Farscape 3x01 Season of Death

Saturday, 8 January 2011
9 PM Eastern - 6 PM Pacific

“Can I get a ‘Hell yeah’?”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

Starting now…

Oops, started early, though were were starting at 8. see you all in an hour.

I’m so totally here and ready to go!

(I’ve had a lot of tequila tonigh and I may not be functional later) Hello!

Bah, I didn’t realize I was 4 eps behind.

'Sok I am half a season behind

I’m here and started

Starting now

It must be Pilot’s time of the cycle. :stuck_out_tongue:

Poor pilot.

“If I was in your position, I’d be presenting evidence that I still served a purpose.” :smiley:

Ewww, Scorpy eating brain.

Cool new title segment.

“Earth is unprepared for the nightmares I’ve seen.”

I always loved how this show updated the intro. So hopeful at the beginning, so fearful by the end.



S&M Skeletor

mmm, cute corporal whatsisname. :stuck_out_tongue:

“The only one you’ll ever speak to again is me!”

That’s a vision of Hell, right there.

Scorpy has taken being a puppet master to a new level.

“Are you sure he’s gone?”

“Long gone.”

Y’all! This is Scorpy. Remember!?!