Favorite Star Wars moment

The opening scroll from Episode IV, “I am your father” from Episode V, Menage a trois (Vader, Luke, Emperor) in the throne room in Episode VI, Podrace from Episode I, Clone Wars begin in Episode II, or Obi-wan and Vader fight on Mustafar.

There are soooo many moments in the Star Wars films, which is your absolute favorite?

Mine is (and it’s a cliche at this point but I don’t care) “I am your father” from The Empire Strikes Back. Everytime and I’ve seen it a bunch, okay maybe an oil-tanker load, times. Everytime, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Maybe it’s a Pavlovian response at this point but nevertheless it still happens. It’s happening now just thinking about it.

I like when they go to ludicrous speed.


off the top of my head i like pretty much anything the emperor says in ROTJ.

also, i thought pre-lava vader was pretty bad-ass, if only because we see so little of him.

It’s too early in the morning to think of anything but slave Leia. Maybe I’ll come back later today with a more educated answer.

My favorite moment is Luke brooding on that rock as the two moons set in the horizon.

My husband took a shot of our son on vacation last week as he stood at the water’s edge at sunset. When he showed me the picture, I said, “It looks just like…” and before I finished my sentence he answered, “Yea, Luke with the two moons.”

This is merely one example of how many great moments in life are either brought to you by or related back to Star Wars.

My favorite moment is when Obi-Wan looks over to Luke right before he gets sliced by Vader. The look of melancholy smugness he gives carries so much weight. He’s spent all those years in hiding looking after Luke and now he knows Luke is on the path to defeat Vader. Little does Obi-Wan (and Yoda for that matter) know that Luke can’t defeat Vader, but he will instead manage to save Anakin. Uh oh, getting a little verklempt now…must watch the Letterman Top 10 List again…

I love the bit at the beginning of Empire, when the Imperial March is playing and we get shots of the Imperial Fleet.

The scene in Star Wars in the final Death Star space battle where Luke is in his viper and hears Head Obi-Wan say to him “Use the Force Luke” and Luke takes off his digital graphics imaging targeting whoosie-a-whatsis and fires, hits, scores, blows up the Imperial Death Base Star.

The other one is when Luke is pissed when his dad baits him by mentioning his sister, and then Luke proceeds to whale on dad lightsaber-style, with operaetic music in the background rising to a crescendo.

Two words: Asteroid field.

After that: Anakin’s redemption.

After that: the very opening of Episode III. Just a beautiful panning shot and about as close to the spirit of the original films as the prequels ever got.

Heheh…you said viper…:stuck_out_tongue:

But, those were good scenes. :cool:

that’s what the Viper is, an X-Wing without wings.

Know the feeling…I still get totally choked up whenever Spock dies…

My favorite Star Wars scene is in Return of the Jedi, the image of Luke and Vader sort of silhouetted as they are about to do battle, and Luke activates his lightsaber…schwiiing…it’s all come down to this, man !!! And the ensuing battle throughout the Emperor’s chamber, with the awesome John Williams music going…my toes are curling.

Favorite Star Wars moment? Gotta go with the Ewok jamboree at the end of Jedi.


Let me state quite clearly that I don’t even consider the “prequels” for this question. They are an abomination and proof of how absolute power corrupts…how can you make a legitmate movie when you are surrounded by people who are not willing to say no?

Anyway. Best moment: Yoda. Empire. Luke looks to the swamp as his X-wing sinks. Yoda challenges him to raise it out. Luke attempts and fails. “You ask the impossible” he says as he walks away. Beat. Yoda breathes in, bubbles appear on the surface of the water, Luke returns mouth agape. The X-wing soars above them dripping with detrius and lands softly.

“I don’t believe it!” Luke exclaims.

“That is why you fail” Yoda repiles.

Bam. Get goosebumps everytime.

Awww, they’re not so bad (okay, Attack of the Clones may, technically–as in the technique of moviemaking, “technically”–be a really, really bad movie. The editing and scoring–consisting of lifted recordings of the episode I score for most of the film’s last act–are particularly lame and lazy). I’d rather have Jar Jar Binks than an Ewok any day, I can tell you that right now (though, to be fair, at least Ewoks don’t really talk, an advantage Jar Jar doesn’t have).

Anyway, I do have to agree with you on the problem of sycophancy in creating the prequels, even though Rick Macallum is a hell of a lot of fun to mock.

Han’s charge by far

Really? The Ewoks don’t annoy me anywhere near as much as Jar Jar did. Ep I would have been so much better without him. While EpVI would have only been a little better without Ewoks. I believe the orginal plan was to have the Wookies instead of the Ewoks, now that would have been much better (reverse the sylables of Ewok, sound familliar)

oh yeah! 100% right.

I would also say that George Lucas has grown increasingly childish over the years, judging from the I-III as well as from the silly additions to the original movies he made when releasing the “special editions.”

Yeah, but after two movies Chewbacca seemed a bit more sophisticated than what Lucas had wanted, so he developed the Ewoks to sell toys,er, I mean, serve as the plucky primitives who destroy a technologically advanced enemy.

Come on! You mean to tell me that all those awful, awful scenes with Wicket don’t drive you up the wall? I’m not saying that Jar Jar is MUCH better, but at least he serves a central role in the story (the empire is, essentially, his fault. See? You ARE supposed to hate him). All those cute, fuzzy teddy bears running around in Return of the Jedi just for one, 20 minute battle scene payoff is pushing it, man.

Then again, substitute a few words in that paragraph and it could easily be about Ep. I.

Amen, Mr Sexy Voice Man, Amen