Excalibur Frak Party

There’s a bunch of time passing.

That’s a bad edit. The Ureyens death spear.

talos, you just became an OG cubed

Ureyens’ teeth look pretty good for a guy on the road for the past 20 years.

Holy Frak! Congratulations on 3,000 man!!

Yeah, my pirated wireless is back!

It took me a while to recognize Lancelot too…

He was completely unfamiliar with the story. It was a huge gap in his knowledge of English history and literature…

Nicholas Clay was also Lady Chatterley’s Lover. If that’s an answer…


Old school Cylons :slight_smile:

Anyone who doesn’t have squires to help them take it off?

You’re lucky GR’s not here. :rolleyes:

Next week? Maybe I’ll remember that one…

Some people pay good money to see that. :smiley:

Impressive skill.

I’m not so sure how effective double-handed punches to the shoulders would be against someone in armor…

LOL again.

Fantasia had exposed breasts.

S’aright. I’ve been away from the computer today anyway…

Talos, Talos, Talos!!!

I love Lancelot as the crazy old man.

Only half-incest. That’s like cousins, practically. :smiley:

Thanx y’all.

Dah dah da-da dah da-da dah da-da dah… Gonna fly now!!!

The Jesus blood from the grail must be like raw eggs…

Let;s get ready to rumble!!!

King Arthur dressed as a cylon Centurion

Congrats, 'Talos!

Lots of mint-flavored twigs.

Diana looks hotter in the white dress…

Oh snap!! I never caught that before. The land changes and life returns. How did I miss that before?

okay, what is that piece of music?

something something Valkeries?

Did any one see the Dr. Who with Arthur/Nigel Terry in it?