Farscape 4x06 Natural Election

Saturday, 16 April 2011
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“If this goes bad, please die first, so my last moment can be joyous.”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

OK, Just a quick note before we begin, Next week is the premere of Dr. Who, and I would like to suggest that we adjust the Farscape frak around the premere.

Starting now.

“You mean pick a Captain.”

Bring back Stark! Captain Stark.

“My bowels make better music.”

Helium music. Interesting.

I guess Scorpius can smell them too?

Or Wormholes make his naughty bits happy.

“What happened to the stars? What happened to the stars!?!?”

Nagilum! :eek:

Moya is being eaten by a giant space ameoba!

Poor Captain Rygel. His last command didn’t end well either.

Works for me, although we don’t have BBCAmerica at work, so it doesn’t really affect me either way.

Star Trek. Star Trek. Everywhere.

“Herbage. Flora. PLANT!!!”

Can you smoke it?

It’s like the reverse of 2001.

My God! It’s empty of stars! :stuck_out_tongue:

OMGs! It’s leftover Zhaan! :eek:

“I need more of your DNA.”


The Wrath of Zhaan.


At least he chose saliva. :rolleyes:

giggle :smiley:

“What he doesn’t know is that it may not be his.”

And the crowd goes WWWHHHOOOOOAAAAAA!!!

With Crichton at least. When he’s alone…