Fantasy Sci-fi Voting Round 4 - Save Solai

Hmm. I guess I’d be voting for Team Audra then. :smiley: There’s too many mind games involved with Team Sean and Team Chuck. :smiley:

UNLESS…that is the intention. Damn, how do you guys do it?

And per the whole Chuck Versus Sean thing – heh, that sounds like a sweet Chuck episode title

Hehe, “Chuck Versus The Fantasy Draft,” set at the Orange Orange while Agent Casey sneers in the background.

Since I have so little knowledge of the Klingon incarceration culture, I don’t even know where to begin forming a solution to this scenario. But I’m for anything that doesn’t involve Solestation (tm Uchiha), and I love that you guys always have a lot of laughs during this segment.

Who needs google? I just have a bad case of OND (aka Obsessive Nerd Disorder). The DSM IV doesn’t technically recognize it yet, but, yeah. :wink:

That’s the thing: I can remember all sorts of crazy stuff, too. But it’s always a crap shoot as to whether that’s what’s needed at a specific moment in the cast. And with the awesome hive mind listening, it’ll always show up if I’m wrong. Wish I had an implant to tap our combined knowledge! :slight_smile:

Talk to Topher. He’ll hook you up. (:

Solestation FTW.

that can be next week’s challenge :stuck_out_tongue: i think my team can handle this with Bennett :stuck_out_tongue:

haha, Audra is actually getting a lot of votes with Solestation… this race is a lot closer than i thought

Yeah, Yeah. I know. I’m johnny-come-lately as always. But my “Save Solai” story is underway, and of course it’s gonna be long cuz that’s the way I roll.
But per Talos’s advice, here’s a summary:

  1. Duncan Idaho trains to fight Klingons, but Sarek puts the brakes on that approach.

  2. Sarek mind melds with William Shatner.

  3. Sarek arrives at the Klingon homeworld and commences to negotionte for access to all prisinors that have been sent to Rura Penthe by Juan zantai-Drew. Sarek insists that any prisoners captured by a Candian Klingon must by given basic Canadian rights, including:
    a) Access to Unviersal Canadian Healthcare.
    b) Regular servings of Canadian bacon and Canadian beer.
    c) The right to engage in daily games of ice hockey.

  4. The Council decides in favor of Sarek’s plea, and commands Juan zantai-Drew to transport the Sarek’s delegation to Rura Penthe. The delegation consists of Duncan Idaho posing as a hockey referee, Topher Brink posing as a Canadian Doctor and of course, Sarek to oversee things.
    They bring with them a set of crates containing hockey equipment (enough for two teams to play one another, Canadian medical gear and a large suppy of Canadian bacon and beer. One of the crates also secretly contains their robot Nomad.

  5. Topher gives each prisoner medical check ups, and in doing so locates “Solai”.

  6. Duncan arranges a hockey game between two teams of prisoners and in doing so, during a game, locates Solai. But not until after a massive fight breaks out on the ice (this is hockey remember).

  7. Juan zantai-Drew becomes angry that Sarek won’t allow him to inspect the crates of beer and Canadian bacon and rips open the create that secretly contains the robot Nomad. At that instant, Nomad flashes its mind-wipe beam at Juan and wipes Juan’s mind. Using DollHouse programming that Topher programed into Nomad, Sarek has Nomad reprogram Juan to aid them.

  8. One of Juan’s minions becomes suspicious of Juan’s strange new behavior and transmit an alarm to the Rura Penthe warden and to the Klingon defense ships in orbit.

  9. Sarek finds out about this. With time now running out, he beams up Duncan and Topher as soon as possible—but, BOTH Topher and Duncan have beamed back with someone who looks like Solai—one is obviously a Shape Shifter.

  10. Team Thot frantically ask the two “Solais” a series of questions to try to determine which one is the REAL Solai. One the figure out the right one, they beam the other one back down to the planet.

  11. With the reprogrammed Juan Drew in command, the IKV Dominator (Juan’s ship) flights a pitched space battle with the two Rura Penthe orbital defense vessels, deploying Nomad into space to fight along side the Dominator.

  12. The Dominator is victorious and the ship warps for home, returning Solai safetly back to New York and GWC.

Oh, you’re not off the hook yet dear reader. I’m gonna post the long version now in several parts this afternoon. :slight_smile:

Team Thot Save Solai Story: PART ONE

The massive Klingon howled in rage as Duncan Idaho’s knife ripped into his chest. With a fluid motion Idaho removed the blade and grabbed the Klingon’s Bat’leth before the warrior collapsed on the ground. Jumping nimbly over the bodies of five dead Klingons on the ground, Duncan threw himself at other three Klingons that were still on their feet.

With a deft swing and thrust with the acquired Bat’leth he parried the Bat’leths of two of the Klingons while simultaneously kicking the third one square in the chest, knocking the burly Klingon onto the ground with a thud. With a twist of his ankle Duncan smashed his foot onto the prone Klingon’s neck, crushing throat cartilage and breaking neck bones with a sickening snap.

Seeing their fallen comrade, the two Klingons still alive were seething with rage, but were suddenly more cautious realizing their enemy wasn’t going down easily. It was dawning on them that this human was using the Klingon’s aggressive behavior against them—taking advantage of their compulsion to press the attack.

Allowing himself the indulgence, Duncan shot his trademark “Devil May Care” grin at the two Klingons and with one hand gestured a “come at me” gesture at them.
This was too much for the Klingons and with howls of rage they sprang toward Idaho, swinging their Bat’leths in a wild frenzy.

Suddenly a door open seemingly from nowhere, and through it stepped Sarek and Topher.

“Computer, freeze program,” said Sarek and the Klingons instantly froze where they stood.

Looking around at the holo-simulated carnage Topher quipped “Woah!! Wow, this is so cool!! I gotta have you fight Echo one of these days. Now that would be a match up!!”

Duncan untensed his muscles and grabbed a towel to wipe sweat from his face. Coming over to his teammates, and ignoring Topher’s quip, he said “Well, I’ve studied the Klingon’s fighting tactics and run some practice fights. I calculate that I can defeat the average Klingon warrior at a ratio of about 1 to 100. If we can get me inside Rura Penthe, I see no problem defeating whatever guards I run across and rescuing Solai from captivity.”

“No,” said Sarek coolly. “Computer, end program.” At that, the holo-Klingons—live and dead—disappeared in a flash.

“What do you mean ‘no’?!” answered Duncan.

“Mr. Idaho,” said Sarek “Our last two challenges involved an inordinate and illogical amount of death and destruction. I refuse to take that approach this time. Instead, we will use of our brains and my skills as an ambassador.”

Adding his two cents, Topher said to Duncan “Dude, maybe we should follow Sarek’s lead in this case. This is his universe after all, ya know?”

“Fine,” said Duncan with a sigh. He was really looking forward to fighting some Klingons. “But Sarek, what makes you think you can get the Klingons to listen to you?”

“I am well known throughout the galaxy as a Ambassador and have been deeply involved in numerous treaty and negotiation efforts over the years, many of which have involved the Klingon Empire and their rivals.” said Sarek “The Klingon High Council will not risk the interstellar embarrassment caused by refusing to allow me an audience with them. Furthermore, when I explain my purpose to them I have an advantage in that Juan zantai-Drew has a number of enemies in the Klingon High Council. And those enemies won’t pass up the opportunity to cause Juan difficulty.”

“That sounds reasonable,” said Duncan “I’ll see if I can arrange transport to the Klingon homeworld. How soon do you want to leave and what should we bring with us?”

“Before I answer that question,” replied Sarek “I must pay a visit to an old …friend of the family.”

----------------------- PART TWO --------------

Hearing his doorbell ring, William Shatner strode over to his door. Opening it, he was mouth fell open, surprised to see a tall, aged but charismatic Vulcan at his door ….

(to be continued)

If Juan is Canadian, then instead of Juan zantai-Drew. His name should be Juan zantai-Drew-eh. And perhaps his Bat’leth would be embellished with maple leaves.

Do the top half of Canadia-ong’s heads bounce around when they talk? You know, like on …South Park? Sorry, I mean… like on South Park eh?

“Get me some Bloodwine and Fatback!”

I don’t dispute that Chuck can be a psychological master in board games - but I think what Sean is leaving out is that they BOTH do this. So every argument he makes about Chuck’s devious plans draws attention in only one direction. Not enough sci-fi, too many games (too many games, too many games… to the tune of “Too Many Dicks on the Dance Floor” for 'Talos)

Whaddya expect? Her voice and her long lips are all she has! It’s not like she can whip out some kung fu.

Re: Chuck - This reminds me of the dilemma I sometimes find myself in since my degree is in Humanities/Literature and not one specific field of literature. I can talk reasonably about ancient Greeks and Romans, Shakespeare, musical instruments, poetry, and American history, but I’m not an expert in any one of them. In humanities you learn about the intersections of different ideas and arts. My colleagues who also teach English may be more knowledgeable about certain fields in lit and poetry, but I like to think I can make it more interesting by connecting the same ideas to history, art, culture, etc.

Anyway, Chuck knows about a lot of different things. He’s read more sci fi books than anyone I’ve met, so if he slips on a Trek reference it’s not because he doesn’t know anything; it’s because he knows a lot.

Re: the Stargate rings - they don’t? I thought the Asgard could send down the “beam up” rings anywhere within range of their ships. What am I missing?

The Asgard could beam folks up, they just didn’t need rings. They had a transporter that worked like Star Trek, no ground support required.

The rings were what the Goa’ould (sp) used for beaming up and required a buried ring ‘sender’ device as far as I know. :slight_smile:

I was gonna post that but I couldn’t be sure since I haven’t played any board games with them. It seems like they’re playing mind games. It creates an arena of paranoia and mistrust, perfect psychological warfare.

My advice to all…Trust No One.

Team Thot --Save Solai Story-- PART TWO

Hearing his doorbell ring, William Shatner strode over to his door. Opening it, his mouth fell open, surprised to see a tall, aged but charismatic Vulcan at his door.

“Greetings, Mr. Shatner,” said Sarek “I am Sarek Vulcan…although no doubt you recognize me.”

“Mark? Mark Leonard, is that you? I thot your were dead?” said Shatner, puzzled.

“I am not Mark Lenard the actor. I am the real Sarek,” said Sarek.

“Oookay, what can do for you Mr. Sorek” said Shatner warily.

“It’s ‘Sarek’…with an ‘a’. Mr. Shatner I require your assistance,” said Sarek. “Solai of GWC has been kidnapped by the Canadian Klingon known as Juan of the House Drew and sent him be imprisoned for life on the desolated prison planet of Rura Penthe. And I need you to…”

“Oh my God!!! That’s terrible!! Solai has been captured!!” said Shatner in alarm “Yes, of course, Mr. Sarchek, I’ll do whatever I can, of course!!!”

“Yes…but….Forgive me, Mr. Shatner, I am surprised that you know who Solai is,” said Sarek.

“Of course I do!,” said Shatner taken aback “Solai is the GWC Producer. He’s been a moderator on the GWC for years. I’m only like one Frak party away from becoming an OG you know. By the way, Mr. Sarnek, do you know if 2010: The Year We Make Contact is on Neflix?”

“I don’t….Please, let’s not get distracted. I am….I am somewhat …puzzled that you are so aware of who Solai is, yet you can’t seem to remember that my name is Sarek,” said Sarek getting about as testy as his Vulcan demeanor would permit.

“What so strange about that?” replied Shatner.

“You starred in Star Trek TV show and in several Star Trek movies….never mind….let get back to what’s important here,” said Sarek.

“Geez, get a life will ya,” said Shatner under his breath.

“Kirk, …I mean, Mr. Shatner, I must have your thots. May I join your mind?”

“Of course, anything to help Solai”, said Shatner.

Sarek placed his hand on Shatner’s face, and closed his eyes in deep concentration beginning the Mind Meld “My mind to you Mind, My thots to your thots,” he whispered.
Time seemed to stop, but in the space of a few short minutes Sarek retrieved the information he needed, removed his hand from Shatner’s face and ended the meld.

“So,” said Shatner “I assume you retrieved important information from my mind about Uhura Pente?”

“It’s called Rura Penthe. But, No,” said Sarek “I retrieved important information from your mind about being a Canadian.”

------------------------------- PART THREE ---------------------------------------

From his high platform seat among the rows of Klingon High Council members, Juan zantai-Drew surveyed his fellow Councilors. He had an ill feeling about the pending arrival of Ambassador Sarek a few moments from now. What was Sarek up to? Certainly Juan’s enemies on the Council would use this as why to disrupt the growing influence of The House of Drew……

-----------------to be continued ---------------

Bravo! Bravo! I like that, very logical.

The cake is a lie. Fnord!

Alien - Chewbacca
Scientist - The Doctor
Warrior - River (Firefly)
Robot - Bender

The Doctor is a god.

Indeed, Time Lord doesn’t get much clearer. :wink:

If he’s not a god, he certainly has a godly implement. I refer, of course, to the sonic screwdriver.