Doctor Who 6x05 The Rebel Flesh

Hmmm… Jennifer’s a 'ganger.

Anyone could be a 'ganger.

Here’s a thought: What would happen if one of the 'gangers got into one of the control harnesses?

Would it create a copy of a copy?

Next week is “The Almost People”. Probably a two-parter.

Could they have a plan?


“Are you a violent man.”

Probably. They did say it was learning to replicate itself.

Wait till the end.

“Rory! Rory! Always with the Rory!” :smiley:

That makes me nervous.

It Should Very Nervous.

“Help me, Rory. You’re my only hope.”


Doctor screw drivered the flesh.
“Trust me.”

That phrase comes back to haunt them.

“I walk barefoot now. Bare feet are cool.” :smiley:

Spoilers :slight_smile:

Actually, if you are watching on BBC America, “The Almost People” will be in two weeks. The next two episodes will be delayed a week in the United States due to Memorial Day.

The eyepatch lady pops up again! :eek:

Older female ganger head twisted.

Hmm. I guess I have some rescheduling to do. :slight_smile:

That makes no sense. TV doesn’t stop on Memorial Day, and what else are they going to show.

Bright side is there is gonna be a DW marathon.

They kind of remind me of the Autons. No wonder Rory empathizes.