Excalibur Frak Party

These searching scenes reminds me of ‘Doctor Zhivago’ for some reason. You know the scenes when they go to the froze house.

Speaking of Alia!! Alia’s spawn…Chucky!!

hey look!! it’s Twikki!

Oh gross! Bird picking eye out of socket!!! Yuk!

More odd Excalibur/SW trivia…

The creepy kid (Mordred) is the director’s son, Charlie Boorman, who was in the Long Way Round series with Ewan McGregor…

That one stuck with me when I was 9…

LOL. Buck Rogers—excellent campy sci fi.

Huh, I never new there was a 30 second time limit between posts… Goes to show I’m a frak party newbie…

choose wisely…

Yeah! I didn’t know that either until about a half hour ago!

What is the secret of the Grail???

What is your name???

What is your quest???

What is your favorite color???

Oh yeah. ROFL

yup, I’ve gotten that frakkin’ message many a time. very annoying in a frak party situation

Is this knight who is have all this pscydelic sh*t Percival?

What is your name?
What is your Quest?
What is your favorite color?



Blue. No! Green!! Ahhhhhhhhhh…

Ah, the original armor nipples… That’s where Joel Schumacker got them from…

Gold armor with nipples. That’s a bad sign I think.

People age pretty frakin fast in this movie, eh?

Bring out your dead!