Doctor Who 5x04 The Time of Angels


Saturday, 8 May 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific
on BBC America

Anyone here?

Hello Sweetie!

Cool start!

Awesome trick/escape for the future Mrs. Dr. Who!

Hi everyone!

Lessons from one of the Doctors. :slight_smile:

Hey Reg! Welcome to the Frak! =)

LOL. It’s not supposed to make that noise. YOU leave the brakes on.

Lessons from the best. Too bad you were busy that day.

They really changed the inside of the TARDIS.

Amy looks a bit jealous, no?

She is totally jealous. And he is not being honest with her about who his wife is.

That they did.

The Doctor’s look about the angles was great too.

I love River Song! She’s fabulous.

Don’t anyone blink.

I’ve liked the actress Alex Kingston ever since she was on ER and married Anthony Edwards.

I need some massive quantities of eye drops.

That was freaky. Coming out of the TV and all. Now it’s in her eye.