Farscape 4x06 Natural Election

Where’s Maury Povich when we need him?

“Your life is so much more intersting than mine.” :slight_smile:

“I love shooting things.” :smiley:

This show is never a straight answer. Just like real life.

“It’s in the frelling ship!”

It’s in the fraaaaakkkkkinn ship. --Saul Tigh

I know no one cares excepts me, but that spacesuit fits John perfectly. :groucho:

Rygel is such an understanding soul.

Love the soap opera gossiping. They do this so well on this show. They can drop in and out of comedy through the dramatic tension.

My wife agrees.

So Chiana can REALLY keep a secret. :smiley:

I also like how Chiana blames it all on Rygel. :rolleyes:

It doesn’t like Scorpy. Hmmm, big surprise.

Zombie Pilot. :eek:

Well, so much for sleeping tonight. :eek::eek::eek:

Yep. I’m with you on that one.

“You defy the whole theory of Natural Selection.” :smiley:

“…don’t spill any of this Scorpy juice.”

eww. :eek:

“There are so many reasons you should hate yourself.” :smiley:

Good advice, though.

“Damn, I did not just say that.” :smiley:

This scene reminds me of the stompers in GalaxyQuest.