Eureka 4x20 One Giant Leap

Word, I love Garlic Bread-sticks and male them way too seldom.

Yep, Beverly Is also my prime suspect behind of the accelerated countdown and outside controlling of the mission systems. I wonder if they made it to Titan, but I guess they ended up at some other coordinates.

The brighter the situation looks, the crappier it’ll get.

If you throw out that many options, it is easy to find the right one! :smiley:

Well, I can see how she got the desire for some alone-time after she probably had to go through the most in the last few seasons.

Argh, you made me watch the sneak peak!!! But it was worth it. :smiley:

Is this how you spell Fauxbama?

At least that is how it was displayed on closed captions.