Doctor Who 6x05 The Rebel Flesh

Saturday, 21 May 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific
on BBC America

anyone fancy frakking this at European pace?

Damn, wished i’d checked this before :frowning:

I’ve already seen this episode. Great ready for some wackiness.

They walk like they’re in The Wiz.

No BBC America here. Can I get notification of commercial breaks?

That’s unsettling. :eek:

“Not like anyone was hurt.”

Tell that to the acid melting body

Same here, gotta luv those inter tubes.:smiley:

“Solar tsunami”?

What’s wrong with calling it solar wind?

Yeah on it.

I’ve downloaded an Expat Shield on to my computer. When turned on it allows me to watch the show on BBC iPlayer. Very awesome!

CAuse this a’int no darn solar wind there.

“Something corrosive.”

That would be more impressive if the pipe wasn’t labeled “corrosive”. :rolleyes:

Faster wind?

“There are people coming. Well, almost.”
“Almost here?”
“Almost people.”:smiley:

Very Cool.:smiley:

Intriguing. I’ll need to check that out.

“you know which one”

“Only living things grow.”

Like crystals. And flames. :rolleyes: