I’m not sure why this show resonated with me, but it did. Am I passionate about it in the same way as I am Firefly or BSG? Not at all. Do I find Eureka occasionally silly to the point of annoyance? Absolutely.
…and yet, I continue to enjoy it and look forward to new episodes. I think what I like most about it is its cleverness and sense of humor. It takes itself seriously about not taking itself seriously. When I compare this to other Sci-fi channel fare I wonder if the Eureka creators are not allowed to speak with the folks that brought us, “Magma”, “Mansquito” and “Boa vrs. Python”. What Eureka has is strong characters, good writing and the occasional special effect.
With the second season they have turned away from the overtly silly and have begun to focus on deeper character development.
So, am I alone on this one? The only Eureka fan in a sea of BSG?