Farscape 4x12 Kansas

Claudia looks great in the 60’s outfit.

Looks like Cher. d:

That cop is going to get fire for failing drug tests. :slight_smile:

There will be more cops on the way now. :wink:

Sparky is high on sugar. :smiley:

Lol at Rygel. So funny.

The softer side of Scorpy. :smiley:

I always knew that he and Bracca were close. :groucho:

Now we know why John has been sweet on Chiana. d:

Scorpy’s actor hinted something in a DVD interview.

And here we see why John is so special: He grew up infected with space herpes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Why are people falling out of time always turning slowly invisible?

Grandma and the mouth to mouth. EEWWWW! DOUBLE EEEWWWW!

Who did it before Marty?

Remember nothing. That is such an open statement.

It’s kindof a staple of time travel.

Yes, but I remember BttF starting it. d:

“Was it a bass or a trout?”

Now I get to rewatch with commentary! Then tonight’s Dr. Who since I had a call.

“Welcome home, son. We’ve been waiting for you a long time.”

First time, blew my frellin’ mind. :eek: