Monday, 19 September 2011
8 PM Eastern/Pacific
I’m here but I have to go pull the lasagne out of the oven!
Ooooh lasagna!
Hehe…Zane, can I use you?
And garlic breadsticks!
Can you use the ftl to send me a piece?
Sure! How about a second piece for lunch tomorrow?
Aw they’re so cute in their matching Mission Control outfits.
Of course the President shows up and there’re explosions.
Ummmmmm…did they just kill the president?
Here I was about to make a joke about “special guest” and then they turn it into an assassination attempt. GULP
Not a laser. A charged particle burst.
Ok, now I REALLY have to go get the lasagne out!
Considering the teaser had Carter yelling about black holes … unsurprising.
Aw Jo’s moving out… but it can’t be just that, can it.
the death ray! hehe
my rods do good!
(what’s going to go wrong…)
LOL Taggert’s truck is the new Carter’s Jeep!
I think it’s awesome Grace is the captain
Me too! I love Grace!
Senator Win, what are you hiding?