Dune...the Movie

Thought I’d chime in and put a thread out there on the Dune movie since Sean brought it up in the last podcast. Just to paraphrase, he deemed it one of if not the worst sci-fi major production of all time. I agree with the assessment, although not necessarily for all the reason(s) he, Chuck and Audra explored.

Sure, it’s the greatest dissappointment primarily because the source material is so spectacularly good. But for me it’s even more of an abomination because on paper it had SO much going for it – a fabulous cast (i.e. besides Sting, that included Patrick Stewart, Dean Stockwell, Max von Sydow, Brad Dourif, Sean Young, José Ferrer, Linda Hunt, Jürgen Prochnow and Virginia Madsen) a great SFX budget, and most importantly, an astoudingly talented director in David Lynch. Some of you may dislike DL, but no one can argue with his significance to the genre or to film in general. In fact, it could be argued that DL had a direct impact on BSG’s rebirth, since Twin Peaks was such a force in establishing that TV could be riveting, serialized, genre-based and profitable.

To wit, Dune had a lot going for it pre-production. So how could it go so horridly wrong so fast? Is it fundamentally an unfilmable novel? It’s not like the Sci-Fi Channel mini-series proved it was filmable. And for those who think Lynch was the problem since he could only do abstract and ironic, see The Straight Story, which is as unironic and concrete as they come.

Anyhow, thoughts appreciated.

I’ve never read the books, but I tried to watch the movie about a year ago and had to quit about 30 minutes in. It was just so absolutely confusing.

Then there is the HBO (?) miniseries. More faithful to bookline, but not great either …sigh

The mini series were on Sci-Fi back around the time of BSG mini series. I’ve watch both the movie and the first mini series. I liked things from both. But over all they were long and I felt like I was missing something. I haven’t read any of the books. I’m not a big book reader. I also don’t have must time to read books. I have tried books on cd or mp3. I just listened to Cylon Secret.

I think the Sci-Fi channel Miniseries version was very good, and didn’t get distracted by trying to film Frank H.'s political side discussions. They were alright when reading, but they are a show stopper in a movie and I think that’s what killed the first movie. They tried to put EVERYTHING in and then had to make cuts to keep it within 2 hours and wrecked the story that should have been.

I absolutely loved the Dune books. I think the problem with the David Lynch film was that it either assumed the viewer had read the books and understood all that was going on, or they felt that a lot of the details were unimportant. They were wrong on both counts.

Dune is so full of mythology and history, and each detail is as important as the next. I don’t think Dune lends itself to film, just because there is so much story to tell.

I have to say that I really enjoyed the SciFi mini-series because they paid more attention to the details, but even with that, there were still things a viewer might not understand unless he/she had read the book.


calling Peter Jackson…calling Peter Jackson…I wonder if he’s been approached ever, or has considered, a remake ??

I have to say that I actually saw the Sci-Fi series first. I remember thinking that the art direction was terrible, the sets were obviously sets, and some of the costumes were just plain wtfs… but I was really drawn into the mythology and politics. The ideas were there and they must have done a decent job in catching me with the story because I went out and bought all the books shortly after.

I now have to say that the Dune series are one of my all time favorite books. There is just so much there in the novels, so many layers, that can’t be captured on film. That said, the David Lynch movie had good production. I loved the designs, but it’s wayy off the mark… the Sci-fi mini-series does better with the story, but still doesn’t do it justice, but it holds a place for me as it was what first introduced me to the amazing universe that Frank Herbert created.

I’m really hoping that Chuck likes Dune. Because I love it.

I’m a huge Dune fan, to the point that I have even read Pinky & the Brain’s offshoots (Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson’s prequels-you love that one Chuck- and ending books). Over on the official Dune boards, one of the Herbert family posts on it and they said that a deal is close start a new movie. Apparently a very good director is a Dune freak and is extremely interested. I hope it happens, for if someone with Jacksons talent and passion for it could turn it into a wonderful thing.

With the Lynch movie, all I can say is Queen!!! any movie that has them doing the soundtrack already elevates it. I mean, look at Flash Gordan, well, ok, you got me there.

'Twasn’t Queen that did the soundtrack to the Lynch movie, 'twas Toto.

I read Dune for the first time back when there were only 2 Dune books. Thereafter right through Chapterhouse: Dune, after the release of a new Dune book I’d read the entire series to date before I’d read the new book. There is so much going on in the books that I’d like to have all the details fresh in my head before reading a new book in the series.

Chuck, If you like your sci-fi to have depth and the scope of epic, to be thoughtful and thought-provoking, and if you like people with really cool, all blue eyes, then Dune is the book for you. Oh, and Dune’s got worms, too.

The problem with Dune was simple…

They tried to put every aspect of the book into the movie, and it just didn’t fit. I also think they expected the viewer to have read the books already and have come into the movie with certain information.

Segments of the story that took hundreds of pages in the book to develop where done in 30 second inner voice monologues which, frankly, just got annoying…

The SCi-Fi mini series was better, but Dune really is experience that is best read, rather then watched.

This movie sucked worse than a vacumm cleaner falling into a black hole.

It actually turned me off to reading the books.

— Dismal the suck definer

I personally had a few problems with the movie version. The first was the Weirding way. In the movie it became sonic and what it really should have been was hand to hand combat. That was strike one.

Stike two came in the form of all the whispering. Super tight close ups of people whispering in not what I have in mind when I picture epic Sci-Fi. PULL THE CAMERA BACK and speak up!

Strike three was the pacing. Slow, slow slow, fast, fast, skip a bunch of crap, slow, fast, slow, slow. Not my cup of tea.

I will say that the overall effects were good and the sets were amazing. They really tried to create the world. I was just sad they couldn’t pack more of the correct story in it.

dude I can’t believe I totally forgot about that lame ass Weirding Way! I think I must have subconsciously choose to forget that. Thanks for bringing that crap back into my head. This movie sucked!

I remember the Guild Navigators were like scary Cronenberg-esque giant brains/crotches in fishtanks, but the Reverend Mother looked really cool. I liked all the costumes a lot, even though I totally don’t know how they thought the still suit would capture all your lost moisture with just a tiny tube to your nose…

Wow you guys really hate this movie. I like the longer directors cut but maybe my suspension of disbelief is off the charts in comparison to the rest of you. Maybe if I had read the books I would share the collective hatred but I never got around to them.

Alright, I gotta defend this one. The movie really wasn’t that bad -considering. After all the bashing I read and heard I watched it today and honestly, it wasn’t as bad as all of you make it out to be. So, the storyline was a little polluted, but still, to have a book that you read as a kid put on film, the images are still pretty cool. The soundtrack was right on and so WTF just enjoy the bits and pieces that make sense! I’d rather have a crummy image of Dune than none at all. Because when I re-read the damn book I hear the voice of Patrick Stewart as Gurney and dipshit Dean Stockwell as Wellington Yueh. Oh, and I’ll never get the image of Baron Harkonnen out of my head floating around in a spice supor with a freshly steamed Gordon Sumner watching. Watch the movie again and give it a chance, will ya!

…and don’t forget the Sci-Fi Dune and Children of Dune miniseries. I thought the former was pretty bad (although more true to the book), but Children of Dune was great.

This movie frankly scarred me for life…dude…I walked out of it !! Bad, Bad movie…!! Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!

really kinda hoping they do God Emperor - just wanna see Leto and his cart

Rumors of another Dune movie in the works on Ain’t It Cool:

…maybe third time’s the charm?