Farscape 3x13 Scratch 'N Sniff

Saturday, 19 February 2011
9 PM Eastern - 6 PM Pacific

“‘Obfuscation’? How the hell does that translate?”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

Starting now…

I love this episode.

mmm, drunken half-naked Crichton. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, by the way, I’m actually here for a Farscape Frak!

“Are you boys a couple?”

IBIMB :smiley:

“The three of us…”


That’s unpossible! :eek:



“What happened?”
“What didn’t happen?”
“There were girls, right?” :smiley:

I love the D’Argo and Crichton moments.

WooHoo!! Alex in the hizzouse!!

D’Argo, we are in a window.

“I am dressed… :eek::eek::eek:” :smiley:

I love Pilot’s face.

“…Proceed…” :smiley:

Poor Pilot.

I so have to catchup on my next day off. Last episode I saw was 3x04…

Is that Ben’s irl wife?

“They could be sleeping, they could be…” :eek::smiley:

Yep. Her characters are always insanely annoying. :slight_smile:

The short one reminds me of a victorian street urchin.