Firefly 1x10 War Stories

Buffy may have (overall in a TV series) the best writing I’ve ever seen. Dialogue anyhow. imho

I WANT to like it :frowning:

Hush, you. :smiley:

The third season is pure gold, but you can’t just jump in there. There’s so much history by that point.

The whole S2 arc with Angel/Angelus, Spike & Dru, Acathla. EPIC

There are 7 years of it here. And being someone who jumped in sometime during S3, then caught up as soon as possible with 1 and 2, yeah, it’s a process worth starting and sticking with. From the beginning. Again, that’s just me.

first ep I saw was S3 Amends. I was lost forever

No, it’s not just you.

I’ve never understood this whole jumping the middle stuff. Do people do that with books or movies? No, of course not, because that’s ludicrous. Start at the beginning. That’s why it’s the beginning.

My first was Go Fish. Xander in slo-mo Speedo.

Sold. :stuck_out_tongue:

And if by the third chapter I still want to throw the book I stop reading it

then you should stop. no use trying to force it

No one’s forcing you to watch it. If you don’t like it, don’t bother.

We’ll just think less of you. :rolleyes:

I know no one is forcing me. I want to know what all this hype is about. I know most of you aren’t completely crazy. I’m just not seeing it & I’m getting frustrated waiting for it to happen.

As for starting a movie in the middle? Bad argument, we all do that all the time.