Doctor Who 5x04 The Time of Angels

The eye makeup she is using is not helping.

Prison? What?

First the eye, then her hand. Amy could be a gonner…

We have to see the end next week. :eek:

I’m 2 weeks ahead, you haven’t seen nuthin yet.;):smiley:

It looks good. I wonder if the Daleks come back into it too.

I really liked this episode

Scariest episode yet. My wife, who lives on a strict diet of Food Network and HGTV, loves watching Doctor Who with me. She had no idea about the Weeping Angels before, and they did their job to appropriately creep her out. The stories have been good ones so far, all wrapping up things nicely within themselves, but still contributing to the season’s arc.

I’m really liking this iteration of The Doctor as played by Matt Smith, and I’m especially enjoying Karen Gillan’s Amy Pond. She could be the best companion since Sarah Jane Smith. I know, high praise, but I think she has that potential.