Doctor Who 6x07 A Good Man Goes To War

“Stevie Wonder sang in 1814?”
“Yes, he did! But you must never tell him.” :smiley:

Neither of you has seen this one yet? You’re in for quite a ride. :rolleyes:

“A good man”? The one River kills?

“You can’t need me!!”


“What have you heard?”
“That you have pricked the side of a mighty beast, and you have completely failed to run.” :cool:

“I admire your courage, but I would prefer to admire it from a distance.” :smiley:

“Why would you need me? I’m old! I’m fat! I’m blue!” :smiley:

I have read a few “spoilers”, but I still wanted to see the episode. I’m having trouble keeping all these time lines straight.

Between the three of us, two of us are in the dark.

“He is not the devil.”


I’m surprised more people are not watching right now. Or maybe they’ve already seen it, haha!

Well, he might be a trickster. :rolleyes:



BBCA skipping a week couldn’t have helped.

The Papal Mainframe herself? Well, I didn’t vote for her. :stuck_out_tongue:

D’argo tongue!

“Don’t slump it’s bad for your spine.”

“We are not fools.”

Just like the church. Repeating something over and over doesn’t make it so. :rolleyes:

Isn’t the green lady from under earth? I thought she had it in for the Doctor for the lost of her sister.

“The doctor must think he’s winning.”

Some time has passed. For instance, we have no idea how she got back to 1888.

I know- how did he get all these enemies to help him out?

Flesh baby?