Farscape 4x12 Kansas

Saturday, 14 May 2011
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“I’m Casper the friggin’ joke.”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

Dang, this one has commentary. I was hoping Unrealized Reality would too.

Will you be watching with or without comentary?

I watch 1st w/o. Then again with commentary.

Starting now.

Is he over Australia? (:

Why didn’t everyone on the ship become goo?

Why are they taking Granny?

He’ll never be over Australia. :rolleyes:

Because John knows what he’s doing.

Wow, they got the mom back too.

Young Crighton got the Superman S curl hair going. d:

He’s walking around in his old 'hood? Does he realize how bad an idea that is?

D’Argo was flying. He doesn’t know.

And he’ll never be over Macho Grande. :cool:

Or Rygel, or Chiana…

Widens the possiblilties to screw things up.

Greeting. Not far off… d:

But he was told to follow John’s instructions exactly.

How did Chiana know the English word drive?

I didn’t think that she wouldn’t know English before.

Naranti too. Why didn’t I notice this before?

And, D’argo is Black? Huh.