Farscape 2x20 Liars, Guns and Money (Part 2): With Friends Like These...

Saturday, December 11th, 2010
9 PM Eastern - 6 PM Pacific

“There are vast regions of your brain that are filled with nothing but… gibberish.”

You can watch the episode on YouTube

Starting now…

What did Moya do? Why isn’t he ripping pieces of Stark off?

Scorpy is a really cool villan. The nice bit is that they wrote him as really smart and not just saying that hw is smart and actually acting stupidly.

Everyone in this show has imaginary friends. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not like it’s really Stark’s fault either. If it wasn’t for Stark, they wouldn’t have gotten close to Jothy in the first place.

So true. Scorpius is frellin’ brilliant.

And here we assemble Crichton’s 11. :stuck_out_tongue:

Stark’s a Jedi! :eek:

I was thinking “The Magnificent 7” but that works well too. :slight_smile:

“…you only believe that because that’s what we want you to think.”

Yeah, Crichton should be bright enough to realize that something that can affect his perceptions can also affect his judgement.

“D’Argo’s too…”
“Say it.”
“…simple?” :smiley:

Replicators! Get SG-1 on the ship!

“You realize what that means?”
“They’re eating the ship!”
“Yes, but… we’re poor.” :smiley:

I love every moment that Rygel and Chiana are on-screen together.

The two of them are inadvertant heroes. :slight_smile:

Chiana is so happy getting slimed. :smiley:

Blukake. :eek:

“Have you got something against hybrids, Lieutenant?” :eek:

FUNNY! :smiley:

Bad timing to be a racist.

That was hot. :rolleyes: