Farscape 2x20 Liars, Guns and Money (Part 2): With Friends Like These...

These two have the most intriguing relationship. :eek:

Scorpy sex is really disturbing…

“It’s easier to reform when you’re rich.” :smiley:

Durka’s another one who’s hard to kill.

ETA: But not impossible. :smiley:

Why is there room for two in Crichton’s module? Wasn’t it intended to be a one-person craft?

Poor Moya. :frowning:

Sorry, really good bit, can’t talk…

And so begins a complicated tale of daddy issues… :rolleyes:

You think taking Durka’s head off will finally kill him? :wink:

What’s the point of having the kid along if not for daddy issues?

Now lets talk about Angel and his son.

“You win.”
“As if there was every any doubt…” :eek:

Particularly creepy how Scorpius sniffs Crichton’s neck before saying that.

OK, I would too. But still. :smiley:

I’m sure Rygel thought ahead enough to mutilate the body too. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know about thinking ahead, I’m sure that he did take the opportunity though. :wink:

Next week will be the penultimate episode and finale of Season 2.

I’m thinking we’ll probably just take a two-week hiatus and start Season 3 on January 8. How’s that sound? Maybe schedule some holiday-themed stuff instead?

I’m closing next saturday night so I’m out of that decision. After the holidays, they’ll probably cut our hours and I’ll probably make more of the fraks. :frowning:

Night Badger, talk to you when I talk to you.

If not before. :slight_smile:

The hell? I looked at the calendar and thought it was postponed for the holidays. ):

The calendar is an imperfect thing. Much like those who schedule it. :stuck_out_tongue: