Farscape 4x06 Natural Election

“Unless you trust Scorpius.”

All: “No!”


“Fluffy, you going down with the ship?”

“You wish.”


“Whoever wrote this episode should die!”

“Radioactive mist makes you stronger?”
“Perhaps my final moments will be joyous.”

More Scorpy juice on the way! :eek:


And Scorpy will save the day!

Nah. They couldn’t do it.

You could see through John for a second there.

But not in the good way. :frowning:

I guess Pilot voted for Aeryn.

D’Argo always seemed like an odd choice for captain. I guess John was too obvious.

“Sure about the pregnancy or sure whose it is?”
“Chiana will be killed.” :smiley:

“Chiana will be killed.” :smiley:

I would vote for D’Argo. He’s always there for folks and he is decisive. Crichton is a great second-in-command. Great ideas and implements them.

And Crichton always gets distracted. On the other hand D’Argo does have his own ship already…

Being decisive is only a good thing if you make good decisions. He’s 50/50, at best.

Yeah but when your Captain other folks come up with options and you choose the best one. In the past I think he has chosen poorly when he felt threatened.