Firefly 1x10 War Stories

“Jayne, this is something that the captain’s gotta do for himself.”
“No! No, it’s not!”
“oh.” :smiley:

“No power in the 'verse can stop me.”
And now Scary River appears.

The pilot or the movie?

It’s the “no look”. Anyone looks badass that way.

“take me sir. take me hard.”
great delivery. hilarious. love it.

The movie. River took over, but he had planned to do it.

Particularly if they actually hit something. :smiley:

“Wife soup” Mmmmmm :slight_smile:

That’s the kind of clever writing I hope I’m going to find in…ahem…S03+ Buffy episodes. =)

There is only do or do not. There is no try.

Take me sir, take me hard

“We’ll be in our bunk”



Why do we like you again? :rolleyes:

Yeah I may have to skip the rest of season 2, this is dreadful stuff

I have humorous feet.

You people are insane.

yeah, after Aset’s comments earlier, I’m not sure either of you grinches should bother :rolleyes:

Again, for the record, I am TOTALLY ready to give it a fair go. I just want an honest opinion, from fans, as to where the best “jump” point is to really see the show in good form. SERIOUSLY, I’m not digging on Joss, here.

Not to mention that arguably the best episode of Buffy has virtually no dialogue, and it’s brilliant.