Firefly 1x10 War Stories

“technically it’s a one man one woman account. it’s unisex.”

it is however somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps

muwahaha. the team, together.
and yay jayne too.
sigh. love this crew.

Oh, absolutely. But I think it’s also a clear choice. Her husband or her captain? No contest.

“We’re getting him back!”
“What are we going to do? Clone him?”

Plus, Wash can pilot the rescue mission, Mal can’t.

“They’ll never expect it.”
“'Cuz they ain’t insane!” :smiley:

WTF Jayne? You fuckin coward. Oh OK, there’s Vera. :slight_smile:

Actually, the bible’s mostly pro-killing, except for that one part.

Mal could drive the ship, I think. Kind of. :wink:

“OK, people. If it moves, shoot it.”
“Unless it’s the captain!”
“Unless it’s the captain.” :smiley:

Nope, not even a little, AFAIK.

Damn! Good episode.

“You wanna meet the real me now?” :eek:

Zoe, cool as a cucumber in a firefight…gods damn

I hate her combat roll and stand straight up for 10 seconds as she draws two pistols bullshit scene. So much. It’s not even cool looking

Mal continues to be really, really good at getting up after he’s been knocked down. REALLY good.


Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down. :stuck_out_tongue:

“I’m fair sure you haven’t shot anyone yet”

He was going to handle lift off in Serenity.