Farscape 3x13 Scratch 'N Sniff

Yes. It is.

Wonder how Ben stay married to her. d:

Eye tentacle hentai!

I like that the aliens are really alien.

“You want me?”

She’s not the only one. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep. Chianna is a raver.

Date rape drugs are universal.

So Chiana is a fire dancer too?

Love her as Minister Akhna.

I don’t like the editing in this ep.

D’Argo dancing is full of win. So wanna party with D’Argo.

Huh. I never knew that was her.

Pilot agrees with you. :slight_smile:

D’Argo dancing reminds me of Angel dancing. :wink:

Is that the “Gilroy”?

At least D’argo isn’t singing.

And the director is doing the Batman tilted camera in the bad guy’s lair.

Now you do and knowing is half the battle.

G. I. JOE!!

“Trust me. It only hurts the first time.”

Never believe that. Always a lie. :eek:

“That’s you, you’re injesting.”

Ewww. :eek: