Forgotten Sci-fi

yea i used to love watching G=force as a kid!

Flash 1996 was it live action or cartoon? I am curious i even kinda liked the recent flash from SCi Fi yea yea before anyone throws rocks at me… I like bad sci fi :slight_smile: I cant help it its a curse… or an addiction…I guess its from watching those tv shows late 70’s and 80’s all that cheese got me addicted to all that bad sci fi and of course Good stuff like BSG

It was a cartoon- I saw it as a kid.

The only things I liked in it were the dragon and the cat-girl really…oh and Aura was half human, suggestions that her mum vanished back to earth without Ming knowing.

Ming’s henchman drove me a little nuts- especially after seeing bits of it again on youtube.

Just caught up with this thread last night. What a great walk through memory lane.

There were two absolute classics that were missed…

How about Captain Scarlet, Thunderbirds, and Stingray? These were the “puppet” shows. I actually only saw one or two episodes of Stingray, because it was on when I was in school. But I caught all of Captain Scarlet and most of Thunderbirds. Both had great story lines and (of course) great cheesy effects. The thing I remember about Captain Scarlet was that they rode backwards in their vehicle…

Yeah - capt Scarlett was the best! I watched that as a kid - and couldn’t get enough of those UK puppet sci-fi series. I always recall the incidental music for the mysterons, and the foot prints in the dust as an invisible mysteron walked by…

I looooved Stingray and Thunderbirds. Those puppets were uncoordinated, but they had great vehicles !


It has always been a huge childhood regret I never saw the series finale of the Bionic Six Plus, the best 80s cartoon theme song.


Quintessential 80s LiveAction Sci-Fi kitsch, The Misfits of Science (a remake of this would totally work…) Yes… I remeber playing as a kid shooting lighting from my hands a’la Johnny B Good… Kill me now… :stuck_out_tongue: (the hub is gone, no more downloads) [couldn’t find the original US opening…]

An EXCELLENT thread btw :slight_smile: Nostalgia ftw

Boy I wish I could get my hands on a DVD copy of the whole series. I saw all of them but couldn’t put them together when I was a kid.

I think Captain Scarlet was a good mysteron.

Never saw that one, and I’m not likely to soon. I have a serious hate on for whoever controls the Anderson productions. They price them ridiculously high. Captain Scarlet is about eighty bucks for the one season!

Its funny, I have the same problem with a program I used to watch in the Chicago area called “BJ and the Dirty Dragon”. Everyone except the music owners want to release to DVD. They are holding out for more money. Probably will never be released.

80 bucks huh? Yea I probably won’t buy it either unless I can get someone else to go in. My brother and I are buying alternate seasons of BSG. Maybe he will go in with me on this…


How could I forget!!!

How about Ultra Man ? (Japanese)

Using the beta capsule, Hayata becomes “Ultra Man”

Is that this?

Thats it. It changed names a couple times. “The Blob” was my favorite.