss falls back into the cycle, knocking Toonces off. Toonces lands on the dragon while Puss grabs the controls. The dragon, her name is Bitsy, is enraged that a cat has landed on her tries to shake Toonces off. Toonces is holding on for dear life.

Bitsy takes to the air, doing rolls and dives to shake Toonces off. Puss takes this moment to leap off the cycle and land on the roof. He then runs into the building. Running into an office he sees Talat, but there is also a woman in a chair, who spins the chair around and says, “Ah, Mr…who the hell are you?”

Puss then pulls off his hat and looks at her with big sad eyes. Several ninja step out of the shadows. One of them says, “Look lady, we can’t hurt the cute little…ahhhh! The pain!” as Puss launches an all out attack on the ninjas.

Deville hits the intercom, but it is dead, thanks to Krosp. Annoyed she flees from the office as the ninjas are taken down. Hovercat flies in and taunts Talet into following him, and leads him onto the roof.

Sadly, the hovercycle is trashed. Puss rushes out and slams the door shut. The ninjas are trapped for now, but will break through soon!

Suddenly, Toonces, riding Bitsy swoops into view. He has tamed the dragon! They all hop onto her and he flies them to safety. But, wait, Hovercat is right in front of them! Toonces hadn’t seen him! Desperate, Toonces steers Bitsy away, and over a cliff no one had seen earlier! They tumble down the side of it, Bitsey spewing flame everywhere. Explosions!

Krosp then appears, hits everyone with a fire extinguisher, and Talat is saved! A little singed, but saved!

The End

I am looking forward to seeing what Team Catastrophe does with this challenge.

ETA: Wow! You’re fast FBC!

First things first, Jim Hawking and Batou are going to adapt their tech to hook into the world wide web and to interface Batou’s wireless head connection to Jim’s handheld. While they’re doing that, Duo’s going to look over the hoverbike to make sure it will hold up, as well as some small modifications. Kenshin will cook dinner after he retrieves his reverse-blade sword.

Once the net connection has been established, Jim (with some help from Batou) will hack into the building’s security system and download all the floor plans and system controls he can get his hands on. During this, they will find out that the buildings various control systems cannot be access from the outside, so Jim will work on making a device to be installed on the inside of the building while Batou makes their plan of attack.

When Kenshin comes by to give Batou and Jim their lunch, he looks over Batou’s shoulder and remarks that this shouldn’t be any trouble at all. Batou is suprised, then points out that there are a hundred ninjas, more than any man could take on. Kenshin will quietly point out the Inverse Ninja law,* that one ninja is an elite and powerful adversary, multiple ninjas make a group of faceless and incompetent pawns. It would be a breeze to take them all on. Batou begins to develop the plan.

That night, Duo and Kenshin get on Judge Dred’s hover-bike and ride break neck for the roof to lure out the green dragon. The dragon will snap at them, and just as he does, Kenshin will backflip off the hoverbike, land on the dragon’s head and run down it’s back, off the tail and into the roof of the building, drawing all of the guard’s attention. Duo will entice the dragon to chase him with a series of taunts and peppering of machine gun fire. With all attention drawn to the roof, Batou will enter the parking garage under cloak, hack his way into the building, and with Jim’s help, locate the computer center in the building’s basement. Four ninjas and one comment about how using high powered bullets in self’modified automatics results in jamming and shitty work later, Batou will have placed Jim’s device in the main computer core, giving them access to all the building’s controls.

With most of the building’s ninjas rushing upstairs to fight Kenshin, Batou will re-engage the cloak and, carrying his standard-issue-big-gun, work his way upwards through the building following Jim’s directions to the room where Talat’s being held. Jim will alternatively lock down/open doors to keep Batou’s route clear. Once he reaches the final room, however, Batou will find the one ninja by himself, who is therefore a complete badass and manages to find Batou despite the cloak. Batou dives for cover and a firefight ensues. Batou momentarily gains the upper hand when he picks up the room’s couch and throws it at the ninja, causing the ninja to lose his uzi and draw a sword. With a grin on his face, Batou wades in to melee, catching the first swing of the ninja’s sword with his elbow and smiling broadly at the ninja when the sword fails to cut through the cyborg-titanium armour. He cold-cocks the ninja, drops him to the floor and rescues Talat.

Above, on the upper floors of the building, Kenshin is barely bothering to try to dodge the bullets (because, in any fire fight involving dozens of foes with rapid fire, nobody can manage to actually hit anything. See Cobra in GI Joe, or the A-Team tv show), utilizing his super-speed and dexterity to take out the ninja’s one by one. By the time Batou has rescued Talat, Kenshin has left a trail of bumped noggins, crushed hands, and unconscious ninjas behind him, and meets up with Batou outside of the room where Talat was held hostage. Together they rush down the stairs to the basement, steal a smart car that had voice activation by hacking it’s computer to think the key was in the car, and drive away to safety.

In the meantime, Duo has been leading the dragon on a hair-raising hover-bike chase through the city, dodging traffic, billboards, and low wires. He’s tried more than once to catch the dragon up on the landscape, to no avail. Finally, Duo sees a bridge ahead, and angles down along the river. He drives straight for the underside of the bridge, riding up the slope and then pulling back on the bike to push the hover-pads on the bottom off the side of the bridge, throwing him back almost directly into the dragon’s mouth. As the surprised dragon snaps his jaws closed on the bike, Duo leaps away to the side, pressing the self-destruct switch he’s installed on the bike. The resulting explosion results in the only kill of the mission, as the dragon falls headless into the river with a flaming wheel (there are conventions after all) rolling past Duo as he walks away on the river back, loudly proclaiming, “The God of Death is back once again!” Batou and Kenshin finally find him and pick him up, and drive back to their hideout to contact Sean with the good news that his puppy is now safe.


You just had to ask for that sort of clarification, didn’t you? Oh well, I posted mine before I knew that fact, but in any case, I’m going to hold that Kenshin could have taken out a horde of ninjas by himself (for reasons I put in my post) and that any leftovers were either contained by Jim’s hacking or Batou was able to deal with using his cloak and SIBG (Standard Issue Big Gun)

Hehe that so has possibilities I’mma work on this at work tomorrow

It’s a good thing Chuck and Sean will be there to keep things in check. You know what can happen when Audra tries to save someone…or at least, Solai does. :eek:

Using her investigative blogger skills, Orwell got her hands on the floor plans and calls the All Summer Team together to plan the rescue. Orwell points out there seems at be at least 50 or so ninja’s at the first floor, and the roof looks relatively open. “Getting by the ninjas is the easy part, locating Talat in the hundreds of rooms is the real challenge” says Orwell.

“What’s a Talat?” Cameron asks. Bennett pushes up her glasses, looks at the info and says “hmm… i am guessing some sort of Collie mix, I have to do a genetic analysis after we captured him to be sure” Cameron tilts her head “You mean it’s a dog? I don’t like dogs… and dogs don’t like me.”

“Why is that?” Tess asks. Cameron throws up her hands “Cause I’m a cybernetic organism. Dogs bark at me when they sense my presence.” Orwell jumps up in excitement “that’s it, we just need to walk Cameron by each door quickly, and when we are close to where they are hiding Talat, we can just track down his barking.”

When the local police drops off the hover cycle, Tess takes over his mind and uses him as the driver for the hover craft. He takes Cameron and Tess in the back, riding the cycle Asian family style. Meanwhile, Orwell and Bennett tries to find an entrance from the ground.

Tess and Cameron get dropped off at the roof top. The local police regains his senses and rides away cursing. Cameron confidently walks towards the door for the stairs when the sun is suddenly blocked off by a large shadow. Tess yells “Cameron!!! there’s a dragon!!!”.

“Tess, are you seeing things again? You said your schizophrenia is better.” Cameron doesn’t even look up and reaches for the door knob, when a giant fireball burns off all the skin on her hand. Cameron turns her head and sees a giant green dragon with smoke coming out the nostrils.

“ok, Orwell never said anything about a dragon! relatively open my a…” Tess is cutoff while dodging a fireball. Cameron holds on to the dragon’s tail and asked calmly “Tess, can you mind control the dragon?” Tess replies in panic “I don’t know, I have never tried before”. Cameron punches the dragon in nose after the dragon sinks teeth into her shoulders “well, today is the day!”

Orwell and Bennett reaches the base of of the office building. Bennett asks “so… how are we getting in?” Orwell looks around “I am thinking the air shafts”. Bennett shakes her head “And what if we ran into Ninjas? Cause I am not aware of our super powers.” Orwell asks “ok, what would you do?” Bennett pulled out two remote shaped device and says “how about we just walk through the front door?”

After mind wiping a couple hundred ninjas, and turning them into dolls, Orwell and Bennett ascends another floor, panting from all the stair climbing, when a ninja flies down the stairwell. They couldn’t pull out their remote fast enough, but instead of landing and drawing the sword, the ninja face planted in front of them. “Bennett, it’s Cameron! We are close!”

Cameron has been running through each floor, shoving ninjas in the face. She has her ears set to pick up the faintest dog barks. It’s a technique Skynet uses to locate resistance cells. She turns to the two nerd girls and said “I can hear Talat, he’s on this floor.” The three of them stop in front of a metal door. Cameron busts down the door and loud dog barking comes from the dark room.

“There there, Talat, it’s ok. Where are you Talat” Orwell calls out to the dog and the three of them enters the dark room. Suddenly the lights lite up and they are surrounded by Ninjas. “eeep~ it’s a trap!” Bennett pulls out her mind wiper, and starts zapping away. But it has no effects on these ninjas, they keeps creeping forward and one of them jumps ahead. Cameron shoves him in the face, but the ninja doesn’t budge. Bennett says shakingly “Girls, I don’t think these ninjas… I think they are robots.” Orwell argues “actually I think they are robot ninjas…” Cameron says “grab the barker and run if you want to live! I’ll slow them down.”

Orwell and Bennett run towards the roof, and a couple of Robot Ninjas starts closing in on them. The two girls reach the roof exhausted, the robot ninjas quickly surround them. Just before they attack, a huge tail swipes them off the top of the building. Orwell looks up and finds a giant green dragon rubbing Tess’s face with her head. Tess says shyly “What’d you say let’s fly out of here?”

The team rescues Talat flying away on the back of the green dragon. After a day, Cameron came back with few skin left on her combat chassis, and Talats starts barking at her. Cameron: “Oh wow… thanks for coming back for me girls… now, can i pop the dog?”

Team Hot Bitches
Challenge 1 solution

“Just how are we going to get through hundreds and hundreds of ninjas, AND a dragon on the roof, and find Talat in time in that huge building?” Nausicaa wailed. They’ve been at it for hours, trying to plan the perfect heist.

“Wait, we might be thinking about this all wrong. 100 ninjas per floor you say…well then, what would be easier than to disguise oneself as one of the ninjas when there will be thousands of them?” Hitomi said, her lips curling upwards. “Bulma and I have been looking at the blueprints of the building. This point will be the most vulnerable, and I’ve been through these security systems before. We just need a distraction, and I can enter the building quietly and infiltrate the ninjas safely.”
Bulma said, “Yes, and Hitomi can locate Talat easily on my newly adjust now Talat radar.”
“And I’ve got the rest covered once you find Talat.” Nausicaa said.
“Are you taking the hover cycle?” Hitomi asked while trying on her ninja outfit.
“That piece of junk? Hell no. My glider is quieter and won’t alert the dragon. Which brings us to the the matter of the dragon. If things go south, we need a plan to deal with it.” Nausicaa reminded the gang.

They all fall silent. Then, Creamy Mami opened her mouth.

“You guys were talking about a distraction earlier. Well, how about a mini concert right next to the building?”
“That’s not a bad idea. I can tinker with the audio and make it really, really loud. But that doesn’t help us at all with the dragon. He’d surely hear all that ratchet.” Bulma said.
“Well, actually, that would be the point. While it won’t hypnotize the dragon or the ninjas, my singing has - a kind of magical way - of holding anyone’s attention. And that includes a dragon, no matter the morality.”
“How would you know that? You’ve, uh, sung to dragons before?” Hitomi asked.
“Well, I can’t get into it, but I’ve had my share of experiences with dragons. Trust me, they will happily listen to me.”
The gang looked unconvinced, but 10 mins later they found themselves clapping their hands to Mami’s singing, completely forgetting any reservations they had in the first place.

Rescue mission night

Across the street, Bulma pops out a capsule and BOOM! it’s a mini van with a stage on top. She goes in, adjusts the speaker system to ‘extra super loud’ and slips on her headphones. “You ready, Mami?”
“Always!” Mami jumps onto the stage with the most sickly cute pink outfit.
The light of the stage turns on, and Mami says “This is yet another impromptu concert I’m holding. Hope you guys like it!” She starts to sing.

At THE building, the ninjas were alerted. “Should we be worried?”
“Nah, it’s just some teenybopper singer doing a concert next door.”
“Hey, she doesn’t sound half bad.”
“Not bad at all. Hey, I love this song!”

Pretty soon, floors and floors of ninjas started bobbing their heads and swaying to the music without even realizing they were doing so. Up on the rooftop, even the dragon was ever so slightly swaying its tail from side to side. Their guards were down.

“All right, Hitomi, go!” Bulma voice crackled in Hitomi’s earpiece. Hitomi was about to start picking locks and evading the security system when she was spotted by a ninja. “Sorry, I’m late. Hurry up and let me in before the boss finds out?” She asked, sounding confident. After all, there was the ninja code. Distracted by the music, the ninja looked at her and let her in. She gave him a nod and walked right in. Phew! So much for state of the art security systems. She quickly located Talat with the radar (hey, it worked!) on the 50th floor, in an unassuming bathroom, all muffed up and chained to the rail. Hitomi looked around and checked for any ninjas masquerading as the wall, or as a potted plant, or as a toilet, and checked for any security systems. All clear. I guess they were hiding Talat here because who would think they’d hide him in a random bathroom, she thought. She petted him and released him quickly.
“All right, Nausicaa, 50th floor south side bathroom window, go!” Hitomi’s voice cracked in Nausicaa’s earpiece, and she sprung into action, gliding her way to that window. Inside, Hitomi easily picked the lock and opened the window. Seeing Nausicaa, she started to gently throw Talat out the window. But Talat won’t budge, scared out of his wits by the height.
“Oh crap, we only have about 30 seconds before the alarms sound.” Hitomi cried.
Nausicaa whipped on her “I love the world - I’m your savoir” face and looked at Talat. “Please, Talat, we must go. Trust me. I will keep you safe.” Talat obediantly jumped through the window and onto Nausicaa’s glider.
“You’re a heck of a dog whisperer!” Hitomi followed with a beautiful jump of her own, and just in time too, as the sensors triggered and an iron wall slammed down shut at the window.
“Bulma, GO!”
Bulma popped a capsule out, and BOOM! spacecraft. Once Nausicaa was back with Hitomi and Talat in toll, Creamy Mami, still singing, jumped in too as the alarms start to sound. Bulma flies them far, far away quickly while the building went into red alert and the ninjas and the dragon start to snap out of their happy Mami singsong mode.
Mission accomplished

oh wow, awesome plan all around.

though I never thought of Bulma at that level of tech wizardry… but i guess she did build the dragon ball radar and a fraking time machine…

Completely unrelated to the challenge, but I just remembered I’ve heard the name Talat before. It was the old war-horse rescued and re-trained by the firery red haired heroine in The Hero and the Crown. He then helped her face down Maur the Black and even her uncle, the evil lord in the north who had stolen the Hero’s Crown. Actually, that is one challenge I don’t want to have to face, stealing the Hero’s Crown from Agsded. Dude was no longer…quite mortal. And the mage mark was placed on him so strongly it would blind normal folk to see it.

Still, awesome name for a dog, Sean!

Long Version

The hoods come off and the occupants find themselves in a large high tech container
hand slacked to each other and nullifying each of their respective skills. The monitor on the far end of the room flicks on and a Solai shaped shadowy figure appears and addresses the group.

“Welcome, you have been selected to participate in a test that will pit you against other champions chosen by individuals from around the world.”

The four occupants look at each other before settling their gaze on the screen once more.

“Your challenge is as thus…”

A dog is shown on the screen, in a playful mood

“It is simple; you just have to rescue this dog named Talat from this building - alive of course”.

The view then changes to a 6 storey building which looks shiny, new and high tech. On the top of the building is a dragon that is bellowing fire at any passing object that it sees.
To demonstrate its immense power, it manages to catch a passing pigeon which bursts into flames, and drops to the ground in a crispy but cooked manner.

“Each of you has limited equipment on you, although you are free to use whatever is available within the building”. The view switches to a beefy looking bike. “This is yours to use, a Law Master”. The screen then goes off, and as it does so, the doors open and the shackles that were fastened to the occupants crackle and drop off, freeing them.

Forge is the first to step outside and looks around; he is followed by Reed Richards. The final two step out almost simultaneously and survey the scene. Riddick winces a little and pulls down his goggles to shield him from the light.

Forge immediately walks up to the Law Master and touches the handle, within seconds he assesses the bike, turns around and informs the others of the situation. “Looks like we have a fully equipped bike”. He smiles as he continues the debrief, “This equipment has a fully functional AI system”. He looks to Reed Richards, “Something you would be familiar with” and several weapons including lasers, machine guns and what I believe to be Stun Gas grenades.
It also incorporates a turbo boost that might come in handy".

Xander walks over to the bike and sits on it, “What we need is a way to enter the building”.

Reed Richards looks at his glove which houses an intricate scanning system and comments, “It looks like we can’t walk through the front door, it seems that the place is crawling with personnel and in addition, there are some fancy high tech security systems preventing us from reaching our objective easily”. He nods to Forge, “However, what we can do is knock out the various security systems as we come up across them”.

Riddick in his usual deadpan voice adds, “Get me in there and I’ll do the rest”

Several hours later, using the combined efforts of Reed’s intelligence and Forge’s ability to make any device with the micro toolkit he carries in his cybernetic arm, they have beefed up the bike to project holograms of the crew. They have taken a machine gun and wired it so that Xander can wield it and fire it with ease.

So they wait and wait until the sky turns to night.

Reed Richards using his powers of stretchability makes himself into a ramp from the street level to the side of the building and tells Xander and Forge to get onto the Law Master. Firing it up, they ride to Reed and just as they are about to go vertical, they activate the turbo boost. This causes the bike plus occupants to rocket to the top of the building.

The dragon is obviously a little bit shocked to see intruders and begins to fire bellows of fire towards Forge and Xander. Forge jumps off and rolls to the ground and runs towards the corner of the roof. He clasps his hands together and starts to chant, the thinking being that since he has mystical powers and a dragon is a mystical creature, that he might be able to control it.

Xander meanwhile is continuing to stay on the bike and is riding around the dragon drawing its attention. He’s firing the guns causing the dragon to take damage on its torso and legs. Xander is getting singed a bit as he just about evades the flames.

Meanwhile at ground level, Reed Richards and Riddick are waiting for Forge to patch in so that they can hear him update them with the status of the security system.

After what seems like an eternity, Riddick gets impatient and yells to Reed

“Get me up there; I’m not waiting around like a god damn nursemaid”.

Reed then shapes himself into a sling and pulls back and launches Riddick towards a window, and as he releases, he holds onto Riddick, and they both launch towards the window smashing it causing them to crash onto the floor. The floor begins to crackle as the security system detects them…

Meanwhile, Forge is sweating as he has managed to temporarily control the dragon causing the beast to not be so efficent with its attacks. Xander seeing his chance, angles the Law Master towards the dragon, he tells the bike to launch itself at the mouth of the dragon. Just as the dragon opens its mouth, the bike fires the grenades into the dragon’s mouth, causing it to swallow it. Just as it goes down the throat, the dragon tries to fry the bike. The ignition causes the grenade to explode causing a chain reaction. The ensuring result is that the dragon explodes in a shower of guts, dragon scales and blood splattering both Forge and Xander.

Now that they’ve dispatched the dragon, Xander takes the gun from the bike and begins to walk down with Forge who is monitoring the buildings security. Although exhausted, he manages to switch off the security systems and kills the lights to reduce visibility.

Although the systems have been deactivated, this has attracted the attention of the ninjas.

So now, Forge, Xander, Reed Richards and Riddick are facing ninjas as they separate to each different floor to look for the dog.

Riddick being confident, comments, “Only 100 ninjas to face me…I’m ******** insulted…again…” He smiles as they rush him. He manages to break necks, arms, and ribcages as he dodges and weaves out of the way of the various ninja attacks. During one of his dodges, he steals a sword and goes to town. 20 minutes later after multiple waves of ninja’s there are a pile of bodies piling up all over the floor and Riddick is covered with blood. He moves to the next floor and starts all over again.

Xander, armed with his gun is facing the same problem although to start off with, he pops a grenade and throws it into the midst of the ninjas. They get disoriented as Xander shoots some of the ninjas. He then shoots the window causing it to shatter. He continues to shoot causing most of them to pile up and/or fall out the window. He turns around and notices more of them approaching. He looks up and spies a cable hanging near the window. He starts to run, grabs the cable and swings out into the mid air, as he turns around he fires at the window below him and swings into the next floor.

Reed Richards is busy himself; he’s getting bundled by the assailants but he’s forming into a hammer shape and sweeping them all over the place. He is getting peppered by stars but as he causes himself to stretch out, he catches them all and uses the tension to shoot the stars back at the ninjas causing them to get hit.

Forge is busy himself as he using his blaster that he got from his arm and is popping the ninjas with one hit headshots, although considering that the gun is an energy weapon, the heads are not being left behind neatly. Pressing a button on his hand, several holographic versions of Forge appear causing temporary confusion as he slips out of the floor.

They all make their way to the fourth floor, and before them they can see Talat in a cell. As Forge approaches the door, he sees that it has several locks on it with various degrees of difficulty. Xander at this point is spouting off nonsense catchphrases to the point where Riddick just turns around and smacks him in the face knocking him out.

As Reed Richards and Forge work on the locks which include genius level conundrums, holographic locks and cryptographic deadlocks, Riddick is fending off the remaining ninjas. Soon they finish unlocking the door and Reed scopes up Talat.

Xander, who has regained consciousness at this point, realises the situation and shoots the window out. They all run towards the window and Reed encases Xander, Talat and Forge within himself and jumps as he bounces out and hits the street bouncing to a gradual stop. Riddick in the mean time has finished dispatching the ninjas and leaps out of the window, as he jumps out, the Law Master comes zooming down the building as Riddick manages to time it so he grabs onto the handle and clambers on to ride to the street level. “All in a days work….time to go home” he comments.

Mission complete, they all nod to each other in agreement of a job well done.

Suddenly, several grenades plink close to them and explode causing all four of them to collapse. Talat runs over to a mysterious van and the door opens, Talat enters and then the van drives off. The four individuals are then collected and placed in the container that they found themselves at the start of the mission.

fiery red head, fantasy book? Wanna bet a quarter that Sean read that and it’s where the name came from

Also Fallen damn you for bringing up the inverse ninja law, that waas the first thing I thought

I aim to please :smiley:

The law still applies, even if I’ve invoked it. But be aware, I plan on continuing to be genre-savvy in the future. I’ll just try to do it in a different way next time :wink:

I also loved the Hero and the Crown as a kid, and I totally would have gone after Aerin if I had the chance. She ends up with a wizard wearing blue named Luthe. snaps fingers But that does bring to mind, I can offer you some ointment from the book called kenet. The wizard calls it a third rate healer’s balm, but it’s the one thing that can begin to heal dragon-fire.

I think you just killed Shrek and Dragon’s illegitimate son…

Having had one of my entries win last season, I know brevity is king.

The team gathers in the Infinite Mansion, a version of the Avengers mansion that’s literally endless and contains inter-dimensional doors to various places in the world. Especially wherever you need to go when plot calls for it. Hank Pym walks into Bullitt’s garage in San Fran, shrinks the 'Stang with Pym Particles and comes back. The getaway assured the team walks through another door and walks out in the basement parking garage of the building and are set upon by ninjas!

Of course…the more ninjas you have the suckier the ninjas are. Asuma pulls out his trench knives, charges them with wind chakra, and cuts a bloody swath through the black clad horde. His cigarette never leaving his mouth, Default Team: 100, Faceless ninjas: 0. Pym makes the Stang regular sized again and Frank Bullitt leans against it ready to rock.

Pym shrinks down to Antman size and enters the vents via his wings as to not set off any kind of pressure sensitive security. So he goes through the building seeing ninjas, and more ninjas, also ninjas, and eventually finds Talat! Stayin in the vents he radios Ting and he heads up to the next level picking a fight with the ninjas. Using his mad Muay Thai skills he steadily dispatches the ninjas with a flurry of knee and elbow strikes until inexplicably his pants legs catch fire as the ninjas are whittled down to one. This ninja is smart though, he pulls off his mask and is suddenly a fair fight is on.

The fire sets off the sprinklers and the two men clash in the downpour, Ting delivering a jumping round house kick with his flaming pants before the water puts them out. The head ninja goes down and kips back up delivering a side kick to Ting. He stumbled back only to rally, stepping up onto a chair then a desk and off to send a crushing knee into the ninja’s face knocking him into next week. He continues upwards fightin and drawing the enemie’s agro.

Meanwhile Asuma uses his elite ninja skills to stick to the shadows and makes his way up through the floors undetected by the cannon fodder. Coming to Tallyman’s secured area he shows himself and draws the ninjas to him as Hank flies through the vent grabs Talat, shrinks him down and together they head down to the garage through the vents. Growing to normal size Hank puts Talat in the passenger seat as Frank hops in the driver seat and they burn rubber out of there into the sunset.

Pym radios Asuma and Ting and they disengage the enemy, Ting after he clears the floor and Asuma just out of nowhere cause he’s a frakkin ninja. Back in the parking garage they open a door and head back to the infinite mansion, open another door to a diner to meet up with Bullitt and Talat for some victory brinner

The end?

So much for brevity lol