Farscape 3x01 Season of Death

He’s a tricksy one! :eek:

I love D’Argo. Like Worf, he can make those cheesy lines and they work.

Dang Dargo.

Ok, you’re redeemed.

I’ve missed so many fraks. Dang real life. I hates you.

“We have to that frelling mad man out of his mind.”

But Harvey is so much fun.

“I can hear them.”

Um, Stark? You ain’t exactly sane…

Yay! Good to show proof.

I have no idea what’s going on guys

“And you, do not make me tongue you.”

Queue Badger on tongue comment…

Is that a fake nose on puppet ugly guy? It’s huge.

Yeah. A bunch happened in those four episodes ya missed.

“Must excrete.”

I’m using that from now on.

“Must excrete.”

I love that. :slight_smile:

Chiana must be from Mississippi, she’s trying to sleep with her boy friend’s son.

Harvey and John is so OSSIM!

Lol. He was like s scorpion stuck on his back. d:

Maybe Australia’s version of Mississippi. :slight_smile:

What’s the acronym for that? Not MILF. BFSILF?

I had chills when that Scarran showed up.

Can you bite your finger off like that?

I haven’t tried. Just wondering.