Dollhouse 1x07 Echoes

Wednsday 10PM EST.

Starting now…

That is some weak tea that was poured there.

“I might throw up… That’s a compliment.” :slight_smile:

Toffer does go on… :slight_smile:

“That’s what’s so exciting about drugs! Not that I’d know.” :smiley:

“NSA. Toffer.”


Well, That’s a interesting situation getting stuck on the bed like that. :slight_smile:

Not that I’d know. :smiley:

Poor Matt. Echo could have been the one. :frowning:

Plague of madness!


“Wow. Did not maintain control of THAT situation.” :slight_smile:

Are you saying Joss is recycling themes, or is Buffy wandering around the campus?

Twelve Monkeys? :eek:

Expect a Queller, is all I’m saying.

“What was beleiveable before?”

“You haven’t seen my drawer of inappropriate starches?” :smiley:

“Underneath. That’s the way in.”

It eats you, starting with your bottom.

I know we are joking about Glory, but this is a fun episode. The bit with the Music is terrific. :slight_smile:

“There are three flowers in a vase…” :eek:

“No, it not OK! I tried to burn you to death! Who does that?” :stuck_out_tongue: