Doctor Who 6x07 A Good Man Goes To War

As a general rule, everyone eventually comes around to the idea that you’re either with the Doctor or against him.

And being against the Doctor always turns out badly. :eek:

“I speak baby”

“You have never risen higher.”

Crap. I’m dreading how the Doctor will fall.

I’m impressed with Matt Smith’s performance here. Barely contained rage. :eek:

“Hey what’s wrong?”

What was going on? I’m out of synch. :frowning:

Where are you in the episode? I don’t want to spoil anything.

The Doctor is talking to the Blue Man and the reptile woman about when baby Melody was conceived. Now we are flashing to River talking about the girl breaking out of her suit.

Headless monks zapping people, force field on Tardis.


“No offence to the others, but you let 'em all die first, eh?” :smiley:

“Centurion we need you.”


So how did the Doctor know where to look for Amy? I feel like I have missed something.

Sorry. To engrossed to type much except during commercials.

That’s what Rory was doing at the beginning of the episode. The Cybermen had information about everything going on in that sector of space.

The people at the beginning told Rory after their ships blew up?



Calling them “people” may be a bit generous. :rolleyes:

Oh shit. That wasn’t a real baby!

Nailed it…