Face your manga

faceyourmanga.com has a nice little avatar generator.

Via the GeekDads.



Dude, this is awesome.

Hmm. Black girl hair seems to be a noted absence there. Prolly 'cause it’s an Italian site.

This actually looks a lot like me…

This a great. I haven’t recieved the image yet. Did ya’ll get in emailed to you fairly quickly?
(to be fair it hasn’t been 30 minutes yet.)

The likeness is amazing.

You look like Danny Phantom.

He’s got more hair. I gave myself more hair in that avatar. dreaming

I thought this was like “Upload a photo and it mangaizes it”, this is far too much effort, yo

Wow. I love this one. I don’t know how accurate it is, but I’d feel comfortable looking for you at a meet-up based on that avatar.

That’s the skinny me. :smiley: You know, the one that lives inside fat me! I live in the midwest so I have a feeling my meetups are few and far between. :frowning:

Why am I so intrigued by the girls’ avatars?

Oh, right. Carry on.