Face your manga

I was thinking Sylar from Heroes.

Here’s mine.

Amen, sistah! Mine is the me I’d be if I shed the extra pounds.

A buddy at work calls me that. Since the new Trek film photos, I’m being called Spock also. Hence me pointed ears.

I’ve completed this twice, and it refuses to email me with my face !!:mad: And the damn thing looks just like me, too. I think I’m going to do it again and take a picture of my screen.
Is anyone else with Comcast having this problem?
The program’s fun, tho. Thanks Pike!

I’m on Comcast, I’ve had no problem… just take a screen shot, it’d be the same size and quality as waiting for an email.

I love these. we could have our own comic/cartoon. here’s the Gutter League lineup to date. I wonder what our superpowers would be?

Ah, the League of Extraordinary Geeks, the Super Best Friends of Gutter.

I have a creeping suspicion that if I were at a meet-up and all of you were there, I could probably identify every one of you accurately just by these cartoons.

WHAT?! They didn’t have a mountain-man-serial-killer beard?

My take on Chuck, Sean, and Audra…

Great job Spatterson65 !!

Ok, I realized I could use the ‘snipping tool’ on Vista and circumnavigate the whole email part…

Topgun requests admission !! I have brought cake for all!

That is awesome! Of the three, I think you truly nailed Sean (easy GR)

The generator has all the major languages except German. Frak.

Anyway, here’s ME:

GR you a super saiyan?

I couldn’t decide so I leave it up to youse guys:

something tells me the teeth will win…

right you are! your smile is one of your defining features, sweetie