Dollhouse 1x07 Echoes

Looks like THAT is bringing her out of the drug…

“I am your SUPIRIOR!”
“In Every way.”

It’s interesting that those computers don’t have screen savers…

Computers really haven’t needed them for quite some time now.

No, they don’t need them, but a lot of computers have sleep mode, especially ones with some need for security.

“Again, so sorry about the burning alive thing!” :slight_smile:

That little bit with DeWitt “meeting” Echo was just brilliant.

Mmm, Mehcad Brooks would make a great doll. :stuck_out_tongue:

The episodes being 50 minutes long instead of 45 is throwing me off a little. Only 10 minutes for the break. See you in 8.

They do seem longer. Did they add things since airing?

But we won’t see him again…

I know I said it before, but the actors that play Victor and Sierra are really good.

I couldn’t say. Maybe they were a little longer because Fox couldn’t sell enough comercials for the first season?