
I’m not sure why this show resonated with me, but it did. Am I passionate about it in the same way as I am Firefly or BSG? Not at all. Do I find Eureka occasionally silly to the point of annoyance? Absolutely.

…and yet, I continue to enjoy it and look forward to new episodes. I think what I like most about it is its cleverness and sense of humor. It takes itself seriously about not taking itself seriously. When I compare this to other Sci-fi channel fare I wonder if the Eureka creators are not allowed to speak with the folks that brought us, “Magma”, “Mansquito” and “Boa vrs. Python”. What Eureka has is strong characters, good writing and the occasional special effect.

With the second season they have turned away from the overtly silly and have begun to focus on deeper character development.

So, am I alone on this one? The only Eureka fan in a sea of BSG?

I remember watching the pilot and being completely board by it. I don’t know why but I think at that point I was deep into the mysteries of BSG, lost and several other shows and couldnt really deal with new mysteries or characters.

Redhead Webcam

That totally makes sense Doc. You need to be in the right mindset for Eureka…watching it within close proximity to Battlestar could induce seizures due to contrast in subject matter and approach.

There are very few other SF shows I can connect with lately. The new prime-time shows are re-makes of old shows that really weren’t very good the first time around!

Eureka is original, smart, willing to make fun of itself, and sort of science oriented. I’m relieved to have one show that I do not have to make a commitment to. I don’t want to have to study up on the “canon”, and the “history” for every show. It’s a television show, not War and Peace.

I like Eureka. I think it’s rather charming. I was a bit disappointed when I realized the finale is next week.

If this wasn’t a BSG fanboard I would definitly not recommend BSG to you based on what you just said.



I have to admit I was one of the first to ridicule the idea of bringing back “Galactica”. My kid brother watched it (when it was on the very first time, not reruns), and I thought it was embarrassingly bad. The new BGS has exceeded my expectations, not that that was hard to do.

So far I’ve watched Journeyman and Chuck and I don’t think either one is going to last.

Clicker, I watched Chuck too and was not impressed. It was pretty predictable and the idea has been done too many times. The only part I liked about the show was Adam Baldwin from Firefly!

Eureka isn’t a bad show, but this season hasn’t been as good as last. The season finale was gripping and so far they have failed to keep that momentum going this season.

I was surprised that I like Eureka because it looked like it has all of the trademarks of bad Sci-Fi TV, bad science, plot holes that you could move the Galactica through and one note characters. OK, the science is poor, and there a lot of big plot holes, but the characters are much better then I expected and the writing is rather good for TV. Now I’m not going to drop everything to catch an episode like BSG, or stand in line for a week if they announce Serenity 2, but Eureka is a great show for Tuesday night.

I love Eureka. Its the kind of mindlessly fun show that we need on the SciFi Channel with all of its deep BSG and dreges like Flash Gordon.

I love the show!!!, can’t wait for Tuesday’s season Finale

My wife and I have been a fan of Eureka since the very beginning…

I love the concept of a city full of the smartest humans alive, and yet they need this moron sheriff to solve all their problems.

Eureka is closer to comedy then sci-fi though in my book, so I don’t take the “Science” of the show as seriously as I would BSG or a “real” sci-fi show.

The commercial during the last episode reminded me of the goodness of this show. Not quite time to be posting announcements that the third season is approaching (in July…what a missed opportunity to tie this to the mid-season break of Galactica) but thought I would give this old thread a nudge to see if any newer members have thoughts on the show.

Well Solai, I’ve been around for a while but I haven’t posted on this thread yet. :slight_smile: Hubby and I love Eureka and waiting for the new season is to some degree as painful as waiting for BSG’s new season to start. We love it - my favorite thing though is “Sara”, the smart house!

I love the concept of the “outsider” looking in, and becoming absorbed. Its not like BSG. You want the next episode mainly because its entertaining, not because every episode is a piece of the puzzle. I am awaiting the 4th (?) season.

Eureka’s S_A_R_A_H on twitter. Yes, that’s Sheriff Carter’s house. Follow her at @S_A_R_A_H


Oh, nice. Add that to the Twitter Thread, please. (I’m only up to the season one break, so I won’t be following for a bit yet.)

Bumping thread to raise Eureka awareness…set your recording devices…July 29, 9pm! Sheriff Carter is back baby!

Thanks didn’t know about that thread I will add!